Resolution 036-2002 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 036 -2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE ALLIANCE FOR AGING FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 FOR THE COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, The Alliance for Aging has announced the FY 7/02-6/03 funding cycle of the Community Care for the Elderly Grant Program; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2001, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners agreed to service as the coordinating unit of government in the preparation of the grant proposals and in the distribution of funds allocated to Monroe County in the amount yet to be determined with a minimum match of 10% cash match requirement, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to sign and submit the application packet and cash match form for the Fiscal Year 7/1/02-6/30/03 grant funds to the Alliance for Aging; and that 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED b~ the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 13' day of February 2002. Mayor Charles McCoy Mayor ProTem Spehar Commissioner Nelson Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Williams y~. YQ~ absent yes yes ~ By ISSIONERS Q 0"\ 0;:: ...::r- e 6 ~ oc:( (.) <:1 -.J L&J - ~ u.. 0;:: ~ ::l::: r-: >= <oq' -.1 (..) 0;:: <::> .1- e lJ) ~~ Cl:: :2: -.:::::> LL. 'uo ,".J ,(..) (::) ~ >-~ 4J ':C: -.J t.u -J ;;:::(..)~ - r..., 0<;( :2: LL. c::::, <::> <::> ~ 2: SA: -1-1 IA SERVICE PROVIDER SUMMARY INFORMATION PAGE ,-,',' "C n .~::' (., Ni\L Cl..Ei\t\.. oJ ~ p..". ORIGINAL SUBMISSIONXK REVISION t. PROVIDER INFORMATION: Executive Director: (Name/Address/Phone} Louis LaTorre, Senior Director 2. GOVERNING BOARD CHAIR: (Name/Address/Phone} Mayor Charles 530 Whitehead Key West FL 305-292-3430 McCoy Street, 33040 102 Legal NSlJ'Tle of A.,enc~ Monroe County County Commissioners Mailing ~te$s'. Board of Name of Grantee Agency: GATO Building 1100 Simonton Key West FL 3. ADVISORY COUNCIL CHAIR: (if applicable) (Name/Address/Phone} Street 33040 Telephone Number: [J 305 - 2 92 - 4 572 .TYPE OF AGENCY/ORGANIZATION: S. PROPOSED FUNDING PERIOD: 7 / 1 / 0 ? n/10/01 NOT FOR PROFIT: _ PRIVATE X-KPUBl,.IC A. New Applicant B. Continuation XX PRIVATE FOR PROFIT l. FUNDS REQUESTED: [ J OAA Title IIlB xXI ADI [ J OAA Title IIlC X~ CCE [1 OAA Title lifE HCE [J OAA Title IIfF X EHEAEP [ ] ELDERLY MEALS X\tl HCBS [ ] LSP t'l USDA CONTRACTED SERVICES ( J OTHER (SPECIFY) SERVICE AREA: fX Single County Ml'"lnrl'"l'::> [ ] Multi county: List: Selected Communities of a County. Specify: ADDRESS FOR PAYMENT OF CHECKS ITEM #: CERTIFICATION BY AUTHORIZED AGENCY OFFICER: Finance Dept 500 Whitehead st. hereby certify that the contents of this document are true, accurate and complete statements. I acknowledge that intentional misrepresentation or dSlficatlon may result In the termination of financial assistance. ame. Trlm,::>~ R(")~prts Slgnatur: J~7:Qo .Cw tie: County Administrator Date: d. /ljJoJ I I January 2002 IV.B. MATCH COMMITMENT OF CASH DONATION Agency Name: i ' ~ Ct"E/ , -\ .,~ ':, -"cO Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County In Home Services Program Donor Identification: Name: Monroe County Board of County Commiss~oners Street: GATO Building - 1100 Simonton Street City: Key West State: FL Zip: 33040 Phone: 305-292-4572 Authorized Representative: Charles McCoy Mayor Monroe County Board of County Commissione s Total Amount $ 1 4.1 . 000 . 00 . - . # Payments 1 ? Amount/Payment $ Pro Rated Contribution Period 7/1/02 thru 6/30/03 Special Conditions: Donor Certification: I hereby certify intent to make the cash donation set forth above for use in the specified program during the program's upcoming funding period. This cash is not included as match for any other State or Federally assisted program 0 ract and is not borne by the federal government directly under any federal grant co ract. Signature of Donor or Representative: Date: .:2/ /3 /O:J. Mayor f I Charles McCoy January 2002 t~tI; IV-1 APPENDIX IV Statement of No Involvement I, ~hrlrl~!=: M("'rny f p.orr Mrlynr , as an authorized representative of Monroe Count v Board 0 f ct y Camm:i s s . certify that no member of this firm nor any person having interest in this firm has been awarded a contract by the Alliance for Aging, Inc., on a noncompetitive basis to: (1) develop this Request for Proposals; (2) perform a feasibility study concerning the scope of work contained in this RFP; or (3) develop a program similar to what is contained in this RFP. Signature of Authorized Representative Charles McCoy, BOCC Mayor ~/I:3JOd- , I Date Alliance for Aging, Inc. Area Agency on Agingfor Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties 111-1 !I'-.l;, \;;:lb,", APPENDIX III Contract Terms and Conditions Statement In the event Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/MonFoe County In Home Ser(lQ~mSSf Agency) should be awarded a contract for the provision of services based on this Request for Proposals for Community Care for the Elderly Program, Monroe County Board of County commissioners/Monroe, County In Home Services (Name of Agency) agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the model contract, master agreement and their respective attachments, including the billing and payment process. Signature of Authorize epresentative Charles McCoy, BOCC Mayor d-/; :;/0;2- I I Date Alliance for Aging, Inc. Area Agency on Aging for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties