D. County Attorney ** SPECIAL MEETING ** BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: J"-9 2006 -1:30P.M. -KW Division: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes .lQL No I>eparttnent: Counly Attorney Staff Contact Person: S"""""" A. Hutton County AttorDllY AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and possible action by the Board of County Commissioners concerning windstorm insurance isaues. ITEM BACKGROUND: In response to the overwhelmins outc:Jy of the citizens of Monroe County, FL due to astronomical rate increases following the put bunicane season, the Board bas taken a pro--adive role in lobbying and advocating on bebaIf of the citizens ofMomoe County regarding windstorm insurance issues. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACDON: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A TOTAL COST: DlI BUDGETED: Yes _ No_ COST TO COUNTY: DlA SOURCE OF FUNDS:..nlI REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No....1m.. AMOUNT PER MONTH...DlI. Year JJlA APPROVED BY: County Atty ...D-~MBIPurcbasing~. Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: - -f' - A. ,COUNTY ATTORNEY DOCUMENTATION: Included _ NotRequired ..x DISPOSmON: AGENDA ITEM #"'h Revisecl2/0S