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Item C5
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA iTEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 7f;>4JO(~ - Special Meeling DIVISiON: COUNTY}\DI>irINiSTRATOR BULK ITEM: YEB DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PERSON: Pelf)! Horton AGENDA ITEi~~v;;;bRP1NG !~pprctvii!o(arld alJthofizatjenforlhe~Aay,)' to eXflCtJte-iJ-FederiifA\;;"tion Administrate!," Grant lor the ivlarat!'ion P,lrport to wMtJilit;ate (ova to hurricane damage) RW InS Lighting, T!1cHrnnal BuilOinsand Fem::ln j'T-EM BAcJ,ciR6i)i\jii" ProjeGts-i;iir-tii;;flinctect--i-;y--ii-;i3-r'AA and-Tn'$'u'r';;'nce' FTRE\fr60s~jaEv)\r'JT 8oi'5CA6l'i6i\f: Approyal ;r~12;rgiir;i:,'(;(;;;i('<ict w'f1endffi;r;C3TisiiJif CONTR:i\cfiA6REEMENT CHANGES:....i~ew Gr..1rrt--.......................-.-......-.........-................. .........m..mm.._.~_~.""...................... STAFF RECOM~,{lENDATION: Appmvai TOTl>,L C:'OST; Gri:!ntAmount SHHS/lOO.DU BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: NOM COST TO PFC; None COST 1'0 COUNTY: Non.J SOURCE OF FUNDS: fAf:<. & InsurancE! REVENUE PRQDUCING: niB AMOUNT PER MONTH iYEAR: ,t>~PPRGVED B'Y', County Attorney: X OMBiPWGflilStl1g :x: Risk. M8rlagernent X AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAL '-^'^'f""---"'<'j'"^" '~^"f [ '~~~ ~ ~'l'UN' . M_~_ _-"'_...................1................__ Peter J_ Horton DOCUMENTATiON: lndudf.K~ )( Not Required AGENDA ITEM 11 _~.._.:.~..._ DISPOSiTiON: lbev AO MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS!ONERS CONTnACT SUMMAHY Gont~act #- Ccntra;.::t' ':!v;tn, f~::d!3raj ,p(vbt;on Admlnistr8tk)n Effective [):,(e: Expkation.Date: Execuh,m Open Cot1liac;t PnrpU\,M;!l)iJ$uipl!Oi): r A,A, Or,,"nt for the Marathon Airport, to rehcltfllitar.e (dlle to hlllTic;:ma damag$) R\,N l/25 Ughtir:9, TrJnrdnd~ 8uildlng ~.:ndFr;ncjng GC1nt($~t r.Aanag::::r: 8eVl~lte 1\,1oore (m~me) :ff. ~:.,195 {Ext.) Airports ... Stop if. 5 (Oepartrnen1/ Stop) i fCl'8C~C"C: f":1i~~{:)fir:n Qq- : . " ......'.' . ..n."", '~~j ,'.. ............-...........................--..--.-...-............... ...:?2~~!:~~.~~!~.~~i..C~~.L~,X /24/06 .. ......../~~f~I~.~~?~..!?~:~9J!E:.