Resolution 032-2002 RESOLUTION NO. 032 -200 2 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, TRANSMITTING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE REQUEST FILED BY THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT TO AMEND THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE A SMART GROWTH ELEMENT CONSISTING OF NEW GOAL 105 AND SUBSEQUENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing for the purposes of considering the transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, for review and comment, of a proposed amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan adding a Smart Growth Element consisting of Goal 105 and subsequent objectives and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners support the requested Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan amendment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission pursuant to the attached draft ordinance (marked as EXHIBIT 1) for adoption of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby transmit the proposed amendment as part of the first (151) set of Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2002 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of Sections 163.3184 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes; and Section 3. The Monroe County Staff is given authority to prepare and submit the required transmittal letter and supporting documents for the proposed amendment in accordance with the requirement of9J-ll.006 of the Florida Administrative Code; and Page 1 of2 12/17/01 Initials Section 4. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward copy of this resolution to the Director of Planning and Environmental Resources, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of January, 2002. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Nora Williams yes yt:>c::. yes yes yeR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROECOUNTJ LOroDA By: :;-r C) CI Z ,,? :.0 /~-.., ::: f~ r::; A ' n' r- 0". 5~:u~ ~' ~ :<~::c ...,:-<:;:>0 r- CJ J> P1 BY Page 2 of2 12/17/01 Initials ,......., <= <":";') ......., .." rrt co .." r- rTJ o .." C> ;0 ;0 rTJ ('"') a ;0 o N :x:a :x 1...0 N U1 ORDINANCE NO. -2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY ADDING GOAL 105 AND OBJECTIVES 105.1 THROUGH 105.3 TO ESTABLISH A SMART GROWTH MECHANISM TO DIRECT FUTURE GROWTH TO INFILL AREAS, EXPAND FUTURE LAND ACQUISITION AREAS, EXPAND AREAS APPROPRIATE FOR TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, AND MODIFY THE PERMIT ALLOCATION SYSTEM. WHEREAS, The Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan was enacted on January 4, 1996; and WHEREAS, Objective 101.11 of Monroe County Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan states: "Monroe County shall implement measures to direct growth away from environmentally sensitive land and towards established development areas served by existing public facilities [9J-5 .006(3)(b)4 and 7]"; and WHEREAS, Goal 102 of the Monroe County Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan states: "Monroe County shall direct future growth to lands which are intrinsically most suitable for development and shall encourage conservation and protection of environmentally sensitive lands. [9J-5.006(3)(a)]"; and WHEREAS, Objective 102.9 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan states: "By January 4, 1998, Monroe County shall complete and implement a cooperative land management program for private and county-owned lands located within and adjacent to parks and conservation lands which are owned by the state and federal governments in the Florida Keys. [9J-5.006(3)(b)4]"; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Department has recommended the addition of Goal 105 and Objectives 105.1 through 105.3 to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Development Review Committee on October 16, 200 I reviewed the proposed text and recommended approval of the proposed text; and WHEREAS, during regular meetings held on November 7, 2001, November 28, 2001, and December 12, 2001 the Monroe County Planning Commission conducted public hearings on the proposed text; and recommended approval of the proposed text; and Page 1 of9 Initials 02/01/02 WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners was presented with the following information, which by reference is hereby incorporated as part of the record of said hearing; 1. The staff report prepared on October 18, 2001 by K. Marlene Conaway, Director, Planning and Environmental Resources. 2. Proposed changes to Momoe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. 3. The sworn testimony of the Growth Management Staff. 4. Comments by the public; and WHEREAS, the Momoe County Board of County Commissioners examined the proposed amendments to the Momoe County Code submitted by the Momoe County Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the Momoe County Board of County Commissioners hereby supports the decision of the Momoe County Planning Commission and the staff of the Momoe County Planning Department; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Momoe County Board of County Commissioners that the following amendment to the County Code be approved, adopted and transmitted to the state land planning agency for approval; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. following: Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to include the GOAL 105 Momoe County shall undertake a comprehensive land acquisition program and smart growth initiatives in conjunction with its Livable CommuniKeys Program in a manner that recognizes the finite capacity for new development in the Florida Keys by providing economic and housing opportunities for residents without compromising the biodiversity of the natural environment and the continued ability of the natural and made-made systems to sustain livable communities in the Florida Keys for future generations. Objective 105.1 Momoe County shall implement smart growth initiatives in conjunction with its Livable CommuniKeys and Land Acquisition Programs which promote innovative and flexible development processes to preserve the natural environment, maintain and enhance the community character and quality of life, Page 2 of9 Initials 02/01/02 redevelop blighted commercial and residential areas, remove barriers to design concepts, reduce sprawl, and direct future growth to appropriate intill areas. Policy 105.1.1 Monroe