Resolution 176-2002 RESOLUTION 176 - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN WHEREAS, The Monroe County has resolved to prepare and submit a 2001 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application, and; WHEREAS, 24 CFR Section 570.486 and 9B-43, Florida Administrative Code, provides that participating jurisdictions adopt a Citizen Participation Plan in order to ensure a process for community wide participation in the planning, development, implementation and performance evaluation activities related to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, and; WHEREAS, Monroe County desires to establish a process and forums for community input, feedback and comment relative to Monroe County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that Monroe County hereby: Hereby adopts as its Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Participation Plan the item attached hereto as "Attachment A". Said Plan shall replace all previous CDBG Citizen's Participation Plans previously adopted by this body. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the 17tl1 day of April, A.D., 2002 B Cl 0:: 0 N (J W ::c 0:: 0- 0:::: 0 co Li- I C) >- .oa:: W JC -' C"-.I c:::} co:> Li- => C'-...l yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY ORIDA Mayor/Chair By ATTACHMENT A Monroe County, Florida Community Development Block Grant - Citizen Participation Plan OVERALL GOAL Pursuant to 24 CFR Section 570.486 and 9B-43, F AC, the purpose ofthis plan is to provide a process for community wide participation in the planning development, implementation and performance evaluation activities related to Monroe County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. OBJECTIVES . To increase interchange of information between local government CDBG staff and the local citizens concerning community development and related concerns. . To heighten public awareness ofthe purpose and function of the CDBG program and the types of assistance available, especially among low to moderate-income persons and residents of CDBG targeted areas. . To increase community participation in program planning and implementation and, thereby, create local support for CDBG goals. . To allow affected or potentially affected citizens to directly assist in shaping and guidelines the program's impact upon their neighborhood as well as the community at large. To accomplish these objectives Monroe County shall establish the following policies: Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Advisory Task Force The role ofthe Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF) shall be to encourage residents, particularly low and moderate- income persons who reside in slum or blighted areas and/or the project area, to provide input relative to all phases of the project. Further, the CA TF shall assist the local government staff in overseeing the project, including development of plans, procedures, public hearings and amendments, if necessary. The CATF shall be comprised of five members, of which a significant percentage is low/moderate income and/or minority representatives. The CA TF shall hold an annual meeting and regular meetings called by Monroe County which are open to the general public. These meetings are readily accessible to interested parties and a copy of the agenda is available to all interested parties prior to the CATF meeting. During such meetings the Task Force shall assist staff in all aspects of the CDBG Program, including: designing and implementing surveys and questionnaires, gathering and assessing citizen input, selection of target areas, documentation and prioritization of needs, community outreach and public relations public meetings, determination of program activities and service levels, quality assurance and program monitoring. The Task Force shall form the major link between Monroe County and the community. Public Meetings Program regulations require specified public hearings and notices: Program Component Pre-Application/Planning Stage Number of Public Hearings One Hearing, Publicly Noticed Application Stage One Hearing, Publicly Noticed Amendment to CDBG Program One Hearing, Publicly Noticed Citizens Advisory Task Force Approval All public hearings shall be publicly announced and noticed in the non-legal section of the Florida Keys Keynoter a minimum of five (5) days but not more than twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled hearing. The hearing will be advertised at least once during the period. To ensure accessibility, hearings will be held handicap accessible designated ''Neighborhood'' facilities within Monroe County. Provide Access to Public Information All CDBG Program information will be available for inspection by interested citizens, including, at a minimum: CDBG Citizens Advisory Task Force meeting Minutes, CDB Application, CDBG Program Regulations, Guidelines and Operating Procedures, Community Development Plan, and the Citizens Participation Plan. These documents are available during normal working hours, Monday - Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm at the Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority, 1403 12th Street, key West, Florida 33040. This information will be made available at no charge. In addition, specific information dissemination and technical assistance activities will be undertaken to educate low/moderate income persons residing in the CDBG target areas. Such activities include: neighborhood meetings at community centers, churches or other convenient locations, community outreach be the CDBG staff, direct contact by the Citizen's Advisory Task Force neighborhood representative, and written (flyer) information concerning the program. These activities provide excellent opportunities for interaction in a neutral setting between staff, Citizen's Advisory Task Force representatives and the residents served by the program. Citizens views and recommendations are strongly encouraged. Citizen Complaint Process Monroe County shall establish and adopt a CDBG Citizen Complaint Procedure to allow effected residents a means to have grievances resolved Bilingual Opportunities According to the 1990 Census, the foreign born population in Monroe County is 476. Operational experience in the CDBG target area has proven the number of families speaking foreign languages is not significant. Monroe County will endeavor to accommodate non-english speaking families as requested. Response to Program Inquiries All inquiries concerning the CDBG Program will be promptly answered either by telephone, personal contact or in writing. All written inquiries will be answered in writing. The response period should not exceed fifteen (15) days from the date of the receipt of the inquiry.