C. Commissioners' Items BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPECIAL DOCC WORKSHOP Meeting Date: AUllust 2. 2006 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No~ Departmenl : DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: DonnaHanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion item-Wastewater Treatment Plant Alternative in the Stock Island, Big Coppitt service area. ITEM BACKGROUND: See attached correspondence from Jim Reynolds, Eucutive Director, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing __ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: G~P~ COMMISSIONER GLENN PATION DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #& .... Page 1 of 1 Hanson-Donna From: Jim Reynolds Ureynolds@fkaa.comJ Monday, July 24,20064:25 PM BOCCDIS5 Sent: To: Ce: Willi-Tom; Kirk Zuelch: Kerry Shelby; bobdeankw@aol.com; dritz@orcareefcom, Elena _ Herrera@DCFState.FI.us; MaryR@ononbank.com; Rose15@earthlonk.net Subject: Navy Sewer Plant Correspondence Attachments: Reavis Response 9March2004.pdf; Reavis 2March2004.pdf Mr Patton - As you requested, attached are copies of a letter flom the FKAA to the Navy and a copy of their response regarding the FKAA's Interest in acquiring the sewer system if the Navy's negotiation with Key West Resort Utility was unsuccessful. There were also several verbal discussions that occurred as well. I Will send you Information regarding our negollations to purchase Key West Resort Utility in a separate email Please call me if you have any questions, Jim ., 15 1006 ,....r f~1 ,/~~~~~ ... ,~~\I/(:;X'.) :::(.- ,...~ ~~':\' .1. .~~~. . " ~ (-' . u ~=i__>~,~~ ".,-".." DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SOUTHfRN lJi\'ISJON SAV.'\L F,\ClLmFS Ft\GJ',;EF.RING CO~M_.o\.."'JD P,O. UOX 190010 2155 EAGLE DRIVE 1\ORTI I OIARLESTO,,", S.c. 2941 q.90JO RETURN RECEIPT REQL"ESTED 09 March 2004 !\1r. James C. Reynolds Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority P. O. Box 1239 ] I 00 KelUledy On YC Key West, FL 33041.1239 SUBJECT: SOLICITAT]OK~62467-00-R-1801, DEPARTMENT OF THE NA VY UTILITY PRfY A TIZA TIO~ FOR AREA D Dear Mr. Reynolds: This is in response to your letter dated March 02, 2004, concerning the subject solicitation as it pertains to the privatization of the water and wastewater systems at the Naval Air Station (NAS), Key West, Florida. Specifically, you are interested in submitting a proposal for the wastewater treatment facilities that service the ~avy in the Key West area. Since the time specified in the solicitation for receipt of offers, i.e., June 24 2003, has expired. the Navy is unable to accept a proposal at this time (FAR] 4.3). If the Navy is unable to privatize the wastewater treatment facility al NAS Key West and another solicitation is issued, you will be able to propose at that time. Please contact John A. Jeffries at H43-S20-5904 or email at lohn.a.ieffries'ii.navy.rnij if you have questions concerning our decision. Sincerely, RECEIVED MAR 1 8 2004 EXECUTIVE OFFICE ," / I f". 'I / I, i./ ' ~.' ~. \; ~ fr 1-~IJ'o...,'.L~..----.... . berly Reavis ClilitiesiFacility Support Director Contracting Officer " .// ~Clr t.1 KJO.,j~ S. C"1J'Jf'1J'j Kf;-J ".-';cn < Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ,f~,-7 1.130;, L R.:e '-J'ce'.C'l<\"T.e.-, ~,.l,ra;r'cr Q ,./" Hiir:', :::. -:>Qr~ Se':~ct;..,. "'fC.1.s,;rer K€} :"21\.;' ,..::;' PC'Sl 2~t;cc B.::< . 2:::g ~1CC <..aOfll:J'.' 'Xve ;, r"...~,.... 1.,;..,'; \'\';:'1. ~O'...oc 33041-1,31} ~ ~ -'" '.., "~ ~2:.;;rt'on= ,305:. 296.2.E).1 .~ /' (', \--~.', \1' \.' .... ':::~ r~) .21;i0t';~,~ 2:\j'~. "~ /".:. ~", c:.~',' "",- !::;:~3. L -.::":.-,,. H8~!-;iilf.': 1(<:;: RC$p- J,::,I B 9 Pi":= '<cJ Ja.""",i~S C r=:~';'.Jljs [xe:....~ 'or:: Dir'j::;o' March 2. 2004 Department of the !\avy Kimberly Rea\'is P.O Box 190010 :\ortll Charlcstun, SC 29419-9010 Re: Solicitation 1\62467-00.R.1801. Department or the ~avy Utilities Privatization Initiative for Area D. Dear Ms. Reavis, The F1urida Keys Aqueduct Authority subm.itted a proposal for the water distrihutlOn 'ystem at :-JAS Key West last year in response to the subject solicitation. I appreciate your ktter of January 3D, 2004 whcrein you indicated your office would be in contact with us regarding our proposal. The Authority, at that time, did not submit a proposal in tesponse to the solicitation concerning the wastewater collection and treatment facilities at :>IAS Key We,r. Subseqnent to the time that thc wastewater proposal was to be submitted, the Authority and the \lonroe County Commission entered an agreement to procced with the plannillg and con.muction of a wastcwater system for Big Coppin Key, Rockland Key and Gieg(:r Key, :-.iAS Key West is located \\'iLhin the area that ene()mpasses this proposed waste\\'atcf system. The Authority has determined that it may be beneficial for ;\AS Key