B. Commission Organization BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Dale: June 21. 2006 - Marathon Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes -X...... No _ Department: DISTRICT FIVE StaffContacl Person: DoDna Hanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Elected Official Bond for Commil.ioner Glenn Patton. ITEM BACKGROUND: Tit;' i. a condition of qualification for office a. outlined by the State of Florida. Tile tenll of the boRd will end on November 6. 2006. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: 550.00 BUDGETED: Yes -X...... No_ COST TO COUNTY: S.50.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: ieneral fund REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes_ No x AMOUNT PER MONTH Year - - APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMBlPurcbasing --2L- Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: {'")~_G~~ COMMISSIONER GLENN PA nON DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #k- State of Florida Secretary of State Dh'ision of EJections 500 South Bronaugh Street, Room 316 Tallahassee. Florida 32399-0150 Public Official Bond County of ~l""roo BondJ\:o. 3-712-090 K~OW A J.J. ME~ BY THESE PRESE~TS. That we. GIOllll Pm()l1 iQ(lliWi..;S,;II:/!/ as Prin.;ipal. and Tho.: Ohio Casllaln: Insur:.mcl.: COJOparw as Surety. are bound unto the Goyemor of the State of FI()rida. and h15 ,ucce>sor> in oflice. in the sum of S ~.OOO.O(J nollars. \w hereby bmd ourschcs and each of our heirs. cxecutor~. administrators. successors ami assigns. jointly and severally. THE CO~D1TIO~ 01' THIS OBLIGATIO)\; IS SCCH. That. whereas. said [)flieial was elected 0 appoioted .0 Counl\' CmnmisslOnor District 5 __ to hold this omc~ ',\'1111f'ofo.m,rJ l<lra lcrm beginning M~,/ I q, ~^"'''' and ending N t.l ve"'....r: (", ),,,,.,{,, and until his ber succe>sor.s quahlied according to the (onsutution and Laws of the State of Florida. ;-';O\\", THEREFORE.lflhc official shall faithfully pertonn th~ duties ofh,s her "llice os proyidcd by law. this obl1gallon is mid. X C\~~.. '-;LL .~~~ :Siglllmtr,' -~"~~i:t i..,l, Signed ami ScakJ this ~ Y ib. daY()f.~. 136 );orth Third Stroot. lIam,i;"n. Ohio 4,O~5 20010 (-I,J./rl',d of,tln/II :')1,I","i' ("Oll;pt:ny, R~gan Insurance AgCI"JC)' Ine '-,\fll1l1: C;(I.V(;l! H",lidi':g ("(;mprl/l,;' 90144 O\'~rs~Js High\\3\'. Ta\'erniu. F1330jO \SF.~11 I, lddns.'i lJ.' LO-Cal jlMltli':g nJ.'!lptlYl.'.! B, X ~U/nda. .6'-1"),hJOa-- I Si~:l:!url' ..II I i..\"f'i~.:,1 R~".:cnr .'\gCr.l: .. .;So..-i,,: S~'..:(...~'n \U:llh.:r-nf Lh.'l':l.'~~ R.:s,dC'lt -\Jt~r.',: Brenda fl. \tonroc' - A18:!::'43 " r~ po: :\.1:1:110.:' <'" J,l':-"~SC K.i:j':d~:ll '\.er~'r.U Tn!.: J':JI.J\e i:;: ;.~ppro\"cd this dJ.yor , ~IJ Signatllr~: . Aprro\'cd hy: :';!