Resolution 053-2000 OMB Schedule Item Number 11 Resolution No. 053 - 2000 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 286-1999 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 286-1999 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds, contains erroneous information, and now, therefore, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following item in Resolution Number 286-1999: Fund #125 - Government Type Grants Cost Center # 04546 - FEMA Hurricane Georges-Public Assistance- County Garage Revenue: 125-04546-331500-49ESPWI0 125-04546-334500-49ESPWI0 125-04546-381001-49ESPWI0 FEMAGrant Economic Environment State Grant Economic Environment County Match $ 7,608.00 1,268.00 1,268.00 Total Revenue $10,144.00 Appropriations: 125-5250-04546-530490-49ESPWI0-560620 Capital-Buildings $10,144.00 Total Appropriations: $10,144.00 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Fund #504-Fleet Management Services Cost Center # 04553 - FEMA Hurricane Georges - Public Assistance - County Garage Revenue: 504-04553-331500-49ESPWI0 504-04553-334500-49ESPWI0 FEMAGrant Economic Environment State Grant Economic Environment $ 7,608.00 1,268.00 Total Revenue $ 8,876.00 Appropriations: 504-5490-04553-530490-49ESPWI0-560620 Capital-Buildings $ 8,876.00 Total Appropriations: ''lot'' $ 8,876.00 Ii '~.f.lNnQo 30~NOW BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY ~~~;Jthat the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to mc&e>fthJ ft~Y~ changes, as set forth above. 'Sle; fir e- WIrI nn PASSED AND ADOPTED by the ,6oard of COUrif)7~issioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on4!tD~9'fnflpr' 2000, A.D. FY99-amend49ESPWlO 2/3/2000 Page 1 Mayor Freeman yes Mayor ProTem Neugent yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Williams yes Commissioner Reich yes / . \ \ ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: ~ N~OE C~-fJ:::: Mayorh BY r"IA.TFE FY99-amend49ESPWIO 2/1/2000 Page 2 Resolution No. OMB Schedule Item Number 286 -1999 WHEREAs, it is Decessary fur the Board of County Cmmniniouers of Monroe County, Florio inc=se items to account fur 1IIWlIicipated funds in the Monroe County Budget fur the FISCIII Year 1 now therefore, A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE REClW"t OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDs BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERs OF MONROE com . FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the Monroe County Budget fur the Fiscal Year 1999 be 3D< same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund #125 - Govenunent Type Grants Cost Center # 04546 - FEMA Huni.....e Georges - Pubtie Auistauee _ COllllty Garage Revenue: 12S-04S46-331S00-49ESPWI0 125-o4S46-334S00-49ESPWI0 W-04S46-381001-49ESPWI0 FEMAGrant Economic Environment State Grant Economic Environment <;'ounty Match $ 7,608.00 1,268.00 1,268.00 Total Revenue Appropriations: , 12S-S2S0-o4S46-S30490-49ESPWID-56fJ620 i $10,144.00 Capital':BaildlDgs . $10,144.00 $10,144.00 Total Appropriations: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clc:dc of said BoanI, upon =cipt of tI: above Wl8nticipated fimds, is bereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set fon above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissiouas of Monroe County, Florida, at . n:gu/ar meeting of s.ilid Board held OR the 21st day of July, AD 19990 I Mayor Harvey , Yp!R. Mayor ProTem Freeman ves Commissioner Neugent yes I ColDn1issioner Willia'llS yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COlJNTy COMMISSIONERs . ~~~~O~~~,~~~ I By: Mayor/Chaimuui ~ \D ~ ~ \D :U("')::: 211 o r-<!: - <= t'?l =-:-< c;, n. r- - 0("'). Q) C:::O~ z. 0 :!! -tnr- _ :<:-i~ ..". > ~ r- .:) _ ~ t'?l 0 ..., - r- ", Q .." o ::0 ::0 ", ('") o :0 o 49ESPW06 7/6/99 Page J