West alld the residents hving on the nearby keys to utilize the same wastewater treatment facility, Our engincers hav'e examined the :-JAS Key West treatment facility with l\;AS Key West staff's assistance. It appears that from an engineering and fiscal standpoint, the utilization of the \'''-5 Key West wastewater treatment facility for an area. wide collection system cou.1d best ser\C all interests, I betieve this option should be thoroughly reviewed before a decision is made to proceed with any other proposals, The Authority would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss a proposal [llat would provide a detailed analyses of how the :-Ia\'y and its neighbors could both benefit from the Authority utilizing the !'>i\S Key West wastewater treatmcnt facility as the cornerstonc for construction of an area-wide wastewater system that meets thc appropriate Advance Wastewater Treatment standards as provided lor in Chapter 99-395, Laws of Florida, The Authority would also provide in its proposal for taking over the responsibility of operating and maintaining the :'-IAS Key West collection system. as well as the other wastewater collections systems identitied in Solicitation ~62467-00-R-1801, The Authority has been givcn the rcsponsibihty by the Florida Legislature to provide wastewarer systems to tbe citizens of 't\1onroe County. The Authority has a \\'astewatcr system preparing to begin operations in Marathon and systcms soon to be constructed 111 Conch Key, Bay Point. and the remainder of the City of ylaratholl, I look forward to hearing from you, Should )'OU have any questions please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDU T AUTHORITY cc: Conunanding Officer Jim Scholl. U ,S, Navy From: Jim Reynolds Ureynolds@fkaa.com] Monday, July 24, 20064:53 PM BOCCDIS5 ".- . ...Pal!:e I of I 'I;. ~'.~. .._i~;\ (~J~.D\\/l !~;.r~ .! ~ I,L, I 'I '! \( Jt.t 2 4 ~(lfJ6 I I "\'~f1ft-1 Kt,,'R~~J Hanson-Donna Sent: To: Ce: Willi. Tom; Kirk Zuelch; Kerry Shelby; bobdeankw@aOl.com; dritz@orcareefcom; Elena_Herrera@DCF.State.Fl.us; MaryR@orionbank.com; Rose 15@earthlinknet Subject: FKAA Negotiations with KWRU Attachmonts: KWRU 14 Feb 2000.pdf; KWRU Offer to Sell 27 Dec 1999.pdf; Purchase Offer 7Feb2006 pdf; KWRU Finane Eval 26 April 2000pdf Mr Patton - Attached are documents pertinent to our negotiations With KWRU dating back to 1999. As we discussed there are many documents, drawings, etc. in the files, but I have only attached what is directly relevant to our negotiations. We had a limited appraisal performed earlier this year that we used to develop our last offer this past February that was ultimately verbally rejected by KWRU. I will send that appraisal In another email. Jim ~ 25 2()()6 ~$~qI' u~ ~ @"'~..&: rar~ 11 JU..JIT A..D.a.X8 . BUtTB 14.00 . OHIQAOO. ILLDV'OIS eOeOB-6004 (alel 909..OIOO . JI".A.x. (Oll~;) 9BriF776d OBlfEaA1. B-KA.lL ..hb-Iaw.c:om WILLL\..M. L. SKI.TH. J.. Do.41..D P. BJDIJl.IICII. Ja. KBvx>r P. Bu.zE T.o..... E. lllUNlrIGo.J< N.&1"CT SR.&..... CaOODaB" SC.OTT M. GU1ST~OW Fe bruary 14, 2000 Mr. James C. Reynolds, P.E. Deputy Executive Director Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority P. o. Box 1239 \100 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041-2454 Dear Jim: I am in receipt of your lelter of February 2nd regarding certain information within which to consider the purchase of Key West Resort Utilities. Enclosed please find a copy of current en~.iromnental pennits. permitting us for 500,000 gallons per day and also a copy of the application to increase the permitted capacity to a million gallons per day. Also enclosed. please find the last two years monthly operating reports submitted to FDEP. a copy of our most recent annual report, a copy of our current tariff, a customer acCOUnl list of information and the current contract as it relates to effluent disposal. Please note that this contract is process of being modified in light of our potential sale and our requirements as outlined in our letter of December 27, 1999. As you know, the county has recently adopled an ordinance requiring a one year notice and a thirty day notice to require customers to hook up to a current system. We are in the process of developing a plan to hook up an additional 800 ERCs within the next year. We will probably be giving notice within the next month to those who will be required to hook in. Sincerely Yours, ~1!l1~~~ WLS/lm ~~.,f rlYmd( ~m~ ~~ &. ~~ U Jl:A8T ~4.HS . 6'UIT:B 1400. OBJ.G.A.Oo, n.l.UrfOI8 00"00-8004 (:112) eUIO-0100. PA,x (Olt)SlaO~"e& 08NEJtAL a-HAIL .."'I;)hl.w.r:om W:r:1.1.L\..H L. S)I.lTR. ..Ja. DOJt',U"D F. nRXHJtIOUM. Ja. R'R',,"~ P. Bumn: lHO,.... E. BR.A.a~tc'....,.. N'.A.14(.lY SRA.....(jaOfjK..cx December 27.1999 filA. J"ACSIMTI.F:, jO~.29L56'J ,1./." ('t: j?...""1 1r.# ",.