~~.... CONTRACT COSTS Tntal DoHar \la~:.Je: of Contn"::lct $889,000.00 B(ldgetB<:i/Yes Otant: "y",?,,~; f lv\ County fV!RtCr1, insurance Current Year Portion: "'. S50,OOO,OO Accoun1 (:od€s: Pending grant approval .,4j)r.:nnO[\$AL COSTS EstilTlatt=Jd Onqoing COS1S; n/d {n::H: jnc:r.i~j<::~j it': do::;:::' '.l3iUB HIXi"'<;l~ ............................................ .......,. __ <.........nu.'eoy'" For: , _..,~.._w~~.,.,.__.._~..~._f$..:..!E!.~~,~!a~::~~i.,~(ljiil?!:0.~!2:t()ri<~j< .~3!~~i.f~~.:!~:J CONTRACT RE\/IEVV D",te in Ctmnges ~)eeded Yes No Hev~e\-v$r Dale Out .Airports DirfJcto( -~~Vf9./~ _JJlJ~~i Uc , exl J':~\),FtI /';"p. Peter lftQitnn .::]," hkll i~' , ,,'.,......{~~. .,~ ., (. 'rgr. .js~~rt/fanr:~lr:.m~~t}t.../: ;~{jJl!~(~:'.,,)2i:(,,;~.iL_. f Ceunty Attorney n "<" Aw ~f 1":-:-'<<1 tjt:.~ O.hf1.B./Purcht~$ing ,,~;:._I:?{u~2;~ '. .. , .~. ~':'.;'-r .:2.,1 ~i/l/.[!fi Risk fJlanagf}rnent ).1 >,~ ','" ..' r r ..(',.~: {}C~, -,~...~'"=. County Attornfry' "1 ,')(};/'(<1 ( i p.., /.k k ...,m..................... ~ ) Co"")' ..' ~7'1 ~:;J! (l~~ ,'..... . ......,..... .......w ,."._.. C{;H~trl~_:;'nts; .'"_.w_._._~_~v.._._.____.~..~._'"___.~..._._.......... ---~"'''-'_..".._.".~...._------------~--- ~_._~'~~_.....w,_",......__"'___"._,..__..""____",.,,"',..,,....._..,"'.~..,...".""~."...._._.,,_.,,_._______~~___ ....................m........"'.........,....._.....,,""'__~._._, '!\ . .~~ GNLANT AGREEMENT v S. ~,\'J;:;;;<q:~0_:'U .'-<' Adfl~:'~1i~.:{.ri';_~<:":P:' O.{Jt;~ ::.;{Oj1i~(: .j B3't .~ .,t., :HWt f;rrt~N::::,t N~.:r{;b,~{: R~;c_lpj$rl::' A~rp-t;rr. J..12 .iX~4..:l,fj:'i~;~2:~H:~l M~~rit6f.~:<.~<~,m~)<' };k:~~~'d {'!f Co~oJ~~~'Y (~:t,:mm~$t~i<>n9~; ~HH'bn ;~:'-i !H0 :':~:;: Vl:::';d,~ ~w~l~~::~nl<i,: OFFEN: THf: rf;D~{~A::" Av:tfrlON A(JM1N~SrRATjOM. QfFEn$: ANt) AORf;];)S t(,:' p~:y. :::~l~b;: l:n;Md fUN ANP ON l'lf:J1AU (iF ,HE' uNirfD STATES. KERtRY ~~"~:$~~<f.' :;i'i.a~i~ {Wj~h;(Jr Hj!';)'h'~:t::;.: :~'O$h~ :',::::: ,..:'; ::'; ;;'::...;::: :')inl):;:::::. :<;":9:iW ~;f ~hB fki"; ....::-:.:;i::;" /(:<,::<: ~-;'; 'h.1'{i:::~'.~::'::::? J-,~,'!' ;pq(<, ::::\,\'f;:/2~) Hl:::*~q~: HJ'l<jif:.g ;::n1 ,~.~' Fi..... ~~. ..,..; ;:~~~-!h{:) :;-; fr;~~: :::;~,~~)d .) .i:~:;; !';;:.2f\Ji3 Tl:c~} f': :.~i :dtf\t:,:': -:'nt;Ur'1::iM~:l~J:~H~< Ph'.;;.