Resolution 230-2002 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 230. 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE SOLID WASTE TIRE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has announced the application deadline of July 1, 2002 for the Solid Waste Tire Grant, now therefore: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Solid Waste Management Division has approval to submit the Solid Waste Tire Grant to the Department of Environmental Protection, and that; 2. The Board authorizes the Mayor to have signature authority on the Department of Environmental Protection grant application and agreement, and authorizes the County Administrator to have signature authority on payment requests, and that; 3. This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding Officer and Clerk of the Court. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of June AD 2001. \""'istAL) '\Aftest:DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk ..Byr7~, ~:ty aerk By County, "'V <= " <= ....., r- '- f'T1 c 0 Z N " +- 0 ::u -0 :::0 :::x ", .r- ('") .. a w ::u 0 Mayor Charles McCoy ,M()yor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar ..cbfrtmissioner Murray Nelson '. "C,:;omrnissioner George Neugent \ \ /Cornrnissioner Humberto Jimenez \ \:"._'~, -'" c5 a ::r.: >- ::0 ;;e: OP~l tTl ~ _...( (-,. ;- On, S;;33:x: ~. F :<~::x: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIpNsltS OF MONROE COU~TY, FLORIDJ!> /"l1 t ~'\ yp,::: yp,::: yp,::: y~,::: yeR Mayor Chairperson Department of Environmental Protection Jeb Bush Governor Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 SOLID WASTE TIRE GRANT APPLICATION 1. Name of Applicant: 2. Address of Applicant: MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 1100 SIMONTON STREET, ROOM 2-284 KEY WEST, FL 33040 David B. Struhs Secretary 3. Federal Employer Identification Number: 59-6000-749 4. Telephone Number for Applicant: ( 305 ) 292-4432 5. List of Counties Included in the Application: MONROE COUNTY 6. Contact Person (person handling program on daily basis): CAROL A. COBB, ACTING SR. ADMINISTRATOR 7. Address of Contact Person: 1100 SIMONTON STREET, ROOM 2-284 KEY WEST, FL 33040 8. Telephone Number of Contact Person: ( 305 ) 292-4432 9. Name and Title of Authorized Representative: Name: JAMES L. ROBERTS Title: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - ..... o 0 :.1[ ~ :::tJ -r" g f;:~ (J' r CH-): g. Research to facilitate waste tire riejCJ.lQg: h. Establishing waste tire collectio~!!s i. Incentives for establishing privaw:wa&te tire collection centers: ;;: ~ j. Perform or contract for enforcement activities: k. Purchase materials made from waste tires: 10. Purpose for which grant money is requested. (Indicate by checkrnarks): Rule 62-716.620 a. Construction of waste tire processing facility: b. Operation of waste tire processing facility: c. Contract for waste tire facility service: d. Equipment for waste tire processing facility: e. Removal of waste tires: f. Contract for removal of waste tires: x x 11. This application is due by July 1 of each year. 12. E-MAIL Address: r-..) c::::> .." r.:::::> - r-..) r L rrt c C) ::z: N .." -.J 0 :::0 :l> :::0 ::J:- rrt C"') 0 - :::0 en C) I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of this county. - --~ !l =---./~~ ~ ~ ... Signature of Authorized Representative ~~y/;; 2 Date Please return form to: Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Section *Mail Station # 4565* 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 5/02-FY02-03 , '. 1, ~ Printed on recycled paper,