<JI.r ~ /. Jtlt, 1 James C. Revnal . Florida Key5 uaduct Authonry P.D Box 1239 I '00 Kennedy Drive Kcy West, I'Iorid" 33041 Dear Jim: It W~ certainly a pleasW'C meetinG with you fo~ lunch on Friday, December 17, 199910 discuss the K W. Resort Utilitico COl]). Key West Resort Uli lilies Gorp. 0\\115 and opallles a wastewaler trcal:nenl sylllem COnsiSliog of one 499,000 gallon per day capacity treahnent plant, 12 lift slations, 13,500 linear feel of graviry SeWEll' with 83 I11llIlholes and a!'Proximal.ly 12,000 linear teel of force Illllins. Key West Resort Utilities Corp. presently serves 1000 customers and treats 200,000 gallons per day on averase. The plllDl itself is located On a two-acre site on Stock Island. Income for Ihe yeAI' 1999 is approximately $460,000.00. in addilion to its.cum:nt operation, the Key WeIII Resort Utilities Corp. temlory includes approximately J ,500 homes and husinesses that are not presently served by lhe syS1~m. The public service cbmmission capacity reservation fee of charge assessed to each ItCW customer i. 52,700.00. The pl""t hila the capacity to add these ~ ,500 potential customers and collect $4,050,000.00 in cap.:ity recs wilhout incu.'1ing additional e~peosc. except for iMtalling a cullection system. The cost for installing a vacuum coUection sysrem th= new cll5tOlDers bas been estimated to be 53,000,000.00. This COllt does uot include the madway restoration expense which the county has indicated they wi!! absorb The operating budget expense for tho expansion of serviceo to 1500 new custom.en is projected 10 incfClIIC by $100,000.00. Incume, a~~ 3pproved public service commission rate of 34,25 per month, is projected 10 be S6S0,OOO.OO'exclusive of any capacity r.... o/{... ~ -_.../ James C. Re)'llolds December 27, 1999 Pag~ 2 In addition to the expansion of service within i\$ territory, the Key West Resort Utilities Corp. is expanding its terilorial service area. Preliminary desillfl for plant ellpausion 10 1 million lIallons pcr day has been comp Jeted and permit application to the FDEP baa beeu made. The expaasiOD plarur cunlClIlplate the CQnstructi"n of a \lew 500,000 gallon Davco treatment faciiity. Adding this capacity to the existing wastewater treatment operation will 8l:COIIIJ'll.oda!C the demand for wastewater INatmenl from the Big Coppil, RDeklaDd and Geiger Keys. AllJUOximately, 1.700 new custooers would be served at these locations hy Ihis addition Engineering for the CllpaDlion of Srock Island, concept engineering. permit application for plaut expanllion and concept cngieering for the collection systom and lnIJISmi96ion line for Bili Coppit, RockLand ilDd Qciger Keys have been completed. The cost llSIOcillled wilh and inCWTe<l by Key West Resort Utili tics, Inc. in milan! to plan! expansIon engineerina exceeds 5250,000.00. As 1 have previously staled, Key W cst Resort Utilities. Inc. would entertain an off~ made by the Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority to pW'Chase the ISlets and cmain liabilities of Key West Reoorllitiliti~.1nc. upon the following g"",,",' terms and conditions: 1. Asset pwcba8c price of$7,j(!O,OOO.00 (Seven and Half Million Dollan). 2. The Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority would assume allliabilitics a.~sociated with t~ wastewaler treatment operati<>ns of Key Wat Resort Utilities, Inc, 3. This asset purchase lIjp"CCI'nent would be expressly eontingent upon the Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority and the Key WCSI Gol! Coune entering into a contract, whereby the Key West Golf Coune would )Iurchase III1d the Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority would sell &raY water at the rate of 40 cents per thousand lIallol1ll upon the following teJttlS and conditions: a. The Florida Keys Aqmduet Authoriry must sell and deliver a minimum of 200,000 gallons per day bu.t no more than a m.,dmu.m of 500,000 gallons per day; b. In the event the plant is Wlablc to supply grB)' water to the Golf Course, the Florida Keys AquaduC! Authority would npply 200,000 gallons of "fresh water" at the rate of 52. IS per thousand gallons/city rate for water; e The Florida Keys .o\quaduct Authority will divert all gray water to the disposal wells at lbe llllIucst of tile Key W cst Golf Club. Such a requesl win be limited to Ihose instances when the golf course is flooded or satu.illed with ",;atel'. Any determination that the golf course is flooded or saturated with water will be made at the sole di'~lon of the Key West Golf Club. The obligation to accept delivery of and pay for gray ~;\l:1: ~-lb!