County shall create an economic development framework for a sustainable visitor-based economy, not dependent on growth in the absolute numbers of tourists, that respects the unique character and outdoor recreational opportunities available in the Florida Keys. Policy 105.1.2 Monroe County shall prepare design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys. Policy 105.1.3 Monroe County shall prepare development standards and amend the Land Development Regulations to limit non-residential allocations for new floor space on anyone site to foster the retention and redevelopment of small businesses on the US # 1. Policy 105.1.4 Monroe County shall prepare redevelopment standards and amend the Land Development Regulations to address the large number of non- conforming commercial structures that are non-compliant as to on-site parking, construction and shoreline setbacks, storm water management, landscaping and buffers. By identifying the existing character and constraints of the different island communities, regulations can be adopted that provide incentives for redevelopment and permit the continuance of businesses while moving towards an integrated streetscape. Policy 105.1.5 Monroe County shall prepare amendments to this Plan and its Land Development Regulations that comprehensively revise the existing residential permit allocation system to direct the preponderance of future residential development to areas designated as an overlay on the zoning map(s) as Intill (Tier III) in accordance with Policy 105.2.2. Policy 105.1.6 Monroe County shall prepare amendments to this Plan and its Land Development Regulations that comprehensively revise the existing non- residential permit allocation system in a manner that implements Policies 105.2.1 and 105.2.15 and is consistent with and furthers this Plan. Page 3 of9 Initials 02/01/02 Objective 105.2 Monroe County shall implement with assistance of the state and federal governments a 20-year Land Acquisition Program to: 1) secure for conservation and passive recreation purposes remaining privately-owned environmentally sensitive lands; 2) retire development rights on privately-owned vacant lands to limit further sprawl and equitably balance the rights of property owners with the long-term sustainability of the Keys man-made and natural systems; and, 3) secure and retain lands suitable for affordable housing. This objective recognizes the finite limits of the carrying capacity of the natural and man-made systems in the Florida Keys to continually accommodate further development and the need for the significant expansion of the public acquisition of vacant developable lands and development rights to equitably balance the rights and expectations of property owners. Policy 105.2.1 Monroe County shall designate all lands outside of mainland Monroe County into three general categories for purposes of its Land Acquisition Program and smart growth initiatives. These three categories are: Natural Area (Tier 1); Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area (Tier II); and Infill Area (Tier III). 1. Natural Area (Tier I): Any defined geographic area where all or a significant portion of the land area is characterized as environmentally sensitive by the policies of this Plan and applicable habitat conservation plan, is to be designated as a Natural Area. New development on vacant land is to be severely restricted and privately owned vacant lands are to be acquired or development rights retired for resource conservation and passive recreation purposes. However, this does not preclude provisions of infrastructure for existing development. Within the Natural Area designation are typically found lands within the acquisition boundaries of federal and state resource conservation and park areas, including isolated platted subdivisions; and privately-owned vacant lands with sensitive environmental features outside these acquisition areas. 2. Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area (Tier II): Any defined geographic area, where scattered groups and fragments of environmentally sensitive lands, as defined by this Plan, may be found and where existing platted subdivisions are not predominately developed, not served by complete infrastructure facilities, or not within close proximity to established commercial areas, is to be designated as a Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area. New development is to be discouraged and privately owned vacant lands acquired or development rights retired to reduce sprawl, ensure that the Keys carrying capacity is not exceeded, and Page 4 of9 Initials 02/01/02 02/01/02 prevent further encroachment on sensitive natural resources. Within a Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area are typically found: scattered small non-residential development and platted subdivisions with less than 50 percent of the lots developed; incomplete infrastructure in terms of paved roads, potable water, or electricity; and scattered clusters of environmentally sensitive lands, some of which are within or in close proximity to existing platted subdivisions. 3. Infill Area (Tier III): Any defined geographic area, where a significant portion of land area is not characterized as environmentally sensitive as defined by this Plan, where existing platted subdivisions are substantially developed, served by complete infrastructure facilities, and within close proximity to established commercial areas, or where a concentration of non- residential uses exists, is to be designated as an Infill Area. New development and redevelopment are to be highly encouraged. Within an Infill Area are typically found: platted subdivisions with 50 percent or more developed lots situated in areas with few sensitive environmental features; full range of available public infrastructure in terms of paved roads, potable water, and electricity; and concentrations of commercial and other non- residential uses within close proximity. In some Infill Areas, a mix of non-residential and high-density residential uses (generally 8 units or more per acre) may also be found that form a Community Center. Policy 105.2.2 Monroe County shall prepare an overlay map(s) designating geographic areas of the County as one of the three Tiers in accordance with the guidance in Policy 105.2.1, which shall be incorporated as an overlay on the zoning map( s) with supporting text amendments in the Land Development Regulations. These maps