(J/:;;/ ,i(j( ._~ (,i-tJ! ,"It is umer;;tood that the Surety is not. lia'>l" for En>' acts of omission or commission prior to ~y 24th, 2005. Ih,m,mb,,,,,mp.nKSOC Ohio Casualty Group OHIO CUUALTt GIGIa' 1)"':5\) S~"'urJ Rltatl. filinidd. O!u,"\ ~SIH":' ww'\.\ I)C;~_":I~Ol IlO\f) "L.\Il~LR; OISCLOSl:RE ~OTlCE OF TERRORISM I1'iSCRA:\'CE COVERAGE ..~ftC'r the September 11, 200: ~ollapse of tIle \\~orld Trade Center. !iiom~ insurance and rcinsuran.:e cOnlpani~!; exduded ~on~r:lge for It>Trorist en;-nts from their policles. The economy \\"as affected. to the c.'lent that 51:' billion dollars of lIew con.'ilrul:tion \\a~ ciln~ellcd or dc\ayed. .-\s an economic aid. the Federal Government has cna"tt'd the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act uf 20'01. As pan of the act. \\c are rcqu\fcd to nl>ti r~ you that ~ubj('c' to the.: terms and conditions as stated in your applicable hand forms. co\"erag.c for lusses sustained by aCts of terrorism is already inclllded ill yom current bond. Effecthe :'\o\-emb("r :!6. 2002. under ~our existing. bond. tosses cau5cd by ecrlified acts of I errorism as defined 11'1 th.:: T errurism Ihc;k Insurance Act of 2001 would be panlall~ reimbursed by (he Federal Go\.emm~nt under a formula ('SlabHsht:d by federJ,l law. Loder this formula. the fedl'Tal GO\.ernm~nt pa) 9DI~(o of co..ercd terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily cSlabli5h~d dcduo:tiblc: paid by the insurance company I'ro\-id;ng the coverage. l"nd~r the current bond. that portion of ~ our premium th.at is anributnble tl.1 co' eT::lgc for acts of terrorism is Sl!. We strongly ur,g:e you to i.:Qnt3ct :t)ur lndepcndem 'insurance agent if ~Oll h:,.I\e any qucstiotls regarding this rtlJttcr, 'P72~~Ol03 Pagel of 1 (TlfflnU) COpy 01' Po\\ER OF ,\ TTOR'\EY TIll: 01110 C....SL\L T\ I SSlR...'iCr <;O\lP...:,,\, WEST A~lrRIc'\~ .....SrR...."CE C()~IP....'" '0.)8-5:")' Know All Men by These P....ents: "Inat nn: OtHn C'\L'__,r.TY I'St"RX\cr CO.\lJ'.-\""\", an 01li.' Ct1rJ".'ralloTl. ;mJ \\ I'ST -''-'fRIC.\.'''.; 1'."1 :R:\ 'CT co\tr.-\'s'\' _ ,m lndianlt ('()tpOr;nit'R. I1Ur!>llant 1l11hL autlwril~ ~ran(,,'d ...~ ;\ni1:k liL "io~~lil\n \jo 0f \h.: ("",,,,,= ,.f R~gull.nit1Tl;. and H~.La\\:l tlfThc Oni., ('.t.;:J3lt\ 11l"un'I1":~ ("t1mJ1;:m~ <loti W.....l .\m..:ri\:lU't llhurnfic(' C\.\mpmy. J(l hcu~- th'll)io.:l1l:, LI!Il"itilUtc .and app\lint H.oh..rt E. Kf'~U Of Knnda R. \lonrUC' n( T.,t'rnicr. noridll i1,,1rue and lawful a~Cflt h) an" .:ml.lo,,-"y l:if~ill-tih:t 1,) mak.:-. "::\\."'(111,-". .;..:~ll1J\d iJ(li\~:r ff'r and ~lll its ~halfa... ;,urel>. and a) it:; ac( and J<<d 1ft!} ami all GHSIlS. l''\;I)FRT..\KI'(i~. ;.Ind R(C(){;:"12...\SOS mIl eX~l.lcJin~ in an~ ...inglc iTl~tan..:~ O'E "n.un' tlli> OOf,r..\RS. c\;:)udini. 1:(1\\ r;:'er. 3n~ N'nuhl nr umknakinghl ~1.l3.ranteC"j~ lhc payment M n;.'