> Key West Golf Club shaI1 b. suspended during ",!y' perIOd ~i!ty!;"i<m. Thi. event on aV""'!!O happens IS-2S days per year; . -y..,~ lamco C. R~ynolds December 27,1999 Page 3 d. The Key West Golf Club will retain mvnersbip, CQDtrol and responsibility for the maiJllenllllCC of the gray water distriblltion S)'5tcm located on the Golf Course property. including but not limited to the ponds and ini&ation system: e. The Key West Golf Course willl1lonitor daily the '1ualily of the gray water to ensure itl suil/lbility for ipplieation to the Golf Course property. Th~~S will be credited iIl!a.inst $1st charges due.and..O>IIIiq..lll...1M .Ejgn~.AtIl,.d.,*-A.ahonty, by the Key West Golf Club; and, f. 10 tbe evenr the Florida K~ys Aquaducl Authority expands the wastewater treatment plant clIplll:ity. the Key West Golf Club will ""'-"'Cpt ~ delivery of gray wilier in eXCess of 500,000 gallons per day, ""cept aa limited by par&Ah c above. The Key West Golf Club bas neither a demand not use for gray WlIlC'l' in exccss of 500,000 gallons per clay. The delivery and acceptance of this additional capacity will be without charlie or expense 10 either party. Howcver, the Florida Keys Aquaduet Authority will reimburse and pay to the Key West Gol! Club aU expcnoC8 associated with ~~~.i...~__Wstin!t-- dIalributi~_sYsl..l:f!!~..i!l~ .l~pol!!I,UlnainigatioD system, as reqllim by the FDEll to accommodate the additional gray water capacity. The cOlt asscciatcd with the lCey Wast Golf Club diSlributiOD system expansion i. eatimll1ed to be 57S0,000.00. The Key West Rc:lort Utilities, Inc. believes thlll !be terms and condi lions contained herein arc reasonable ond within the parameter!. of market value for such III enterprise. After the Authority hall had the oppommiry to review thil correspondence and contemplarc the I'roposed transactiOIl. we should proceed to contract and ;Iosing. 7C'1::/t~ {William L. Smith, Jr. WiSlcc ....;,' Florida Keys A~~~duct Authority /' b' ,,',,"""'..'.. d ---...:.". - ..,,",;"'.":: ~ ~ '~ .""~,~t... cC?L/ ;fr tI . ,:;"',3.rT:.i" r"~,:.(o.Jr'~:' , " R.::;SC"~ Df:':," \/cc-Ct-2.r~,;J" K~'. "....s:::t E;>3:~a Z ~er'H3. S,;C"e':~i,' -"JC:i::',.!'f::r ''::;.C-8i-;,o::r'"j '-\e; Rc:..r~ FA ~:.; ...J "'-2; r'\F', C::;'.(l'~ =<i::: ~,e', ,-",-r~:,~; F~bruary -;.200(, Ja.'''€:s::::; ;;0'.' '':C'.: [l(F:-c..,~I',t::~": '~':::;. \11'. Hill Smith Key West Resm1 Utllitics Corp. 1'.0. Box 2125 K~y West. Florida 33045 Subj~~t: Key West ResoI1S. Iue. Dear Bill. As vou may be aware. the Authority Ellard at the January 26, 2006 meeting dlr~<:ted starf to initiale an otTer to the Key \\'C$t RCSOTls. Inc. ("Company") for thc put~ntial acquIsition of thc wastcwatcr assets and s<:nice territory of the Key West Resorts, Ine systcm (th<: "Sy~tcm"). furthcrmor~." c havc had a preliminary appraisal prcpared by CalhoLln. Drcggors, and Associates. In~. (the "Appraisers") in order' to determinc a valuc li)r the System. Based on preliminary information pro,'iJed by thc Appraisers and our L1nd<:rstanding ofthc Systcm. we otl'er the following for your consideratlOn: I. Propert~.: the acquired propel1y shall consist of all wastewater ~olk(tlllJ\, transmission. treatl11~nt. and eftlu~nt disposal faeilllies. including the reclaimed water transmission lioe. owncd and operating by tbe Company and prOViding service tn the customers "f the System. This would require the dedication or rransfer of aH easements and rights-of-way required to pro\'idc servicL' to th.: customers of the System. AdditIOnally, the property shall include i) all tangible property sueh as ,'ehicles. cquipmeot. computers, Ill,'entory and rolling srock; ii.i all nece"ar)' pennits required f"r the operation of the System; iii) records and tile, as,:.;oci.1ted with the t:lcilitics in scr\'it,;~ (final construction plans): i\) i.:usturw.:r semce and billing records; \') and llther propcrry as idcmitied by the Partics as a conditiun of entering a Purchase and Sail.: Agrecmcnc {collecti\"dy. tbe "PropeI1y",I. The PrOptl1)' will not indudc ClIlY accounts recc:ivubic5 that are due ;It timC' of Closing. The Prop<Tt)' \\'ill be purchased by Ihe AuthorilY on an "lh-is. \\here.is" h~lSis (condition, location. etc.), , Purchase Price: The Authv"ity will pay to the Olmers of thc Company 58,O()()3JOO for the acquisition of the Propcrty, The Company will nOT comtnlct the expan;;ion of the wastewater treatn1ent plant from OA99 mgd to 0.750 I11gd and going to advanced wastewater treatment: this will be the respon;;lbility of the Authority, The Company will advance to the Authority all funds collected to the date of closing a;;sociated with the 5600 per EUL rate as agreed between the Company and Monroe County (the "County") for thc coll\'ersion of the wastewater plant to advanced was:ewater treatment Any funds reeei, cd by the Authority for customer charges and system development fees aner the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agrcement will be retained by the Autbority and will not be available as additional compensation to tbe Company, 3. Excluded Assets: Excluded assets shallll1clude any cash, cxcept customer deposits and the advanced wastewatcr Ireal1nel1l plant funds eolleetcd from