Notice to Owners NOTICE TO OWNER/NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR (PRELIMINARY NOTICE, FS SEC. 713.06 NOTICE OF INTENT TO CLAIM AGAINST BOND FS 713) WO No: 134126 Date: 07/25/2006 Notice No: 135430 WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS. SUBCONTRACTORS. AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT Electrical Supplies, Inc. IS PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO A VOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. Ih.,'''' 'iI I Owner: Monroe COUllIty 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 GC Toppino & Sons (!..L:,l\);:j PO Box 787 Key West, FL 33041-0787 (2:'?';)'> C/N: 7110 1806 193003836269 CIN: 7110 1806 ~9!YlllMft~ ~nij~ The undersigned hereby infonns you that he has furnished, or is furnishing services, or rnattiiRMCffllRfiAGEMENT ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES for the improvement of the real property identified as: Big Coppitt Park 270 Avenue F Big Coppitt, FL ~ - jUt " i 200b liME. PW RECEIVED 8'1. _m___ Under an order given by: Florida Keys Electric, IDe !S71'U) 5730 2nd Avenue Key West, FL 33040 As Recorded in the public Records of MONROE County Job #: 63137-42 Bond #: SU1014189 Florida Law prescribes the sl::rving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with 713.06, Florida Statutes. If job is bonded UNDER SECTION 713.23 FLORIDA STATUTES, SECTION 255.05 FLORIDA STATUTES OR 270 U.S.c. the firm sending this Notice will :uok to tt..;:; bOild (Surety Cu.) fOi prutectioli if not paid. IF PAYMENT BOND EXISTS-FURNISH A COPY TO THE UNDERSIGNED OR PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS OF BONDING COMPANY. FAILURE TO PROVlDE THIS INFORMATION MAYRENDER.lJOULIABL~RDAMAGES. THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE SENT AS A PRELIMINARY MEASURE AND DOES NOT AUTOMA Tf8lLuelNDI"E TIDlIf THERE IS ANY CREDIT PROBLEM. THIS NOTICE IS NOT A LIEN. CLOUD NOR ENCUMBRANCE UPON TITLE TC=OtJll"PRO~TY; jMOR IS IT A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. REQUEST FOR SWORN STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT MUST BE ADDRESSEI@!?= c:: rr'I .=~ ,(M; I::) Copies To: <'Ii "';;"~~ SUr~..es, I~ l.i:(1~:'lj Surety on' _ CJ c: - ~~~ :;0 Arch Insurance Company 'RECEIVED ~- ::oc:~ . . ::'::{" r-::: :I>> ;;0 One Liberty Plaza ,.<" _,_ ::c !Tl _:-1:0- - (") 53rd Floor ..,., ..- 0 <::> New York, NY 10006 JUL 2 7 3IB SUZAN~; Nti RO~UG\~V Agcllll"r CIN: 7110 1806 193003836283 Electrical Supplies, fuc. 13395 NW I07th Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR , ~_..J_U :TING C~~(~ c.1"tV[] '0 o o o o Phone #: 305-820-6300 / - hl1~'-- - CJf'iy ~ IMPORTANT' INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTIO; .r Under Florida laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractor or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROfEer YOIJRSEEF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part 1, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Consumer Services. PREPARED BY SUNSHINE NOTICES, INC. ]063 NW :']3t Avenue, Pompano Beach. FL 33069 Phone (954) 934-0970 or (800) 774-9888 WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE, TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603019700622 JANUARY 22, 2007 71079857603019700615.9700646 NOTICE TO OWNER I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 71079857603019700615 BIG COPPIT VOLU~ITEER HOE DEPT PO BOX 2292 KEY WEST FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: ELECTRICAL MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as 207 AVENUE F, KEY WEST, FLORIDA, "BIG COPPITT PARK", BOND NUMBER SU1014189, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. under an order given by FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 use Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws. those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid, have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contraclOr fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments. the people \lo'ho are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: 71079857603019700622 (OWNER) MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST FL 33040 By: WllLlAMD. MEEK ,JR~/NACM SefvicesCQrp.(S131289.8894 Anydemand made. pursuant. to Section. 