Item Q1 U4/UUl:UUl: TLll:: 14: l:7 t-AA JU:> i:l:Ii: J4J:> HInt Jl1IHI,;lAL 1,;1KCLllT ItJ 002/00Z BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIpNERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: ADril 17. 2002 Bulk Item: Yes -X No Division: Judicial Department: Court Reoorting AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approving the write off of uncollectable ac:counts of the court reporting department. ITEM BACKGROUND: Employee court reporters reported in civil and family courts in 1997, such reporting not being required to be paid by the County. Therefore, litigants and attorneys in these cases were billed for the employees' time when payment was unable to be made at the court hearing. Numerous collection efforts have been made on these accounts. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOee ACTION: Write offs for 1995 and 1996 were approved in prior years. CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDAnONS: TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No _ AMOUNT PER MONTH YR _ ~ Rf:SOUl,1~ft APPROVED BY: County Atty ^ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management - DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~~ Dl 0J.fY::i.M~ . Theresa D. Westerfield, ~mlnlstrator DOCUMENTAnON: Induded X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITI!M # a L DlsPosmON: Revised 2/27/01 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. -2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE-COUN1'Y,Fb()RJDAjAPPReVIN~'fHE WRtTI!OFrOP--- . UNCOLLECTABlE ACCOUNTS OF THE' COURT REPORTERS. WHEREAS, in 1997 the court reporter issued a number of bills which remain unpaid; and WHEREAS, the State Department.of Revenue Guidelines provide for write offs of such items after four years; now therefore . . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: The 1997 court reporter receivables in the total amount of $671.50, as more specifically described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be deleted from the court reporter receivables. Any collection of a receivable on said list after this date shall require a reversal of the bookkeeping enby writing that particular collectible off. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Aorlda, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11" day April 2002. Mayor Charles McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Nora Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L KOLHAGE, aerie By Deputy aerie BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairperson 1997 Court Reporter Receivables '- Utigant or Attorney Case-Number Invoice m Date Amount Ricanfo SanChez 96-30053-CFA 98116 10/16/1997 $ 34.00 Carine Potvin 97-1040-FR-21 .98122 10/17/1997 20.00 . Maria R. King 97-549-FR-04 98123 10/17/1997 20.00 Richard Glenn 97-45Q-FR-04 98126 10/17/1997 20.00 Antonio Damain 95-20542 98138 10/22/1997 100.00 Richard Glenn 97-461-FR-04 98142 10/23/1997 20.00 Candida Cobb 96-647-FR-04 98165 11/04/1997 200.00 Jay Hershoff 97-20209-FR-04 98171 11/04/1997 62.50 F. Bruce Corneal 97-519-CA-09 98185 11/13/1997 25.00 UIIy Lewis Lewis vs. Lewis 98191 11/13/1997 20.00 James Mattson 97-20504 98212 11/19/1997 15.00 Ms. McCarthy 97-10261-FR-21 98227 11/24/1997 20.00 Darrell Straitz 97-10233-FR-04 98229 11/24/1997 20.00 AJlan Lamberson 97-1092-FR-04 98243 12/10/1997 20.00 Debbie Guy 97-1025-FR-04 98250 . 12/10/1997 20.00 Ramon Anderson 95-200432 98261 12/16/1997 15.00 Mr. Cockrell 97-20534-FR-21 98275 12/16/1997 20.00 Mr. Fox 97-20589-FR-21 98276 12/16/1997 20.00 TOTAL $671.50 EXHIBIT A