prC\'iom customers (i.c., the 5600 per EDU rate) ror the plant modillcation to advanced \\'as~cwa{cr trcatult.:nr. accounts rel:civnble, \eased assets of the SY5tem not directly relared to the wastewater treatment plant. and the irrigation sy,tem at the golf course at the Key West Golf Club (KWGC). -1. Reclaimed \\!atcr: All treated effluent Irom the wastewater plant up to 00499 mgd \nil be a\'ailable for irrigatiun water at tbe KWGC. The Authority will not commit any reclainled water to any other customer associated with the current Systcm capacity 01'0.499 mgd WIthout the appro\'al of the KWGC. The rate for reclaimed water will remain fixed at SOo4O per 1,000 gallons of delivered water for a minimum of 5 years trom the date ufpurcbase, with the exception of the application of indexing for Innationar)! cost recovery. The Authority will divert all ettluent not used by the KWGC to the disposal wells or use at other disposal .,ites, Additionally, tbc KWGC shall OWI1 tile reclaimed water distribution system and the Authority will own the transmission line up to tbe Point of Delivery which will need to be identlfted by exhibit and designated in the eventual Purchase and Salc Agn:cIllent. ), Company Liabilitie~: Since the Authority is purchasing the a.;;sct~ and scr..il:t an.~a of the Company, 110 outstanding Iiahtlities will become ohligations orthe AUlhority. The Company will ha\'e a Phase 1 Ennronmcntal Assessment perfOlmed on all the plant sites owned or used for System operations to \'alidate that no adverse environmental conditions eXlst at tbe timc of closing of the transaction. The Company will he responsible for allliabihtics outstanding or itlV'uned up to the date of closing. 6. Transition Costs: The owners of the Company shall apply tor and secllre a termination of Its franchise from lhe Florida Public Servicc Commission and shall be responsible tor payment of regulatOlY assessment fees and other related charges. if any, accnled up to the lime of clO'lI1g, The Authoriry will conduct a puhlic intom,ation m~etillg at its Cllst with the affected ratepayers prior to closing to infonn th~ public of th~ transactIOn and change in se" ice proyiders. Each of the Panies will be responsible for rh~ir spcellic legal, engineering, and financial co;ts incurred as a result of the tral1saction, 7 Operations Contract: The Authority will cnt~r into an op~rations contract for a minimum ti\'c-y~ar t~rm \l'ith th~ cunent operator of thc wastewat~r treatm~nr plant. The tenns aml condition. of the operations agr~ement will allow for a compensation package that approximates the same le\'cl currently being received hy the operators of th~ System. The operations contract can he cancelled by the contract operator with 6 months previous written notice to the Authority at any tim~ during the initial five year operations contract teml. The Authority will b~ able to terminate the for non-performance of the nperations contract 8. Engineering Due Dllillence. Prior to entering into a Purchase and Sate AgreemenL the Company will allow the Authority the opportunity to review the Sy.t~m asscts for condition and ability to comply with the requirements of the operating pcrmits i.sued by regulatory agcneie, with oversight authority (~.g.. Florida Department of Environmental Proteclion). Jf the engineering due diligence eyaluatlon detcrmines Ihat addItional expenses are required to mcet the Authority standards, the 1\ uthority will ha,e the right 10 terminate the agreement unless the deficiencies are cured by the Company to the satisfaction of the Alllhority. As you know, the general teons and condillons as describcd above, if aceept~d by you. are contingent upon the review and approval of the fK.AA Board of Directors. We believe that the otTer delineated above represents a reasonable olTer for the System and we appreciate your consideration of these terms for the purchase of the System by the Authority. We believe that this is a reasonable and fair proposal recognizing the specilics of the Parties' needs, the current investment of the Company in the System, and the overall service conditions. \\11en compared [0 the initial offer that was verbally accepted by you during 2000 of 57,500,000 which included the "futllres" associated with the full System growth and expansion of the System sen.ice ate a which has now been ,mderway, this represents an overall increase to the overall lunds reccived by the Company by oyer 53 AOO,OOO as shown below: ,--.---- :\mount -Plant C~pa~if~ Fcc~. C~}lI.~~ICd (,f~:ures. in prcvioLls5lfT~r) (tL_..~.' , Dll.ring2(~~ __._._._._ :: Sl~~ During ~002 _, . .fS~.400 ~'l)uri~lg 20~J --=-~~~'_._~~-=-~_,_._l_,_:.210.1()1-: I DUlil1g20~ _""_. _ __.__..___._I,ln{1,.1.)9' I S~I.blntal.2f I'lan.!. Capac~~,=~~ei~~__.. ._ 2. 936~('~-; , . i ._.__..___._.