<::':%:: ur":,j:;::i" tr::S<.:JtiB:' 3:';8'1: i;<:' $,:{f(n.nQO fm $:;t0~~ft: d<N~lq):-nH~~t '(:-:;0 pn;~<)i,!}k,,":~ ,'){-'fJt:(l :19. Ui'd:;<.;:({.s~W:i:H '\'~'::~i ;:',tf.:~::' ~:::: n):~,j:::: in ~.:U::a, ~~i::::' ..-::: '8:~}'i ami (:X h<:: "',.:n::c,;.:.:;,. . .. ~\::d~;. ?"::~lr;;,)n ::~~;~~i}<i Ttiz: :'~:) ; q~ ,i~. US.C '::'..,CCi'i)!::;:,r:G; ~l:":Zj ;;}X~;':~;; 1,,:;,> ,. ,::~ D(!:');:~;~<:jl.:c~) ;q:,h:::!'11 (;(:'nipn:-;;~; ~'~ G;r~:nt t:,~h~, ,y t1~'E:UM:ii~::.~ .:,;,; .snti thf ~~: ::::<~:'" ~,-~;-" UN: 'n~~u ~3', i"::. rt:z~; OF...;,fi!}: ?t:G/< i : ' :'. ,.~;, ::t)N S9E~)iAL CDNornONJ::1. $*tc' _:~\tM~::h::H$-i~t A At>C'E0YtsS1C!f:. :;;:j g'::} , l,!::f;-'iS ;tf;:c.\' c~W~i~;:)~:;> eont~::;n:;'l::~h8fi';{:; :),::;<::/;?<r:.~:;){ F'rG,)t<JI'D C:;ra'nw" ~~;~t;:d M;;:',~i"; .,{I. "~':<': '.~::".:::,;n::,n' ~ ':) 0.X";;';:.it:;'~:::', ~'~':;;;:~ 'u, :~\:' . rK;'Y';(< l ;!:{~ ;'.S!~~:.}~:t, o~ -~)n<;i':~:()(~; CE~RrlP:g;?,Tr or $PGN.:;{)R\S.AlTt}~t-l$3Y o::ic~m~ a:~ . '. :;J /; ir:~ ;::'pm;':"n ~';-;$: 1:-:' :"1 ~}-!}<i:~{ :r:,~} n':t: ~::~m:::' ::./ n~;,.id::::. f",.K1t"'Sf. ~:.::::>~:;: ,::;x,~~:'}::":(~j i':",,~ :3rB;.n~ G::~~nt }\(~\'::{l~~;'(;;\';d (P..d~~;' ;~\':" b,',#:::, cd ar~eth6~::~~}n~t ~~!<~n ny ~~:'~;,,-,~ ~;n::~::}(:i <,'#Ki :s.~::'<(;d~,$'f,(tc/ff~(~ji}; :'$::::':::j$~2(;tii.{j;.<}'~ ;:;'~, -(;" .. <;:/!,:j ~,;:::,.j t{:.>.<~.ttt, a;:-.t<::':-":-w,',<~;,~. -~";:;:;~'~< ,::Y'E:}k, -;';:;.~tl':Gl:~r;~~d ;:.:~}d tho:;! ti':*.' u::,:';;;:;",:~:{:(nt:':{:(;i;:(i :;:.Vd Stdtf:: :;::T:d';' ;t1:;;4:;'? l). ~~ G .". ?~;:;1 ciH r~}::.'f:,e~~t~ j;,.:i' ar:{J P(GPB:' f:."";;,umf:~'; ;ir:Jr,iJl." -q pq~~:ct~,t0n~ ci~.,:'ritld tf~m Wm pm<;(U1t tuj~ p,t:fOfITh';i6::;t by ;;:;'.>l',.~t;E.:b-* 1~' i~}'1Hi ~~{l::j binrHfl;.1 ;:m~j;,WH(l:} r:':,Y~:e~.:'. i}} it :-:~:}",'/ :~(:-:xr{~~l f'}}:tf; PROJECT NO.: 3.12...0044-023.2006 DATE OF GRANT OFFER: July 14, 200$ ATTACHMENT A: SPECIAL CONDITION For purposes of computing the United States' share Of the allowable project oosts of this project, the allowable cost of the terminal building development included in this project shaH not exceed forty-$!X lill'ld one-haft rll'lfCent 146.5 %\ of the actual cost of the entire buildina. o r~m! A~iet{CO Admin~st(.t:.Iflon O:!.amj{; }\h)"){x~~ ,fJi'!;.t:,k:t Ome:;; 695G ri*:.:;3h!tl~ N;~t:Dl~;S( Or .5:;itt: .Sf);) Or:~~ndc, Fl. a28;:?2,N)24 Pt;'.)Tl;~~ 4ti"?