Resolution 273-2006 RESOLutiON NO. 273..:1!M A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECI1NG RESERVATION FOR AWARD OF AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATIONS FOR SPECIFIED PROJEcrs; SE1TING TERMS AND CONDmONS WHEREAS, the State of Florida and all local governm"'t'ts in the Florida Keys (each subject to Area of Critical State Concern mandates relating to housing affordability) recognize the need for atrordable housing throughout the state and particularly in the Florida Keys where deve10pllble land for housing is extremely 1imi1ed and expensive; and WHEREAS, the challenge of providing affordable housing opportuDities in the Florida Keys is one requiring sensible and responsive use of residential UDit allocations, including implemeotation of effective long-term preservation mec!umi....lI; and WHEREAS, there bas been a moratorium in place on the award of dwelling unit allocations since August, 2005; and WHEREAS, several projects contemplating the development of affordable housing (the "Projects") involve County funding and/or properties and require for funding approval and other purposes the immediate verification of affordable ROGO dwelling unit allocation set asides; and WHEREAS, the DOCC bas examined the Projects identified herein and determined that each is in the County's interests; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA dult: Seedon 1: The Monroe County PIamring Deparlment sba1l direct and approve the reservation and set aside of atrordable ROGO allocations for one (1) year from the date of this resolution (should building permits for the related units not be issued within one (1) year from the date of this resolution all allocations shall revert to the County for possible award to other app1icants) for the following Projects as follows: A. For the "Park Village" project, forty (40) affordable ROGO allocations. B. For the "Islander Village" project, eighty-nine (89) affordable ROGO allocations. C. For the "Overseas" project, forty-nine (49) affordable ROGO allocations. D. For the "JIabitlltforHumanity oftbeLower Keysll'IOI;~da Keys Community Housing Land Trust" Big Coppitt project, ten (10) affonlable ROGO allocations. E. For the four-parcel "Carlisle" project, sixty-nine (69) affurdable ROGO allocations. SeetIo. 2: Plmming Staff is hereby authorized to process expeditiously permit related applications fur the above-referenced projects. SeetIo.3: Alternative methods of deed restrictions as approved by the County Attorney's office may be substituted for the foregoing projects. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commi..noners of Mooroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the .l.2.t.b.. day of Julv 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Glenn Patton Cnmmi..qoner David Rice Yes Yes Yes YeR Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,/":,_";>, :M=~: / c... -:--.::"71 , __-~'.' /~ _ If 23 1.. \,,_,\'; " (SEAL1U"" (\ A~'f>~~~' KOLHAGE, CLERK :,~\ J..J)./jfl ~j ...L' 1 " ",Cietk~;'~~ ',,-,,-:, "'-" ::r ..... co "Tl 0 C co :z: :> "" 1- ::::O"Z ",. m or= c::: .~ '"":x;-< C") -" o. r 0 on' CJI :~u c:--." z?U~: ",. -::J -t (J ~= ::E: r-q -<-t.-":'" D .. . ):> - <::) "Tl G'> .. ;0 r 1" en Cl :> ClO APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney Date 2