are to be used to guide the Land Acquisition Program and the smart growth initiatives in conjunction with the Livable CommuniKeys Program (Policy 101.20.1). Policy 105.2.3 The priority for acquisition of lands and development rights under the County's Land Acquisition Program shall be as follows: Tier I (Natural Area)-first priority; Tier II (Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area)- second priority; and Tier III (Infill Area)- third priority, except acquisition ofland for affordable housing shall also be a first priority. These acquisition priorities shall be applied consistent with the Policy 105.2.10 that directs the focus of the County's acquisition efforts to the acquisition or retirement of development rights of privately owned vacant platted Page 5 of9 Initials 02/01/02 subdivision lots within Tiers I and II. Federal, State and local funding will be used for purchasing privately owned vacant lands for Tier II. Policy 105.2.4 Monroe County shall prepare a specific data base tied to its Geographic Information System, containing information needed to implement, monitor, and evaluate its Land Acquisition Program, smart growth initiatives, and Livable CommuniKeys Program. Policy 105.2.5 Monroe County shall, in coordination with federal and state agencies, implement a land acquisition program to acquire all remaining privately- owned vacant lands within areas designated as a Natural Area (Tier I). Policy 105.2.6 Monroe County shall implement a land acquisition program to acquire most privately owned vacant private lands within areas designated as a Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area (Tier II). Policy 105.2.7 Monroe County shall implement a limited land acquisition program to acquire privately owned vacant lands with sensitive environmental features for conservation purposes and scarified properties for affordable housing within areas designated as an Infill Area (Tier III). Policy 105.2.8 The preferred method for acquisition of environmentally sensitive privately owned vacant non-platted lands shall be fee simple purchase, donation, or dedication or the retirement of development rights through transfer of development rights or similar mechanisms. Policy 105.2.9 The preferred method for acquisition of vacant platted lots shall be fee simple purchase, donation, or dedication or the retirement of development rights thorough transfer of development rights or similar mechanisms; however, wherever appropriate, platted lots may be purchased in partnership with adjoining property owner(s) subject to a conservation easement that may allow limited accessory residential uses. Policy 105.2.10 In terms of effort, Monroe County shall primarily focus its Land Acquisition Program on the acquisition or retirement of development rights of vacant privately-owned platted lots within Tier I and Tier II and the acquisition of scarified and disturbed lands for affordable housing within Tier III. This policy recognizes the critical need for the County to aggressively address the imbalance between development expectations of Page 6 of9 Initials 02/01/02 private property owners and the finite carrying capacity of the natural and man-made systems in the Florida Keys. Policy 105.2.11 Monroe County shall petition the federal and state governments to aggressively pursue the acquisition of all remaining privately-owned vacant lands within their park and conservation acquisition boundaries and to expand existing acquisition boundaries to include other lands in close proximity with similar environmentally sensitive features. Policy 105.2.12 With respect to the relief granted pursuant to Policy 106.1 (Administrative Relief) or Policy 101.18.5 (Beneficial Use), a purchase offer shall be the preferred form of relief for any land within Tier I and Tier II, or any land within Tier III having conservation value in accordance with the criteria in Policy 101.6.5. Policy 105.2.13 In implementing this Land Acquisition Program, Monroe County is only committed or financially obligated to the extent that local, state, and federal funds are available. Policy 105.2.14 Monroe County shall identify and secure possible local sources to yield a steady source of funds and secure increased funding from state and federal, and/or private sources for the Land Acquisition Program and the management and restoration of acquired resource conservation lands. With the uncertainty concerning the County's ability to successfully secure sufficient funding from state and federal governments for their fair share of the financial support for the Land Acquisition Program and the demands placed on the County's limited financial resources to address wastewater and other critical issues, it is recognized that the Land Acquisition Program may extend well beyond 20 years. Policy 105.2.15 Where appropriate, as part of the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Process, Community Centers shall be designated within areas designated as Tier III (Jnfill Area). A Community Center is characterized as a defined geographic area with a mix of retail, personal service, office and tourist and residential uses (generally of greater than 8 units per acre). Community Centers shall be designated as receiving areas for transfer of development rights and shall receive special incentives in the non- residential permit allocation system, Page 7 of9 Initials Objective 105.3 Monroe County shall implement its 20- Year Land Acquisition Program and smart growth initiatives in conjunction with its Livable CommuniKeys Program and shall make appropriate amendments to this Plan and the Land Development Regulations including, but not necessarily limited to the residential and non- residential permit allocation systems. Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such validity. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Planning Department to the Department of Community Affairs to determine the consistency of this ordinance with the Florida Statutes. Section 5. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administrative Commission approving the ordinance. (The rest of this page has been left blank intentionally) Page 8 of9 Initials 02/01/02 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the day of , A.D., 2001. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner Nora Williams BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY KOHLAGE, CLERK DEPUTY CLERK BY Page 9 of9 Initials