C. County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMAIlY * SPECIAL MEETING * Meeting Date: 61912006 - KW Division: CoUD(y AttOl'lll!Y Bulk Item: Yes _ No ...1!X.- Department: County Attorney StaffContaa Person: llJl7JInn" A. Hutton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to scbeduIe 8Dd lIdverti!e In Attomey-Clieot CloJed Session of the Board of County Commissioners in the IDIItter of r.nll_ Bqy va. Monroe COII1fIy V. SfnI#I oJ F/orida.CAK-02-595, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, Monroe Cormty. Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND: This matt<< involves a t*kinglo claim filed ..pnAt the County in 2002 by Galleon Bay Corporation. The County abo sued the State u a Third Party Defend'lnt to the action. The trail in this cause CODlD1CIICed Monday, Iune S, 2006 before the Honorable Richard G. Payne, Monroe County CiraJit Court. Per F. S. 286.011(8), the subject of the -." sbaII be confined to aett1ement negotiations or stratesY SMIIions related to litigation expenditures. Prmm at the -." will be the Cnmmiaioners, the County .Admin;lItrator, the County Attorney, .Assistant County Attorney Bob Shitmv and Robert H. Freilich, Esq. aIld Derek: V. Howard, Esq., the County's COUIISCl in this litigation, aIld a certified court reporter. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACRON: N1A CONTRACI'/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N1A STAJI'F RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval to scbedule 8Dd advertise a Closed Session for Iune 21,2006. TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF Il'VNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No xx AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Arty -zMBlPurcbasing~' .~- DIVISION DIRECI'OR APPROVAL:- *b A ~CO ITODmY DOCUMENTATION: Included _ Not Required X DISPOSmON: AGENDA ITEM HL RDYiIed 2/05