Item G4 LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21.2006 Division: Land Authoritv Bulk Item: Yes No...x.. Staff Contact Person: Mark Rosch Agenda Item Wording: Approval to add 209, 211, 213, and 222 Petronia Street in Key West to the Acquisition List as affordable housing sites in partnership with the Bahama Conch Community Land Trust. Item Background: The Key West City Commission has nominated the subject properties for purchase by the Land Authority as part of BCCL T's heir property program. The goal of BCCL T's heir property program is to help income-qualified families retain and occupy their homes. As a counterpart to acquisition funding from the Land Authority, BCCL T is also seeking funding from Florida Housing Finance Corporation to renovate the properties. BCCL T's proposed plan is as follows: 1) Land Authority purchases the four properties (estimated total price of $1.5 million); 2) Land Authority transfers title to BCCL T; 3) BCCL T oversees the property renovations; 4) for 211, 213, and 222 Petronia Street, BCCL T sells title to the structures back to the families as affordable housing subject to ground leases; and 5) BCCL T maintains 209 Petronia Street as affordable rental housing. The addition of property to the Acquisition List is a preliminary, non-binding step indicating the Board's desire to pursue acquisition. Further Board action is required before entering into a purchase contract. Advisory Committee Action: On May 24,2006 the Committee voted 4/0 to approve this item. Previous Governing Board Action: None on these specific properties. However, the Land Authority has partnered with BCCL T on other affordable housing sites. Contract/Agreement Changes: N/A Staff Recommendation: Approval Total Cost: $ To be determined Budgeted: Yes _ No_. Cost to Land Authority: $ TBD Source of Funds: Tourist Impact Tax collected in Kev West Approved By: Attorney ~ County Land Steward _' Executive Director Approval: ~O, ~04d . Mark J. Rosch Documentation: Included: ~ To Follow: Not Required: Disposition: Agenda Item _ ~ :1, ~: ~:j ns n,~..r;'::t L' f \.., '.' RESOLUTION NO. 06-185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, NOMINATING THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 209-211-213-222 PETRONIA STREET FOR PURCHASE BY THE MONROE COUNTY LAND AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF THE BAHAMA CONCH COMMUNITY LAND TRUST (BCCLT); PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the property located at 209-211-213-222 Petronia Street is hereby nominated to the Monroe County Land Authority as an affordable housing purchase for BCCLT. Section 2: That this Resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signature of the presiding officer and the Clerk of the Commission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission at a meeting held this 16th day of May , 2006. Authenticated by the presiding officer and Clerk of the Commission on May 19 , 2006. Filed with the Clerk May 19 , 2006. ATTEST: c~,~d BAHAMA CONCH COMMUNITY LAND TRUST OF KEY WEST, INC. 325 Julia Street, Key West, Florida 33040 bcclt@bcclt.org wwwbeelt.org Telephone 305 294-0884 Fax: 305294-8901 May 3,2006 Commissioner Clayton Lopez City of Key West 525 Angela Street Key West, FL 33040 RE: Request to Nominate 209,211,213,222 Petronia Street for Purchase by the Monroe County Land Authority Dear Commissioner Lopez, On February 9,2009, you received a copy ofa letter forwarded to BCCLT with a request from the Winters & Sotolongo family through the Law Offices of Morgan & Hendricks, to purchase their heir properties located at the above addresses. Time is of the essence now as the date for the commencement of the sale is approaching and BCCL T must provide the court with proof that we will be moving forward soon with the acquisition of the properties, and to effect the plan, outline in the request sent to us by Morgan & Hendricks, that was agreed upon by the family heirs through the court. Therefore, BCCL T is urging and requesting you to sponsor a resolution supporting this request for the nomination of the properties listed above to be purchased by the Monroe County Land Authority and deeded to BCCL T for future resale to the heirs now living in them. This will prevent the displacement of a lifelong Key West family from their homestead. They will purchase the house only. We also request that this request be placed on the agenda for the City Commission's May 16th agenda for discussion as an "emergency" item and hopefully approved for recommendation. BCCL T has also identified and is eligible to apply for funds, that would help up to rehabilitate these homes (once we obtain control of the property), from the Florida Housing Finance Agency. These funds are earmarked for rehabilitation of housing for homeownership in the Florida Keys. A response to the RFP with development plans is due on May 19, 2006. Your "action and support" is key to the success of our proposal to the Agency that will include rehabilitation of two other units already owned by BCCL T that will also become homeownership opportunities to waiting, deserving, working families. We appreciate your support and we hope that, working together, we continue to have a positive impact in preserving and providing decent, permanently affordable housing for our citizens. Jfyou have any questions, please feel free to call me or our Executive Director, Norma Jean Sawyer-Atanda at (305) 304-6765. ~' ~--:;._~::t2 ~a'- Robert E. Kelly ,.---- President, BCCL T CC: Morgan & Hendricks Attachments: 2 ... Preserving Communities for Future Generations. Mile Marker Island Key West Property Key Plaza. Sites A & H; 209. 211. 213 and 222 Petronia St. ,......., e ro E Q.. ro +-'..c ~U l:;l:J Cf)e ro ro .- ro e ._ o e l:; e o)+-' 0..0) (<)0.. ...- ..... 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