Resolution 179-2002 RESOLUTION 179 - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RECAPTURED CDBG PROGRAM FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF MONROE COUNTY'S 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF VERY LOW AND LOW INCOME RESIDENTS WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs has announced the competitive cycle for the 2002 State of Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for which Monroe County is an eligible applicant; and WHEREAS, in order to increase the competitive score of Monroe County's CDBG application and improve the opportunity to secure a CDBG funding commitment, the contribution of local government funds are a critical factor; and, WHEREAS, Monroe County has sufficient funds available as the result of recaptured funds as the result of prior CDBG programs interest earnings on said recaptured funds, which are restricted for use on CDBG eligible activities, subject to BOCC approval, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that the County hereby: Authorizes the commitment of recaptured CDBG funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from Fund 100-01004-530340 ($100,000) and Fund 100-01005-530340 ($50,000) for CDBG eligible Housing Rehabilitation activities. Said funds are available to make housing rehabilitation construction improvements to, and properties qualified under, the Monroe County 2002 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program's, Housing Assistance Plan. Further, authorizes the commitment, not to exceed $5,000, from Fund 100-01004-530341 ($5,000) for payment/reimbursement to the Special Programs Office, Monroe County Housing Authority for those costs directly related to preparation, completion and submittal of the Monroe County 2002 f'o.,;J Small Cities Community Development Block Grant application. ~ CJ :5 ~ 2: > ....., r- ::0 (") ::.<;,: :Jl: rT1 PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C01ffi~;rlo~ at 0 a regular meeting on said Board on the 17th day of April, A,D., 2002 g~~ ~ ;;;: C:;:OA ::u 2::. a ""'-l{")r -0 ;:0 :< :-I ::r: :Jl: rr'1 ." . > N ("") r- C") 0 )> I'TJ . N;:O 0") 0 yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, E RIDA :i:;~ By