-'-~_.n_...J ; Op~ratml.!: Income and ~f:1nag:ell1~!!t F~cs Recc:\y.cd (i 1 (2) _ . t : ! Duril!.L':2001_.,_______ ,_._~_ ._~~ I 538.293 'i i D\lrjll~ ~002 . ~ 127.566 ~Durin~2003 ~-_._-----~-l~,---.. .!'5~- i During:!Ofl4 .._.._.. __,.1_ 197:2UL ~~lbtotnl ofOlhsr Fun~~~ ReL'c,i,~~__ ,___ .__~-L~___,~4.~ ___-- -=- -=-:-J~_=___:___=_= 'I S8.00!,),f)nu I - -1----. ~otal FUIl~s Reccil,'edb.... Companv ~ ~- ~ ~. --i1SlO.94~.876 ) I In'hat Offor bv fKAA 01 " _ __.-.-==::t:1=~ ruOO.OOO Ilncroase in Funds Roceived by Compaov__.__~_ 53.444.876 I Lease io FU:,dS Received bv c~an'. -without Other Fun~.-t= $3dlO.()~ 'II Amounts shown derived fr()1l1 t.:ach re=,p:;ctlVC year Annual Rc:port sublmttcd hy I the Compan,y to the Florida Public Sen-ic(.' Comnl15s.i(lO. Th~ 2005 Annunl Rcp(>n is not ;1\;aUablc but th~ indusi{)fl of ~uch amounts is J.nticipated III increase the o\'entll CUlllts recei....ed by Company. i i.2) Operaling IIl4.:ome includes deprcl'iatiun expense \vhich is a non.cash expense ur the company, 1 i)) Initi:ll ()fter IJf FKAA based, in part, on the pUfcha~ed price comaim:d in Bill Smith Offer Letter dated Dcct'mber 27. : 999 to {he: Au!horit..-, ------- _._.,_..---~ rr_~~S":d :\"'4uisitIOll Pr~cc If you accept the Authority's offer '" oullined herein and it IS appro\Td by the Authority's Board of Directors. I suggest that the Panics craft a \[emorandum of l'nderstandlng to more fully describe the terms and conditions of the transaction and the responsibilities of the Parties so wc caulIlove forward with the transaction. Please do not hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions with regard to our proposal and we look forward to hearing from YOll soon. Very truly yours. ,,' Florida Key~,A;;,ed~jdthOritY AIII/ ~eynold , ( /'F,ccutivc D rector _./~ '-:'I r"",\ ..~ c 1 I ~,t ; r , ; , ~ i ':) lsU ~ ~~ J April 26, 2000 PRMG # 1097-03 Mr. Roger Braun Director of Ctilities Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority P. O. Box 1239 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, FL 33041 Subject: Preliminary Financial Evaluation of Key West Resort Utilities Corporation Dear Mr. Bralll1: Public Resources Management Group, Inc. (PRVlG) has prepared a preliminary fmancial evaluation of the wastewater facilities of the Key West Resort Utilities Corporation (uK. W. Resort Utilities" or the "Utility). The purpose of the preliminary financial cvaluation is to assist the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ("FKAA") in its evaluation of K. W. Resort Utilities' otTer to 'IeI1 its wastewater system facilities and assets. The preliminary financial evaluation set forth in this report is based on two methods that are summarized for your consideration: i) a going concern or present value/cash income analysis. and ii) a debt capacity analysis. Both of the financial analyses are based upon preliminary projections of cash flows gcnerated by current and future operations of the Utility in order 10 provid~ information 10 the FKAA as it relates to the financial aspects of the potential purchase of the Utility. The preliminary financial evaluation set forth herein, subject to additional due diligence, including further verification ofthe assumptions relied upon in the analysis and the service area, tinancial and cost data provided by K.W. Resort Utilities, along with an engineering review and evaluation of the facilities owned by thc Utility and verification of the cost estimates and assumptions included in th" Utility's Engineering Master Plan, should ptovide a ba.'lis for FKAA' s consideration of K, W. Rcsort Utilities' offer to sell the wastewater system. The present value/cash income analysis and the d~bt capacity analysis are commonly used along with olber methods to determine the value of utility system properties and the results of these analyses should assist FKAA in its negotiations with the Utility owners. In the development ofthe preliminary financial analyses, which are summarized in the tablcs and schedules included at [he end of this letter report, PRMG relied upon i) infonnation contained in the Utility's Annual Reports for the calcndar years 1995 through 1999, as filed with the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC); ii) discussion with the owners of the l"tility relative to future growth and service arlO>l needs of the Utillty; iii) detailed cu.'llomer billing infonnation for general service customers served during calendar year 1999; and iv) assumptions and infonnation contained in the Utility's Engincering Master Plan regarding the expansion of the Utility system in order to provid" wa..tcwater collection and treatment services to both existing and new development within the Utility's s"rvlCC area. To Ibe el<tcnt we have relied upon certain ';"'~"_cr.I"'''''''''~:_ Mr. Roger Braun Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority "-pril 26, 2000 Page 2 data. cu,t estimates and infonnation