Resolution 119-2001 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 119 - 2001 A RESOLUTION CANCELING RESOLUTION NO. 104-1999 AND AMENDING RETIREMENT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MONROE COUNTY EMPLOYEES. WHEREAS, group health insurance expenses have been steadily increasing; and WHEREAS, the number of retired County employees continues to increase dramatically each year; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners to allow County employees, including employees of the Constitutional Officers and the Mosquito Control Board, who meet the criteria established in this resolution to retire through the Florida Retirement System and maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County as provided herein; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. A. (i) Employees in FRS Regular and Special Risk Classes with a hire date prior to October 1, 2001, with a minimum of ten (10) years of full-time service with Monroe County, who retire on, or after, their normal retirement date as described in Sec. 121.021(29), F.S., and who are covered under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon retirement, employees in other FRS Classes who complete the number of years of creditable service required by the Florida Statutes to be eligible for a benefit under FRS, who retire on, or after, their normal retirement date under Sec. 121.021 (29) F.S., and who are covered under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon retirement, including those who have retired or will retire in accordance with these provisions, and all other retirees who as of October 1, 2001 are participating in the County's group insurance program at no cost, may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following their retirement at no cost. (ii) Employees hired, on or after, October 1, 2001, who meet the requirements of Section 1. A. (i) may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following their termination of employment, provided such retired employees pay to Monroe County a monthly premium in an amount established annually by the Board of County Commissioners. The premium will equal, but not exceed, Monroe County's monthly departmental cost for active employees. Such premium will be payable on the first day of every month commencing with the month following the month in which the employee retires. B. (i) Employees with a hire date prior to October 1, 2001, with ten (10) years of full- time service with Monroe County who are covered under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon retirement and retire at an early retirement date, as described in Sec. 121.021(30) F.S., may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following their early retirement, provided such early retirees pay to Monroe County a monthly premium in an amount established annually by the Board of County Commissioners. The premium will equal, but not exceed, Monroe County's monthly departmental cost for active employees. Such premium will be payable on the first day of every month commencing with the month following the month in which the employee retires. Early retirees who pay the premiums described in this subsection 1. B. (i) will continue to be covered by Monroe County's group health insurance benefits at no cost to the retirees upon meeting either of the following requirements: (a) Sixty (60) years of age for Regular Class employees or fifty-five (55) years of age for Special Risk Class; or (b) Qualification under the Rule of 70 wherein the combined years of service with Monroe County and the retiree's age equal a total of seventy (70). (ii) Employees with a hire date on or after October 1, 2001, who meet the requirements of Section 1. B. (i) above and retire at an early retirement date, may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following their early retirement, provided such early retirees pay to Monroe County a monthly premium in an amount established annually by the Board of County Commissioners. The premium will equal, but not exceed, Monroe County's monthly departmental cost for active employees. Such premium will be payable on the first day of every month commencing with the month following the month in which the employee retires. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, however, employees with a hire date on or after October 1, 2001 are not eligible for the premium adjustment under Section 1. B. (i). C. Employees with at least ten (10) years of full-time service with Monroe County who are covered under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon termination of employment and are fully vested under FRS who elect not to retire under FRS upon termination of employment with Monroe County, may elect to re-enroll under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon retirement under FRS, provided that Monroe County was their last FRS employer. Former employees electing this option, may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following such election, provided such former employees pay to Monroe County a monthly premium in an amount established annually by the Board of County Commissioners. The premium will equal, but not exceed, Monroe County's monthly departmental cost for active employees. Such premium will be payable on the first day of every month beginning with the first of the month following the month in which the employee elects to re-enroll under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon retirement from FRS. Employees electing this option must, notify Monroe County of their intent to re-enroll in the County's group health insurance program. Employees who re-enroll under the group health insurance coverage pursuant to this paragraph are not eligible for premium adjustments under subsection 1. B. (i) of this resolution. D. Employees with less than ten (10) years of full-time service with Monroe County who are covered under the group health insurance coverage provided by Monroe County upon termination of employment and are fully vested under FRS, upon retirement under FRS in accordance with these provisions, may maintain their group health insurance benefits with Monroe County following their termination of employment, provided such terminated employees pay to Monroe County a monthly premium in an amount established annually by the Board of County Commissioners. The premium will equal, but not exceed, Monroe County's monthly departmental cost for active employees. Such premium will be payable on the first day of every month beginning with the first of the month following the month in which the employee terminates employment with Monroe County. Employees with less than ten (10) years of full-time service with the County are not eligible for premium adjustments under subsection 1. B. (i) of this resolution. Section 2. This resolution shall be effective as of October 1, 2001. Section 3. This resolution does not affect any requirement of eligibility with the Florida Retirement System; it affects only eligibility to receive health insurance benefits under the Monroe County Group Employee Benefit Plan. Section 4. For purposes of this resolution, full-time service shall have the meaning provided in the County's policies and procedures governing determination of service. For purposes of this resolution, the definition of date of hire is the date an employee first begins work for Monroe County determined in accordance with the County's procedures governing fringe benefits. Any break in employment of forty- eight (48) hours or more will result in a new date of hire if the employee returns to County service. Section 5. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners formally reserves the right to any and all future changes and modifications of this resolution, the group insurance contract providing health benefits described herein and/or the required premium contributions. Section 6. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners cancels Resolution NO.1 04-1999. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of March, 2001. Mayor George Neugent yes Mayor Pro Tem Nora Williams not present Commissioner Dixie Spehar yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes Commissioner Murray Nelson yes Board of County Commissioners :r;;u;on:e . ~~cf c ..:s- w .,1 e:: . ..:s- ".~ .,J 0 ,- < 1.-" (..) ~ ::t:. .: :>=: w :c .-JO~ 0::: 0... 8 a:: % c:: .....-=:> 0 (I") ;'-'0 ll.. N --' .U '''_.~ lLJ 0 >- ::.........10 W c:s: ::';; '-' 0:: ::c - -- ..J ,<~ ...... :3 C> u.. <:::) :c