Item E .Jun 20 02 08:3Sa p.2 STOCK ISLAND WASTEWATER The County can move ahead on Stock Island wastewater. On June 6, 2002, Bill Smith of Key West Resort Utilities offered the County a plan to sewer Stock Island. This plan requires the COtmty to put up $4,049,077 and a state match of $578,439 for a total cost of $4,627,516. ^ payback to the County of $1,000 on 1500 properties will generate $1,500,000. The total cost to the County would be $2,549,077 for an average cost of$1,699 per EDU. This is the lowest cost per EDU that has ever been offered to the County. Monthly fees would be $35.27 per month and would provide advanced wastewater treatment by 2007. This would provide A WT quality water (5-5-3-1) for most of the people of Stock Island for the low cost of $1 ,600 per connection and $35.27 per month, If 1,500 connections could be accomplished in two years, the County would have $1,500,000 in cOlmection fees and $1,951,000 in infrastructure dollars for a total of$3,451,000 to use for the next Lower Keys wastewater project. ($6,000,000 - 2,549,077 = 3,451,000) Low income families would have up to two years to payoff the $1,600, and connections after two years would jump to $2,700, creating a need to participate. In summary, this would eliminate 1500 septic tanks and cesspits and provide advanced wastewater treatment for Stock Island to help clean up our near shore waters, It would also eliminate the # 1 hotspot in the Lower Keys and the #3 hotspot in the entire Florida Keys. If an agreement can be reached between the BOCC and Key West Resort Utilities, the guidelines of the Master Wastewater Plan and the Governor of Florida can be obtained. [ Jun 20 02 08:3Sa p.3 STOCK ISLAND W ASTEW A TER PAGE 2 A payback to Key West Resort Utilities of$600.00 per connection will provide $900,000 over two years to provide AWT upgrades by year 2007 and will offset increased operating costs generated by additional connections and sludge haul out. Rate structure is evaluated on a yearly basis to provide an equitable rate of return to operator (KWRU). This project has current DEP permits and meets state match requirements for readiness to proceed. The Florida Public Service Commission, that insures low rates over a long period of time, regulates Key West ReSOli Utilities. This wastewater project would be the first of 5 projects to be completed and has funding available along with Bay Point, Conch Key, Key Largo and an EPA project of 4.75 million dollars. The above figures are approximate and subject to evaluation, but are certainly doable. It is time to stop talking about starting wastewater projects. We need to use available flmds to address the most egregious hot spots first, and complete other projects as funds become available. ,Jun 20 02 08:3Sa 11'.4 TOT AL COST OF PROJECT $4,627,516 less state match $578,439 = $4,049,077.00 PAYBACK TO COUNTY @$1 ,600 PER EDU $1,600 X 1,500 Less $600 pay back ERe to KWRU = 2,400,000.00 - 900,000.00 = 1.500.000.00 2,549,077.00 TOTAL COST TO COUNTY TOT AL COST PER EDU TO COUNTY $2,549,077 DIVIDED BY 1,500 1,699.00 per ERe TOT AL DOLLARS LEFT FOR NEXT PROJECT $6,000,000 - 2,549,077 = $ 3,451,000.00 Change 5 years to pay to 2 years with $1,600 connection fee and monthly of $35.27 All unconnected units after 2 years would pay $2,700 cOlmection fee