\C~ and 'r.t~r>:..\ tl1err;:.'fl __\nd d\e <"\l,;';Il(;\lIl \\f )Il.:h l>t1l'ld.. lIT llnJ.crtaldi1!:1-) ~II jlur~u:.II~':~ ,11' (he:.1." r-fc,.;rU~_ :il1ilU ho: OlS /,illding up.m :ia:jJ C{)mpam~..._ d:' tully <Ind ampl) tll aU imC'l1t:i ;snd rUrpl15;.>,. a-.. ~1' lh..-~ h:ld been .Iul:o t''';e...:t1l~J anu a..:knt1\\kJl,?'cd b'\' lh..: fr;:g.lI\arl~ d~clC'd i'ltljc~.,. I'''l~ ('ll1llpanj~S aI thl."ir ,lIll1lilli:mati\l: ,~t't)..:~~ ill rairtic1d_ Olti~', in l~'ir 1'\\rJ "n"p~r pl:r':'l'nj. fht: flHllll1rH:O ~rat'tcd h..:r"::Llnd.:r "ulll."h.:JI.:.. any 'JIrc\ ious a~lIlh~rit~ h...>ret,'[(\r~' ~r.lflTC'd Ih~. al'll1\'~ n:ntlcd a1t~'m....~ (~t.in.t'm:t. In \\T"'\LS\ \\"H~'Rr:Of. mi: undl:t-"jgn~J (\t)lca ~lfnh.' :;aid He- Ohk' Cali.Llmt~ In,urau,,;.; (\'IInpany lllld '\est rl"mpan~ ha... h....r..:ull1l''l :;wslrib"d hb II.11l1C mad atllwd lhe C{'Irp,'rate Seal olf .:-a;;tl (tlmrany thi... 18th da~ IIf 'Ia,., J.O~o ~ #~ ,(!'" .....,.>. 'f __ . ',,:~ ij ...- \1)' e~ !'oJ:.\L. l' \-.., .' . . .) '(, '/ /' ----' ..\r:l~ri.:ltflln'iwan.:\: .J<>- 4~-<,,<- 'lam J.1I\\ren..:r:_ :h:<:iSl,'UJ1 Sl:crcta~ STAT1:'Of Oint). (.'OL"TY 01 lU:TU;R On rhi:; 18th liay .,1' 'Ia~-. lOO~ bl.:t~m: lhe $ut-,.;,:ri\'l.:r. ;1 '.lt~- I'uhli<: ~1{ tho..: \(3(;.' ~If Ohi,)" jf) ..m&! I~'r the ('l1unty 01 Rutl....r. ,jui~ ,:,'mmis:<.k'"t..-d, and qualili..-:d. ;':iIJ1'l( SaIllI.II"rn~f~ .\obi.....t SeerrtllT\ ,.rTlIF OH[O C\St'.\lry r"'it H:.-\~n.:: CO\tPA~'''' aod WI.:ST :\\1Ut,ICA"S' I:\SI-RN"';lT ('O\IPS"'. 11' ttll." pcr~l'tlally 1,".)\..(1 t.l k.: lh~ mdi\iLJunl and l,m~':1 J':1<.:ribed in..itJd "h.Il."_\C~lIIt..d Ihc pI~ceJing in:muTt\t..-nt. anJ h~ ad.n\\\\lC'd~.:d the ~xe;;\Itl()n "t"lhe S-lIn\C_ .1nJ ~iRg b~- m.' dul)' s\....m ,kpll)':!'>. and S:;lY, that 11< i~ the {I(tk..-r ,..f me C l1Jk}J)llfli.:~ ar,)re~aid. and that tile Sl::ll:> aflh:<<i to [he prct(din~ instrum.:nt al(' (hI: {\1rpmill~ ~al) N' .S-3id (\\mranilh. and th~ j~iJ CM(Jtlratc: \~al.~ omJ bi~ signatut~ a~ llI1i.:t..'!' w...'TO': dul~ :lffi'\;cJ and subscribed III"~ iiailf m..rrllment h~ (h\,- .1Ulm.lril~ and din.',,:1i,'n \.'Ithc- ~niJ CI'rp"t"~(i\!f1~_ '\;()(itr}" Public in anJ. r~lr CQUT1l~ ,'f Buth:r. ~latc ~~f I '1Iil\ "t.y Cllmmissll\R .:~pirC's AUgll!'lt 6. ~007. rhi; l'v"(':' ,1]' iJl1I1m~.: is ~rJ.n[cd Und1.T and by Ilutlttlf;ty (If. \";';1< JJI. Se;;rj~ln ,) tlf the l'1\J... \'}f Rc:~uhllions and R)"1.4\\'S 1'1' lb..... 0l1ii..1 Ca..malt) hhurante Ctlmpany and WC'~t :\mcri.:an InslIfu1\ce C,,'nlran~ _ ":'W'itLl!i tit1m ,~bj,h r..:aJ.: .-\rti.:lc (It S~i:ti,'n q. 1PtkI;rnn~nt of -\lhlTq.:Y~-lll-fa::t. rhc Chairman 1'1' th( Uo.>a'd, ,b&:: rn.