[j ~2>!~:}3) u.~:, C:~~~~".::Ifin'lHn:- Cf :-{,-::;n~{)~))1~;t:<;")n July 14, 200~; Me Peter Hn11.on D~rector of ,~lrp()rts 349'{ S. Ro~.)se'le!t Blvd. Key VVest FL :3:~fj40 Oear rv'r H(jr~Gn: RE: The Flcxida K'3YS Marsthon A.irport Mz,ratho[l. 1'lori(j<l AlP 3, 12.0044.023..;2Ci()6 FDOT PFLs 4932\ 4939 and .;i929 Gr8nt OHer WB are enclc,sing the origin",1 and two ccpi<3s of @ Grant Ol'fer for AlP ProJect No, 3-12-(J!)44- 023-2006 for The Florid;'; Keys Mar.~lhon AirpOlt. in response to your ,A.pplioahon for Federal Assistan.;;," (jated June 14. 2006. Your ilco,"ptan<xl of this Olf.,r wiH (~onstitute a Gr",ni l\greernent by which tr~egO\l~){nHH.7nt win partiCipate in the aHowabiecosts of the projl~ct amounting to $fl$H.OOO (Federai shan") Pleas€ rfj\lle)W the Special Condition c(;ntalned in the <3f'arttOffer, and if you have an::{ qUf3s.tions W0 'NiH b~ gh3<l to discuss thern witf~ you, Once thet auihof1zed official has executed the A.gret::rnen1and the Clffick.ll's sign-tlture has been l'otar;.z,l::(~ ;j:ndseaiedh~t.arnped~ Hif.l attornfJY fOf1he Monroe County Board of County Gon1rntsslcH<:)rs (nut,! eerHfy that the Sponsor's acc:eptanee cornphes witri tocai ~Jnd state 1av~i arKi constitutes t~ iegal and bindlng obligatIon on the part 01 ihe Sponsor. Please n{)te ihatthe Agn,sernent is not legal unle~~s thi~ aHorneyslf:Jns it /.i."rrER the Sport$Of, If thf.~ t€Jrn~.i of this O-ft13f $fe s<-1tisf'aelory, ph::8se f;xecuh3 the dOCllrnent as soon as possibl;.3: but not latt:V thanAL!9U~;1 14, 200B. TQ assjstus !H!)df\1inrstraJive reporttng n:.:qu~re(nents you 2'Jre; rHqut:::ste<.1 io nOllfy 1.h(:::; offic(~ bV laxing: t.he:;ignah.!r~~ page f.}f the grant or by te;ephonirt9 us irnrnedlf.lte!y upon executlnp ihe gr<'1l1L Th" odgina! and one copy of the grant need to b(; returned to thts office. Therf.Hllainl(';9CQPy.is for your me. pt@r:~~Q.jlil9.:MjlW2L9Xln:@.~Q.!y ~~9_.~~2Ys .an%~Lre t~}n::jnq t;r.12L~;-ec.~}l~fLgxantlp thjs...offic~?..Q~~fo!.Q illt;g.rrJQ!~DiLQD:'/ r,~rawljq:Zif;s .fr9IllJh~? I~Jt€!L:Qf.:1.I~,i.t ~,9~qYDt ~3!rH.:er61y , \,'\/. D8:~n StringfJi' Ma"3fJ\'J :3 EnclotHJjl~$