Resolution 177-2002 RESOLUTION 177 - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE RECREATION, COMPOSITION, APPOINTMENT TO, AND ADOPTION OF BY LAWS OF, A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, 24 CFR Section 570.486 and 9B-43, Florida Administrative Code, requires CDBG participating jurisdictions to create and appoint a CDBG, Citizens Advisory Task Force in order to encourage residents participation in the development of plans, procedures, public hearings and oversight of the City's Community Development Block Grant activities. WHEREAS, Monroe County has resolved to prepare and submit a 2002 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); and WHEREAS, Monroe County has adopted a Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Participation Plan that authorizes the creation of, and appoint to, a CDBG, Citizens Advisory Task Force, and; WHEREAS, the terms of members previously appointed to the Monroe County's CDBG Citizens Advisory Task Force have expired; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that the County hereby: 1. Creation. Authorizes the creation of a Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Advisory Task Force in order to provide maximum public input in the development of plans, procedures, oversight and coordination of the Monroe County's Community Development Block Grant activities. 2. Composition. Provides for the appointment of five (5) residents of Monroe County, of which no less than three members are very low or low income and/or minorities. Each member of the City Council shall appoint one qualified member to the CDBG Citizens Advisory Task Force. Members shall serve a maximum of a four year term. 3. Appointments. Appoints the following individual residents of Monroe County to serve as member of the Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Advisory Task Force: Page 1 of2 ;5 0 :z )"> ::0 C"':l :;;t: or:: f"ll:x: -< 0" l"-' 0("""): S ;0 :;t; ..-c.. C:' -t r- -<(")...,.. ~ :-i l> -.., C) I rrl ):> ~ c::::> c:> '"'" :::J: > --< I CD ." r r"T1 o ." o :::0 :::0 rrl CJ o :::0 o " :x ~ ~ O"i Appointing Commissioner Appointment Name/Address Mayor McCoy: Mayor Pro Tem Spehar Councilman Neugent Councilman Williams Councilman Nelson 4. By-Laws. Adopts as the Community Development Block Grant, Citizens Advisory Task Force By-Laws the document attached hereto as, "Exhibit 1". PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the I '1 ~day of /fJ',./ , A.D., 2002 Mayor Charles McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar ~ '""-". r Murray Nelson /~~__' '. eorge Neugent fr./~,<4;/;~rnm1s~O.. .f"):.. ' , ra Williams , '" 1;7 ."......'.'.. '.'..'. '\. {"'..",./;<I.,'. '.' '. ',.' '.' ~ V't. '~..." \ ":~.'. [~.., :,.r.) """".;'~ " ,~\>'".~ \\ ~~ ""'. ftF:.:g- .~:: .' Ji' \ .- .tT'~ "'.., ~ " _' __~.; ~AGE, Clerk ".. .,,, ~.--'~.. ' '<'r. _." ~. ~.i-::> ,I'" . ~ ~~ /", ~ . By f <0.", .~, . ~ Deputy Clerk yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, F. RIDA By BY ANN1~TTON DA,TE _._.....2; OJ--- April 1, 2002 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: County Commissioners, Monroe County FR: Richard Casey, Special Programs Office, MCHA CC: James Roberts, County Administrator RE: Appointments to Community Development Block Grant, Citizen's Advisory Task Force At the April BOCC meeting, Commissioner's will be asked to consider authorizing a 2002 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant application. It is anticipated that Monroe County would elect to pursue a CDBG grant in the Housing category and undertake qualified Sewer Connection and Housing Rehabilitation activities. As a requirement of the grant application, Monroe County is required to form and appoint members to a CDBG Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF). The role of the CATF is to encourage residents, particularly in low and moderate-income persons who reside in the project area, to provide input relative to all phases of the project process. Further, they assist the local government's staff and/or consultant in overseeing the project, including development of plans, procedures, public hearings and amendments, if necessary. The CATF typically meets one annually to consider and review CDBG grants and their progress. Should Monroe County elect to pursue a 2002 CDBG grant application, each commissioner will be asked at the April 17th meeting to create and appoint one members to a CA TF. Should YOU elect to make an appointment prior to that date. please contact me directly in order that I may prepare the documentation necessary for the BOCC agenda. For your consideration. attached is a list of individuals that have expressed an interest and willingness to serve if appointed to the CDBG Citizen's Advisory Task Force. If I may be of assistance or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your attention to this matter. