Resolution 084-2002 Commissioner Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 084 -2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A PORTION OF SHRIMP ROAD AS A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEREAS, in 1992, Monroe County purchased property on Stock Island to establish a public park; and WHEREAS, said Park was dedicated in perpetuity as a park under the funding requirements for the Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program and the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program ; and WHEREAS, Bernstein Park was developed on the site in or about 1995; and WHEREAS, in 1995, the County obtained 238 feet of Shrimp Road intersecting with 5th Avenue; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 256-1995 accepted a corrective quit claim deed from Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc. regarding said road and undertook improvement and maintenance of said roadbed for the use of the citizens of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the road is tantamount to a public facility by virtue of its furnishing further ingress and egress to areas remote from the Park but is also a primary access to the Park, even beyond the 238 feet which was previously acquired; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that a portion of Old Shrimp Road was constructed on property owned by Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc., and possibly the State of Florida which was not covered by the access easement previously granted to adjacent property owners; and WHEREAS, there is a mediated settlement and Court Order whereby the existing access easement was conveyed to Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc., in return for Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc., deeding the property under the existing Shrimp Road to the public; and WHEREAS, there is an existing lawsuit against the County regarding impacts which the park has had on Shrimp Road both the portion presently owned by the County and portions owned by Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc.; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: All of Shrimp Road as may be quit claimed to the County by the appropriate underlying fee owner(s) shall be accepted as a public right-of-way upon the meeting of the following conditions: A) i) receipt of a quit claim deed from Safe Harbor Enterprises, Inc. or its affiliated corporation as may be the record owner of fee simple title to property underlying the constructed road; and ii) the dismissal of the 16th Circuit Court Case No. 95-379-CA-18. B) If it is determined that the State of Florida or one of its subdivisions or agencies, or any other entity owns any of the fee simple title for any portion of Shrimp Road, this acceptance becomes effective as to such portiones) only upon receipt of a quit claim deed or an easement and dedication to the public from the owner(s) of record. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of February, 2002. Mayor Charles McCoy r':~:::;Gc;~~~.tor Pro Tem Dixie Spehar ~;30'!'~~:~~~~ssioner Murray Nelson ~S,:' ~.........:.\'...~~--i3 ~)ffi. i...~...:~.,.,..ioner George Neugent l6'l~:0: &. ~i~oner Nora Williams t~ f$!f,"~' ,,-, i., ;' y ~~~~:~~~};/.':(,t' \~,~~~: ~::;_l:;>: ~~~.:c~.../ Y LKotHAGE, Clerk ~ (CL:'" ~ ~ ...._~ ~-, B Deputy Clerk yes yes ~hQPn"" yes yes BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA By () /J 4~/Chairperson jdresShrimpRoad r-...) 3.: = "'TJ <::) C! = :z: ;to. r-...) r ::On::ie': ""Tl ,." O,Z ,.." c::J f"T1:x ...'. CXl (T 1--. N "'TJ Cl C'") . 0'\ 0 c::-~ ::0 z:::o-- . c " :::0 -In' :<,....:z: ::J:: ,.." . l> .e- n ..... C) C) r ", )> :::0 W 0 FIFTH uJ")nlO'( AVENUE .U.ClC'... .., :j :r , " I !' '-=:.r:-OG ~ :>l ,.., ':l UCAl IXSCRIPTION; " uocl of IOftd oncl ~cl Iond. ot 51ocll' 1.lotIf. UON'H Co",III)', rlo"GO Oftd ,""" fftOl'. po"'ic",~ _MriM4 .. fotlo..: ComITIel\Cltot 01 U". 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Plol Book O/h . o..tll..cl frt.: =:9",::;' tleyoliotl loB, - LOw &eo"" Ftocl.- Jtodlol "',. .. '"....'-' COIIC.- CQN:l'eto I.P. - ltoIl p.. I... . troll lor II - IoHlino ,... _ CoMrote 1Ioc'- C.B.s.- Cotle,ot. Ilocll $\weco coy'd." eovo,.o . P.l. _ Point of IIlI.,.ectlOll .d. . Wood R .. Rodiul ~ : ~J~(~t,ot O"t") ..ft\.- wot.. \Acll' ~.:~= . _ Cone'o'o Ul~"", P0\4 fJ. Wood ",llit)' POt. ";'p. '111= :;"''.:.01' .'.'111._ nr. 'III" .....'111.. WoIltoriftq W... o _ wa,,,, Wo\C' ..... wot., Volvo 0(. _ DMtI1C t,lorlhol. at... Etectric Utlit.,. vo",n 0....101.. Worl..... . ~i:: ~Wote, CaICh Iolift froN.- .".,..rt I.P.I.- IocIlllo. p,..,.ntlon Vol.,. P.v.C.- potyvlllyl PIp' . ..,.P._ R."llorC.d CotlC'.,. 11'" .. . rOt'o Hyd'O"' . . Lot'" 0-''9" G ONE: 't~ A S"'~"f ....... 01-30-2002 04:20PM FROM [Bernstein Law Office] TO 9-13052923516 P.01 . i . i . The Bernstein LaW offiCe, P.~ 69 Merrick Way · S\lite 201 : Coral Gables, Florida 33134 .. . Telephone: <3(5) 445-8500 Fax: <3(5) +43-6074 Ma;grit Stolz Bernstein Roger. M. Bemstein ! : i I' I ; I I January 30J 2002 , . i , i . ! I Please reply to: Post 0f6ce ~ 144235 Coral Gables, PI. 33114;4235 Ms. Suzanne A. Hutton Assistant County Attorney . County of Monroe P. O. Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33041-1026 I Via Fax (305) 292-3516 ! . ! I . r . i Re: i I Dedication of ShrimD Road. Stock Island I I I Dear Ms. Hutton: , I Confirming our conversation today, you wilf prepJ~ a Resolution for the · County Commission. accepting the dedication of Shrimp Rd~d from Safe Harbor .. I , Enterprises, In~. contingent upon (i) receipt of a Quit Claim Deed to the County from the : transferor, and (ii) Stipulation of Dismissal of the lawsuit againS~ the County brought by : Robbie Reckwerdt. i . 1 . I will have the Quit Claim Deed prepared on behalf/af Safe Harbor. I. need from you th~ exact legal description of Shrimp Road as is now loca,ted. Please review that with the County Engineer, David Koppel, PE, and provide me wi": the metes and bound .. deSCription. i i . I ask that this transaction be concluded within two w~~ks. As you know, Mr. Reckwerdt has been more than patient on this matter. i I ffi :n~~-d::- I . Rog r M. Bernstein . I ! ! .... lfB11?Cl f8i ifir ,-j'C< , :~ la~~ Ii, ,/; (' )~~ JAN S 0 ZOO? : RMB/opa cc: Robbie Reckwerdt (Via Fax 305-294-0963) James T. Hendrick (Via Fax 305-296-4331) . i .,,",,- ~. -.----.---...