713.16, FloddaStatutes, must be direCledtothe attention of the LIenor's representative at the address of the Lienor shown below. As Authorized Agent for lienor: 71079857603019700646 (GEN CONTR) CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS INC US HIGHWAY 1 MM85 PO BOX 787 KEY WEST FL 33041 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST INC ATTN: BENJAMIN M GRAHAM POBOX 280179 TAMPA FL 33682 (Ref#: 72-26327) (Under an order given by) FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC IRAYMOND VAZQUEZ 5730 2ND AVE KEY WEST FL 23040 c::: Co : ~u-<-. 71079857603019700639 (BONDI ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY 1 LIBERTY PL 53RD FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10006 :r c 0 "" )> ~~~ rrt r- ....:: :;<-"",- C""). ',-_ DC">. ~?OD: --{ 1,."J f'-'~ ;-< -I :': "'rJ' )> r- C> :Do ,.,., ~ "'" ..... ~ ::z: N .c- .~ , ,.." CJ -''j C) ;::;; ~ .t- " ::7) ,...... C-:-J o ;;ry o CAY - Q) REVISED COPY 1215056.1 WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE. YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603019555369 JANUARY 8, 2007 71079857603019555352.9555383 NOTICE TO OWNER I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 71079857603019555352 BIG COPPIT VOLUNTEER HOE DEPT PO BOX 2292 KEY WEST FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: ELECTRICAL MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as 207 AVENUE F, KEY WEST, FLORIDA, "BIG COPPITT PARK", BOND NUMBER SU1014189, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. under an order given by FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 USC Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid. have a right to enforce their claim t()f payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails (0 pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make ()[her legally required payments. the people who are owed mooey may look [0 your properly for payment. EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice [0 Owner have been paid. --LEARN more aboUl the Construction Lien Law. Chapter 713. Part I. Florida Statutes. and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: 71079857603019555369 (OWNER) MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST FL 33040 By: WILLIAM D. MEEK. JR~ f NACM Services Corp. (813)289-8894 Any demand made pursuant to Section 713.16, Florida Statutes. must be directed to the attention of the Lienor's representative at the address of the Lienor shown below. As Authorized Agent for lienor: 71079857603019555383 (GEN CONTR) CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS INC US HIGHWAY 1 MM85 PO BOX 787 KEY WEST FL 33041 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST INC ATTN: BENJAMIN M GRAHAM POBOX 280179 TAMPA FL 33682 (Ref#: 72-36327) ..,.. <5 0 :>: ::> ::>::> - oC")=;;; f'T,r-""':;; ;t;;: -.~ C'). r- oC'). r--___ 3~~ (;i .."--/-,,- '1' ).>- r- C) )> Pi .... "" "" '"'1 ..... i== ~ P1 ;;e 0 - -., 0 C) :0 ~ ::::v j', - ("') - 0 ~ :::0 0'> 0 (Under an order given by) FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC IRAYMOND VAZQUEZ 5730 2ND AVE KEY WEST FL 33040 71079857603019555376 (BOND) ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY 1 LIBERTY PL 53RD FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10006 L . <:c.~ c.AY 1215056 aya 0. i Contract connection inc. V� wl".�='aI. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES & DISTRIBUTORS Monroe County Facilities Development OCT 20 2006 NOTICE TO OWNER RECEIVrD6P_— DATE: October 16, 2006 TO: Monroe County BOCC 1100 Simonton St. Key West, Fl. 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: SHELTERS AND INSTALLATION For the improvement of the real property: Big Coppitt Park 270 Ave. "F" Key West, Fl. 33040 Under an order by: Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. PO Box 787 Key West, Fl. 33041 Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with section 713.06, Florida Statutes Copies to: Arch Insurance Company InSource, Inc. William L. Parker FIRM: CONTRACT CONNECTION, INC. // 1.10 JTlNG0a- = El rTh GLENS/ DA KROHN ❑ ❑ ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 848254, Pembroke Pines, FL. 33084 CC >` cag FT. LAUDERDALE 18 ottices In Florida,Georgia,Alabama, ❑ JACKSONV y 2851 Polk Street North 8 South Carolina,and Mississippi 504 S.2nd.Street t Hollywood,FL 33020 P.O.Box 848254 Jacksonville Beach,FL 32250 (954)925-2800 • FAX: (954)925-0800 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084-0254 (904)249-5353 • FAX: (904)249-8177 e-mail:contractC2@aol.com website: http//:www.contractcon.com e-mail:contrac[Cl@aol.com "Quality. Service and Value is our Focus"s" "Wn'rn In your Itlalnhhnrhnnd"s^'