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITIZENS ADVISORY TASK FORCE POTENTIAL APPOINTEES Ms. Juliette Torres 16H Miriam Street Stock Island, FL 33040 (305) 294-0792 (h) (305) 296-2454 (w) Mr. Jason O'Brien 31019 Avenue G Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 (305) 872-8838 (w) Ms. Zully Williams PO Box 1768 Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 664- 2345 (w) Roberta Loudenslager c/o Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys, Inc. PO Box 421003 Surnmerland Key, Florida 33042 (305) 872-4456 (w) Alice Allen 133 Sunrise Drive Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 852-5143 Jerry Buckley 30960 Baileys Lane Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 (305) 852-7103 (w) ~.yor Charlu 'SOnllY' McCoX '30 Whilllhclld SI. Key W e.~l, r-Illritlll J 3040 (30S) 292.3430 fAX: (305) 292.3S77 ElJUIi I ;boccdi.'J3(fljrnlli l.~htlc. fl.lI~ Mllyot Chllrles 'SO/l/ly' McCoy. Oisl. 3 Mayor I'ta '1'.:m Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1 Cotnmissioner MIlI'my Nelson, OiSL S Comnlisslt)llc:r G~)rgc: Neugent. I>igr. 2 CtlnlJ1\j~~ioner NlUa Willialllj, lJist. 4 DATE: April 19, 2002 TO: Rick Casey Mo\oe County Housing Authority FROM: Mayor Charl~s . ::;onny' McCoy tIV "' RE: Appointment to '2ommunity Development lllock Grant Mayor Charles 'Sonny; IVlcf _'0)' is appointing Robel18 Loudenslager to the Community Development Citizen's Adv;~iYY Tusk FoJ'(.."e. IO'd ~OO.oN 9u:6 ? lj. '. :01 ~~:w-,,:J;~''.;-;~~'- "":'..---io-.',\~;..~~",-:L;" ,,c,,''':_ \i';. '''-'- ""_"~"':~~~""";-''.~,-:..."""".;, Monroe County Boards and Committees Appointment Information Board or Committee: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) Commissioner Appointing Member: Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy. District 3 Name of Member: Roberta Loudenslager Address: P. O. Box 421003 Big Pine Key. FL 33043 Phone Number: 872-4456 Date of Appointment: 4/19/2002 Reappointment: Date Term Expires: Name of Person being Replaced: N/ A Fulfilling Term of: N/A Other Information: George Neugent Monroe County Commissioner, District 2 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key. FL 33043 Phone ~~ 305-872-1678 FAX o't- 305~72-9195 ~~ 0/\ T:::: : May 22. 2002 1# of pages includes cover TO: Rick Casey Monroe County Housing Authority Vli\ :=)~CSlj\j1/LE: 292.- ( t b 2- }=RCfp/l: George R. Neugent Commissioner District 1/ cr~~ "' Sl.lbj~ct Appointment PI~.2:S0 .)~:,) ;;;dvised I would like to apPrJint Jason O'Brien to the CDSG Citizens AclvL-scr'j ;s;s:< Force. Thanl< you. 1",'"'" 'i'~':~'~~'{W~~"jf'~lIt.l~,,,,",",!,_ '11"':__...... ~.._~. '. .~ ,,,..,.,..,,..~~,'~:~.._<>. ",UT'.7,'0- -.M,,-!. .,.. ''''"-''T~~iIV''%~'',~r,''':',~''!'1--:~'' Monroe County Boards and Committees Appointment Information Board or Committee: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) Commissioner Appointing Member: George Neugent. District 2 Name of Member: Jason O'Brien Address: 31019 Avenue G Big Pine Kev. FL 33043 Phone Number: 872-9105 Date of Appointment: Reappointment: Date Term Expires: Name of Person being Replaced: N/A Fulfilling Term of: N/A Other Information: . ", O,~~r" ~o~~~E l')O!l) 294-46<11 Di<'(;ie M. SpehaJ:" Commissioner District One 500 Whitehead Street, Suite #102 Key West, FL 33040 305-292-3440 (Telephone) 305-292-3466 (fAX) boccdis 1 @mail.state.flus (emaiJ) Rick Casey Monroe County Housing Authority 1403 12th Street Key West, FloridQ 33040 Dear Rick: . April 19, 2002 BOARD OF COUNTY CO ItS Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy, DiIIict 3 Mayor Pro T em Dixie M. SpeW, DIIIrict 1 George ~ DI8e'ia i NoraWi1l~~.& MU\T8Y NeIJOft, ~ , " I have contacted Juliette B. Torres and she has agreed to act as my appointment to the Community Development Block Grant Task Force. She will not be available on April 29, 2002 as she has a final examination and must be present to take it. If I can be of further assistance to you, please let me know. Sincerely, ~<<- 7n. ~.u Dixie M. Spehar County Commissioner District One /mrf DMS Enclosure ... \ . ; , ~ .:": " ; fli~! Monroe County Board. a, ..... (::ommittees Appointment IDrO~..tioll ~;' :(.' Boa"'" or Committee: Community Development Blo~k Grant Task Force Commissioner Appointing Member: Dixie M. Spehar Name ofMembe..: Juliette B. Torres Address: 816 Miriam Street Key West, FI33040 Phone Number: Work: 296-1454 X 112 Date of Appointment: 4/17/0'2, Reappointment: _ Date Term Expires: Name of Person Being Replaced: Fulfilling Term of: Other Inrotmation: B:ome 194-0792 " " O~~T,Y ~o9~~E (305) ;:>94-464 1 Murray E. Nelson Commissioner, District Five Damaron Building, Suite II 99198 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 PHONE (305) 852-7175 FAX (305) 852-7162 Email: boccdis5@mail.state.fl.us April 25, 2002 ~,....~.,. Mr. Richard Casey Key West Housing Authority Special Programs Office 1403 12u1 Street Key West, FL 33040 Dear Richard: My appointment for the Citizen's Advisory Task Force :s V;c;1CJ Fay. Vicky's ,1CHres<; is 139 Second Court, Key Largo, FL ~3037, and her telepLuiV' "1:";: ;545 :-5517. Sincerely, "7~ (":.