Resolution 235-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 235 -2006 A RESOLUTION TO REFUND THE APPLICATION SUBMISSION FEES OF $18,055.00, TO THE CRAIG COMPANY FOR A PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT. WHEREAS, on February 22, 2006, the Craig Company submitted on behalf of their client, SeaGlass, an application for a rezoning and project development for a property at Mile Marker 70; and WHEREAS, the project application with documentation was taken in and the submission fees of $18,055.00 were deposited; and WHEREAS, staff proceeded with the project by doing the initial research for the request however it was determined the project as presented would not comply with the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, upon hearing from the Planning department that the project as presented was not viable, the Craig Comp,my requested the refund on behalf of his client so the project could be brought into compliance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Upon completion of the initial review of the project, Staff informed the applicant the project would need to be redone. The applicant requested a full refund of the submission fees. Staff feels that due to the research done on the projel~t that 10% of the submission fees should be retained to cover the cost of the time spent by Staff to research the project, with 90% of the submission to be refunded to the applicant in the amount of $16,250.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida held on the 21 st day of June, 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie M. Spear Commissioner Glenn Patton Commissioner George Nugent Commissioner David Rice Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ..... :J: CD ..., 0 0 CD ;:= l> .... % c.... ::0(")% ITl Board of Co Commissioners c:: 0 or"" .- of Monroe C , Florida fTl:x-< N ""TJ (") . r en 0 C) ("). :;0 C,-A By: z?o .." :::0 --I C") r"- X ,." -<-1::t: N n - . :P- o ..... ~> .. :::0 r fTl N 0 l> s:- ~?f~1