Resolution 181-2002 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 181 -2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE WRITE OFF OF UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS OF THE COURT REPORTERS. WHEREAS, in 1997 the court reporter issued a number of bills which remain unpaid; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Revenue Guidelines provide for write ofts of such items after four years; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: The 1997 court reporter receivables in the total amount of $671.50, as more specifically described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be deleted from the court reporter receivables. Any collection of a receivable on said list after this date shall require a reversal of the bookkeeping entry writing that particular collectible off. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monr~ Coun~ o CJ r-.,;, Z J;.... Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1~ day April 2002. 25~~: ~ f"Tl ~ _, :::0 n' N 0,), 0'\ C;i5;::1.; z. C) > -4 n r ::r:: :<,......::: '> ...., C') '-!? r f"Tl > 0 0'\ Mayor Charles McCoy ./>O::;C:;'.":".;'.';:':,:.:'"Ma. yor Pro Tem Spehar /.:....:...:...... ~'" ....'..-..,. ,\ J '......:.' -,,: /;J:./;~>:~.';t.t~missioner Murray Nelson ,;'; :/":2'<:JS" {,.", ~commissioner George Neugent , . C:' \'O~0<~'/ k Coinmissioner Nora Williams r In {~,...,' ~ ~ t 'i~tJ< ~--;"''-.\... ~ ~ '.' ~~ "-" / \:.:....:;-} - ; t' t '<<- /(.%', ~." ,. \\t"~ , '''-'If'' f4.~ .:;. \\ (if " <'f!j:~ 'I: ~ . ~ ~ ! ' '.- '. --.;. , '\,,~~1" --"":, .; "}'.JNY L. KO ~'c, _____ ,_ ,.,... -~"""'''c''r ,-""~"::-i; '~':~ ~ ~.... yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU , FLORIDA By Deputy lerk May. r hairperson ." r ,." o ." o ;:0 ;:0 rr1 n o ;:0 o 1997 Court Reporter Receivables Litigant or Attorney Case Number Invoice Date Amount Ricardo Sanchez 96- 30053-CFA 98116 10/16/1997 $ 34.00 Carine Potvin 97-1040-FR-21 98122 10/17/1997 20.00 Maria R. King 97-549-FR-04 98123 10/17/1997 20.00 Richard Glenn 97-450-FR-04 98126 10/17/1997 20.00 Antonio Damain 95-20542 98138 10/22/1997 100.00 Richard Glenn 97-461-FR-04 98142 10/23/1997 20.00 Candida Cobb 96-647-FR-04 98165 11/04/1997 200.00 Jay Hershoff 97- 20209-FR-04 98171 11/04/1997 62.50 F, Bruce Corneal 97 -519-CA-09 98185 11/13/1997 25.00 Lilly Lewis Lewis vs. Lewis 98191 11/13/1997 20.00 James Mattson 97-20504 98212 11/19/1997 15.00 Ms. McCarthy 97-10261-FR-21 98227 11/24/1997 20.00 Darrell Straitz 97-10233-FR-04 98229 11/24/1997 20.00 Allan Lamberson 97-1092-FR-04 98243 12/10/1997 20.00 Debbie Guy 97-1025-FR-04 98250 12/10/1997 20.00 Ramon Anderson 95-200432 98261 12/16/1997 15.00 Mr. Cockrell 97-20534-FR-21 98275 12/16/1997 20.00 Mr. Fox 97-20589-FR-21 98276 12/16/1997 20.00 TOTAL $671.50 EXHIBIT A