--:.idcnt. :my \'i":l,".J'r~~iu..:'nL rh< .l;)c:~rC'lJl)o VI Jn~- Assistant Sr;:l.;rct~ ""1h~ &.:~lr(tllrat'c...'n ,hajj ,,~ an~ is h~n=b~ "c:sl~d \\ ith full fJl)\\~r and alJ'hNilY \11 app,)inl llltOrR(ys-lll-fx{ t~lr III.; pUI[tO:K,o ..,- signing the ruun.,; Ilf the ..Orpilf,ui'lf1 :1) ~u,.~ty hl. iJnLt la' cs~\.:utc_ alta-.:h lhe ~!:al ,-Irlhe \:11f'P(\,ati"tl to.>o iKl..nl'lw{~dgl.: and d~IL\.:r a.n~- and all b\1nds. n;..-l)~nj....an;;~~_ ;qi"ulillil)I1~. unJ~rtllling:i l'f ~}(hc, in.'ilTum..-m~ 01 sI.U";I:-~hip ilIld p''''lidr;:s of i1l"'"fan\:.: It) b-.: gh-"11 in fa"'l.\r ufany inJhidu31_ linn. cMtJomtivn. pattncTship. ii.mil-.:d liahility l:l\II1I'any l,\f \Ilh.:r ~mit)_ 11J Ill&.' l\fJi;;li.d r,;-p1~cm.J(i\'( tha:r.,;uL ,11 t,l an~ c\.\um~ Ilr ~tal.:. tIt aoy 1.)l1idal b..:\arJ ,If hoards llf an~- count~ m state. 1\' tho: I !1ilo.:d S.tall:~ ",I' _-\tn"rica ,.r any lt~..:n..:y thtrr;:...'t 111' [,1 any .'th.:r pllUticOll subdi,-j...it'" lb.;h:tll Tlli.... 1r.~ruI1lCn\ is ;i:;.nt,;J and sc:akll as aulhl'ti7.~d by the 'illJll\ll.iJlf! rei<'llIlillR aduph:d h) (tlr;: Ill)lU'ds ll( L)il\:ctl"ll!i llf lho.: C,'mpiJnil.;" tln (.k;h\hct ~ J _ 200..t RF:SOI.\ '-'0. lhm tilt.: ...i~11arUTL" l't' an~ ~.m~er Ilf the c.\mpan) authClfi....t:J IIndr;:r .-\l1lclc Ill. ~.:cti()n l} I." iu (',~~ Ill' Rl."gulifli\m1\ and fl:o-Janj ami ili", (,'mJllln:o ~~." r:ta~ oc afth~d h~ ra.::iimik h'\ any Jkw.tr ,}f 1l.1(,'f[~Y tIT l:"~' thef\:ll(i~sU(d tm hcha(f ll'lilC ('l'Impw1~ fi.'} mai.:.:_ C."~Ctltt', ~t.'aJ .11lJ Jclha IL'J AmJ. on its h~hiltr <b )lIr\."t~ :un' .,nd ;Ill h..'oos. Ulh.k.-n;;tkil1.!;~ or ,llhc' \\lilt..:n ubl1gati.~..,~ in {h~ nllllU( lhcrcl'f: 10 pn:sttil1.: (heir I\.~pccbn; duli...;oo and tl1.= r'::!i.p~';(I\'e Limits \.\fth.::it .l'Lllht.'ril) _ :1n.; 1,\ r.:\ t~lo.l.." an:- ~Il.:h aJlJl"inttn.:nt_ ~1I\:h signKl.u,~~ .lno :'-<.'111 31e hero.:b~ ,1dl\pc..:d h~ dt~ c.lfJtpan~ as l}(igj1lal sj~ll;Jlur~S and ~~al and .,lulll. \\lth rcStlt..:1 h.! an} ho.)nJ_ .,In....I..:rUL.ing ;Jr "'~r \\lin':II11N.iem;,'ni in tho: I1;sl.UlC lh.:rCtlfl,' ,.hi..-h il is :l!l:l.:~d. ~ lalid.and hillding uJJ\ln Ih..: CllmJIHn~ with the .-am...' ti,r.::.:: and ....ll~~1 35 lhl.lu~h ;nali'o1Ul1~ a(tix;:d n,RTlfllXlJ-. L t~ untkr:i.l~"..:.l \!>50btan[ S.:,rctm:: lit The Ohi,~ CllSUlllt~ Iniumn.:.: l\'mpan~ a.nd \\ ..:..[ .\mcrkan lclsura:nce (' mJ1ran~. Jll h....,eby o.:.:rtit~ \nllll Ill..: 1'-'\fo;:gning p~''',;, I'l' ltUI'mcy_ I!,.... n:t;:fl."n":l:U l\)-1..a,,~ l,rdll.~ C..I!'1'J1<Ulio;:s Inll.l the ahll\~ rfS,,\Juli~m M'dl<1r RI'arm ;..l( Dirc>:l(11S lJJ~ true iU1d ':11I1l'\:t .;"piC:i. and <Ire ill julll~'rc.: i:lnd dlCct ,'n lhi~ dato;. I~ \\TT'ESS \\ IIFRE01;. I lIs\ ~ h....rcunl(.. Set m~ hall~ and lh.: SI:.IJ.. l~" tJw ClJIJpani...:s lbi, _ ':t~ /0""."'% ~ fol'" .. ~~~\ (f': -'~~i\ 1,4 ';J \L i' I.. "[.\1 t- . '.. .!' l:i ~: " Ji ~ 'j '(-~ ' ~/ day." _'-''(Yl~ _ ~OO<o $'~ / /bI .\~~i!'llJ.r.t ~e<.:n:tar~