Notices to Owner 16855 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite tol, North Miami Beach, Fl, 33162 TELEPHONE: (305) 653-2200 fAX: (305) 653-2996 TOLL FREE: (800) 329-7377 INTERNET: http://wwwJloridanotice.com E-lv1AIL: noticeS@tlOlidanotice.com NOTICE NO: 579488 DATE: 09/13/06 NOTICE TO OWNER TO: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1100 SIMMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33040 0000 [Cert Mail 7107 2291 7190 1924 6761J (OWNER) WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM: Preliminary Notice I Notice olIntent to Claim Against Bond 03133069*MONROE CNTY BIG A,B,G & HAVE BIG PINE KEY Florida BOND#104606420 (AT E~ST END OF/4 LOCATIONS) Monroe County, Florlda. PINE KEY RDWY IMPRVMTS FENCE MASTERS, INC. EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. -. - -. --~,_.._-_.,. ~- .-~. 'OllCE OF co~~~(:~l.fi,~V,~Q(1f AvaHab'e) [-- --. - ------.----- i SEP 1 5 "----"-~ ._- The undersigned hereby informs you that he has furnished, or is furnishing services and/or materials as follows: FENCE/GUARDRAIL MATERIALS & LABOR for the improvement of the real property identified as: MONROE COUNTY RI.?:~ MANAG~M.~_.J under an order given by: COMMUNITY ASPHALT CORP Florida law prescribes the serving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with 713.06, Florida Statutes. If this job is bonded under Section 713.23, Florida Statutes, Section 255.05, Florida Statutes or 270 United States Code, the firm sending this Notice will look to the bond (Surety Co.) for protection if not paid. Ita Payment Bond exists, please furnish a copy to the flnn shown below or provide the Name and Address of the Surety. Failure to provide this Information may render you liable for damages. If more than one contractor is involved with this project, please furnish the finn listed below with a copy of each contract. Please refer to the Notice Number listed above when responding. TillS NOTICE IS FURNISHED AS A STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE IN FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. IT IS NOT ALIEN. !~-~-" L _'7f}d - -or-' : 1.;;:;'-..-L/'..."v::j~,,'-;f-/~___ RoB T L. JOHNSTON, Agent For: C E R T [ F I E I) 1. [Cer~ Mail 7107 2291 7190 1924 6778] COMMUNITY ASPHALT CORP 14005 NW 186 ST HIALEAH, FL 33018 0000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 713.18, F.S~ "REQUESTS FOR SWORH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT" ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO Tl1E UENOR'S DESIGNEE USTED BELOW: FIRM: FENCE MASTERS, INC. 3550 NW 54 STREET MIAMI FL 33142 0000 (05)635-7777 2. [Cer~ Mai 1 7107 2291 7190 1924 6785] TRAVELERS CASUALTY & SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA 1 TOWER SQUARE HARTFORD, CT 06183 0000 c o P I E S CG; KVJCl-- V] , u IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Un?er Florida laoo. those wile. 'M)rk on ).-Qllr property or pro'o'ide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against ~ur property. ThiS claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713. Part I. Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Dept of Professional Regulation. FooCNTC6, P=47 Copynght 2000, 2003 by Flooda Notice Corporation _ All Rights Reserved MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Certified: 71010412344016239428 OWNER: COMMISIONERS COIlSTRUCTlON ADMINISTRATION 500 WHITEHEAD ST W0#1719277 BATCH:027354ID:COM70 DATE:02J04l08 KEY WEST FL 33040-6581 T:OM R:PD S:KD , I: '1,.,i!l!1f!fl -,E'eby informs you that it has furnished or is furnishing service", or 1<\' 1:'1 MISC CONSTRUCTION LABOR & OR MATERIALS I ill I I', ,Iemelll Df :Ihe real property described as: KEY DEER BLVD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT BIG PINE KEY, BIG PINE KEY PORTION OF LAND IN MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ,I!" I" ,)rder gl/en by: )1 I I 'I'sc"ib~~~ he :;Ewlng of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your COnTl.ct I'd>: 00 :; f r il StatLj':f', Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.16(1) please furnish a copy of your direct contrac1 VI 111, n '! c] rl. lck ')V I )-. S ;lck'l-]I/Iecged. Request for Sworn Statement of Account must be addressed to: COMMUNITY ASPH,~L T CORPORATION 14005 NW 186TH ST HIALEAH FL 33018-6451 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 5970 , 1'-' t , , Is I' , ,I P ~ I~- :; law, Ul:;se who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to nnfcl =;:; t ",8: :..1 r li rroperty. Thl~; claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subconti.3.ctc~; I) r" at;! I 'I' c: ke oUlel legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your propE ~Ity f A' pc)'r er' I :I 'OUR CO "TF:ACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF I: >:JG ,Z= that this IIJotice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplyin~ a ~jl):iCl' t: J\\r I. I. L_E ~ r:n~ flore about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meanin!1 of till; rc't :E . I IIWY ( t'w Florida :)epartment of Business and Professional Regulation. The undersigned will look to contractor. bond for protection of the work. I paYl ,"!!' t hand eXI:;ts 'or this project, this notice shall serve as the_preliminary notice of intention tc ma' 12, Cl311l ap I ( :!:3). ,ev,st for, copy of the bond(s) is hereby made, with acknowledgment of responsibility for cqy c:"ls. =, il,., I; 1':l:,:tE: cop)' may helle adverse consequences as described in Florida Statutes. 1:1 :~M: COMMUNITV ASPHALT CORPORATION 14005 NW 186TH ST HIALEAH FL 33018-6451 [OWNER] Certified: 7101 0412344016239428 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST FL 33040-6581 [CUST CUST OWNER] I! ': Cro.-~o..L, lid- C~ ~() fi~--~imes A. armel, Agent v' MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 1100 SIMONTON ST KEYWESTF~110 "" o 0 ~ z ~... ~iJ E1 C-f ~'= ,.;., r>1 r--:. ~": ,." '-,,-". co g f~':- l'~ -t,-. '" ;"-:: ...:....j . :::t ~ -rl ~ r- " P I'\.) <:0 .. ' ...(:.' / t1 . ~=i(""<a-I~ CAy