-1"/' ./ ~.: 1--(:.1' /,/' -; c:"'/ Murray E. Nelson Monroe County Commissioner District 5 /1] /,1 L_;/ ~. cc: J. Roberts J. Hendrick ...'-'; "'~~~~~':"';,!\",:"";'F,:~;,::":'T"'. Monroe County Boards and Committees Appointment Information Board or Committee: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) Commissioner Appointing Member: Murray E. Nelson. District 5 Name of Member: Vicky Fay Address: 139 Second Court Key Largo. FL 33037 Phone Number: 451-5517 Date of Appointment: 4/25/2002 Reappointment: Date Term Expires: Name of Person being Replaced: N/A Fulfilling Term of: N/ A Other Information: COMMISSIONER NORA WILlJAilJ5 District 4 April 22, 2002 Rick Casey, Program Administrator Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office 1403 121h Street Key West, FL 33040 " RE: Appointment to Citizen's Advisory Task Force, CDBG Dear Mr. Casey, My choice as appointment to this Task Force is Alice Allen, as 1iste~l on the potential appointees list. Thank you, ([OUL- {jj iJfJj; Nora Williams, Commissi~ District IV MONROE COUNTY FLOPJE:.~: :Marathon Government Annex, 490 63rd St. Ocean #11 C \lar:1.thon, FL 33050 Phone (305) 289-6000~~ax (305) 289-6306; E-mail: !]c.r~w[~mai1.state.fl.us ~~.' '.,J-....; ".1')>';0'" -"_~"",,-,,,,.-,:>,,.,, Monroe County Boards and Committees Appointment Information Board or Committee: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) Commissioner Appointing Member: Nora Williams. District 4 Name of Member: Alice Allen Address: 133 Sunrise Drive Tavernier. FL 33070 Phone Number: 852-5143 Date of Appointment: 4/22/2002 Reappointment: Date Term Expires: Name of Person being Replaced: N/A Fulfilling Term of: N/A Other Information: ,,1. ..,.,.~..'~.'j. '~"-"~~"':U;-<I4.''''''''''.,':,~'' .~~." ;,-,: .--"f"!II'!,.,~::-"_~"~".';:,,,,:t"~V<7":--' -aIaf.. SPECIAL PROGRAMS OFFICE c/o Monroe County Housing Authority 1403 12th Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292-1221 FAX (305) 292-1162 April 1, 2002 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: County Commissioners, Monroe County 71 Jt2-- FR: Richard Casey, Special Programs Office, MCHA CC: James Roberts, County Administrator RE: Appointments to Community Development Block Grant, Citizen's Advisory Task Force At the April BOCC meeting, Commissioner's will be asked to consider authorizing a 2002 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant application. It is anticipated that Monroe County would elect to pursue a CDBG grant in the Housing category and undertake qualified Sewer Connection and Housing Rehabilitation activities. As a requirement of the grant application, Monroe County is required to form and appoint members to a CDBG Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF). The role of the CATF is to encourage residents, particularly in low and moderate-income persons who reside in the project area, to provide input relative to all phases of the project process. Further, they assist the local government's staff and/or consultant in overseeing the project, including development of plans, procedures, public hearings and amendments, if necessary. The CATF typically meets one annually to consider and review CDBG grants and their progress. Should Monroe County elect to pursue a 2002 CDBG grant application, each commissioner will be asked at the AlJril 17th meeting to create and appoint one members to a CA TF. Should YOU elect to make an aPDointment Drior to that date. please contact me directlv in order that I may preDare the documentation necessary for the BOCC agenda. For vour consideration. attached is a list of individuals that have expressed an interest and willingness to serve if appointed to the CDBG Citizen's Advisory Task Force. If I may be of assistance or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your attention to this matter. "dedicated to the quality of life through housing and community initiatives" 1liIift.. SPECIAL PROGRAMS OFFICE c/o Monroe County Housing Authority 1403 12th Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292-1221 FAX (305) 292-1162 May 20, 2002 i R~J;.~i' I:~D I I --- -~l I II' MAY 2 4 2002 i r L I r i'.'; : !", T\/ ,":_ r'; ;~,~ : :>\; ! '" - D ~ T () P ! u.... '- : ~ I j ". ~..i ;..., : : -~' .j I : I"" I u; \ James L. Roberts County Administrator Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Re: Appointments to the Monroe County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) - Resolution #177-2002 Dear Mr. Roberts: Attached are letters of appointment from each of the five Commissioners along with Appointment Information Forms for each appointee. Sincerely, ~~e~~' Program Administrator cc: Monroe County Attorney Monroe County Clerk of Court "dedicated to the quality of life through housing and community initiatives" M,'_SPO _,hared\COBG Monroe Countyl052002 Ltr RCC to Robens re Appointments doc