obtained from K. W. Resort Utilitics and others in the preparation of this report, we have relied upon such information to be accurate and no assurances are intended and no representations or warranties are made with respect thereto or the use maJe herein. For the purposes of developing the present valudcash income analysis of the Utility, a 3D-year forecast period was utilized. In developing the dcbt capacity analysis the first five years of the forecast werc utilized. The first year of the analysis was assumed to be calendar year 2000. The projected costs and revenues used in the preliminary financial evaluation are based upon the Uility's actual financial operating results for calendar year 1999 with certain adjustments as described herein. The estimated costs to operate and maintain the t.:lility's wastewater system havc been projected from the 1999 base year to reflect the impact ofanticiP'ltcd customer growth on operating costs and such projections do not reflect any increases in costs due to inflation. Similarly, the estimated revenues Over the forecast period are based upon the wastewater mtes currently in effect and such rates are not indexed for cost inflation. The remainder of this report summarizes the results of the preliminary financial evaluation including lID overview of the principal assumptions and considerations utilized by PRMG in preparing such evaluation of the wastewater system owned by K.W. Resort Utilities. GENERAL The K. W. Resort Utilities provided wastewater service to 846 customers as of December 1999. Thesc customers included 807 residential customers, 39 multifamily tmils and 16 commercial customers located on Stock IsJIUIll. Historical customer billing statistics, the number of accounts, multi-family units and commercial accounts served, and wastewater treatment for the calendar years 1995 through 1999 are includetl in Appendix A. [I} additiol} to its current operalion, the Utility's service territory includes a significanl number of homes and businesses that are not presently served by the Utility. In preparing the preliminary financial evaluation, we have assumed that a major investment will be undertaken to expand the Utility's wastewater collection system providing wastewater service to an additional 1,320 customers over the next five years. The analysis also assumes that once Ihe colleclion system is expanded, the Monroe County' mandatory sewer connection ordinance will require that all parcels with sewer lines fronting the property be required to connect to the system within one year of central sewer service being made available. The Utili!)' has developed an Engineering Master Plan (the ~Master Plan") and cost estimales to provide sewer service throughout Stock [sland. The Masler Plan contemplates a three-phase program to expand the sewer collection system. Based on current flow levels and wastewater treatment capacity available to sCI"'e new growth, our analysis shows that the existing wa.tewater rreatmem facilities can provide wastewater treatment service to the new customcrs included in Phase I and Phase III of the Master Plan, sevcral areas currently served by packagc plants and the remaining development associaled with the Key West Golf Club Development (54 1I0mes) and Sunset Marina (45 additional multifamily units. a restaurant and a dock master l'yr.."'~"w....""",,,:..... Mr. Roger Braun Florida Keys Aqueduct Attthority April 26. 2000 Page 3 building). In order to provide service to the areas designated as Phase II in the Master Plan, or any additional area~ outside the current service territory, the Utility will be required to expand the existing wastewater treatment plllJlt capacity. Fnr purposes of the preliminary financial evaluation, we have limited the projected cu.stomer growth to that which can be served by existing treatment plant capacity. At prescnt, the wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 499,000 gallons per day of average daily flow. In calendar year 1999, the Utility treated an average daily flow of approximately 229,156 gallons per day. In order to determine the ERUs available for new service an adjustment was made to the actual flow to acCOWlt for the difference between the average number of customers served in 1999 to the year end number served. At the current rate of utilization the wastewater treatment plant can provide service to approximately 1,306 additional equivalent residential units (ERUs) based on an average daily flow of 205 gallons per ERU. The tabulation below shows thc derivation of potential new customer gro~1h that can be served by existing treatment facilities. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (ADFj(GPD) Wastewater Treated (Year F.nd 1999) (ADFj(GPD) Treatment Capacity Available to Serve New Growth (ADF)(GPD) Estimated Flow per ERU (AUF)(GPD) Potential Customer Growth (AIJF)(GPD) 499,000 231,270 267,730 205 1.306 CUSTOMER FORECAST Since the present value/cash income IIlUllysis and the debt capacity analysis both recognize projected changes in cash flow (primarily derived from increased sales revenues), a significant assumption deals ""ilb the potcntilll ~wth of the Utility service area. To the extent that a significant amount of ~wth can be served from the existing treatment plant capacity, the potential for an increased level of net revenues (increased cash receipts less increased operating expenses) and thus an associated increase in the pres~"Ilt value and debt capacity of the Utility ",,'ill occur. As presented in the most recently filed 1999 Annual Repon, the utility provided sewer service to approximately 846 customers at tbe end of the year. Based on the goal of providing central sewer service throughout Stock Island and the expansion of the sewer collection system as outlined in the Utility's Master Plan, it is assumed that a significant amount of growth will occur in the near future. The following table summarizes the number of ERU~ anticipated to be served by such system expansion based on the ~ster Plan provided by the o"neTS of the Utility. .>I,...;.,S.<d:.I....'....:pIl1:.. Mr. Roger Braun Florida Keys Aqueduct Authotity April 26, 2000 Page 4 Phase I System Expansion (Vacant Lots) ROY's Trailer Park (Package Plant) Boyd's CampgrOtlnd (Package Plant) Phas< III System hpansion (Sewer Retrolit) IDe\lelopment Assumptionl Service Ay-ai lab Ie.; Bui]i~Out Unifonnly over 4 y~ Service Available; On Line by 200 t Construction lo C'oTl1m~H.:t! 200 I; Conn~1ions Initiate 2(J02? Retrofit Uniformly over 3 Years Built-Out over 11 years starting in 2002 Connected in 2002 COMe<lOO m 2002 COR5lrUcdon to Commence 2002; Connections fniriale 2003, Retrofit LTnifonnly over.3 Years Totals I.JOG ;. i"~,p,-,,,,'-I...." l;.. r~' ','.r As can be seen from the table above and in the detailed schedules of projected customer gro",r6 included in Appendix A above, the near-term growth potential of the service area, largely based on providing sewer service to existing development under a mandatory hookup ordinancc as anticipated by the owners of the Utility, is material, assuming expansion of the sewer collection system and as such was recognized in the financial analyses included in this report. The assumptions regarding the infill of new construction on vacant lots in the Phase I sewer collection expansion area is based on the Master Plan estimates and the available treatment capacity and it is assumed that the grov.1h in the customer base due to new consrruction reflected herein is within the limits imposed by Monroe County's rate of growth ordinancc. Also it is assumed that previously reserved capacity for Key West Golf Club Development and Sunset Marina for new construction which must still be completed will a1su be allowed as projected herein under the County's rate of growth ordinance. !>;umber of Add itional ERU, 54 60 nll4 Area of Growth Key West Golf Club Development Sunset :\1arina Phase I Sy")rem Expansion (Sewer Re.rotit) 2~ 108 28 341 IfINANCIAL EV ALUATlON - ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSIDERA"llONS The general approach used in the determination of the present value of the cwrent and future cash flow assumed the operations of the Utility under a public ownership basis. This assumption required certain adjustments in the cost incurred for Utility operations. as reported in the 1999 Annual Report for thc privately owned Ltility, to be recognized in the cash flow projections. In the development of the financial projections used in the present value/cash income analysis and the debt capacity analysis included in Tables r and II, rC.'lpCctively, at the end of this report, a number of assumptions were utilized and certain operating expense adjustments were made. DetBilcd schedules showing the various components of the financial evaluation are included in Appendix A at the end of this report. The following is a summary of the assumptions and operating expense adjustments recognized in the financial analysis. 1. Sales revcnues derived from the application of the monthly wastewater rates were based upon i) historical customer billing data reported by the Utility and summarized in its Annual Report; ii) the forecast of additional customer grov.1h based on collection syslem expansion ------ \""::"J..~"w.oJ.""'l~\ - --"-- \ Mr. Roger Braun Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority April 26,2000 Page 5 as described ahovc; and ili) the eXIsting rates for service based on the FPSC approved waste\\-llter rates without any fUrther adjustments for rate indexing or future rate increa.o;e, 1. The cwrent rates for wastewater service were placed into effect for service. rendered on or after September 3D, 1999 and, therefore, have been in effect ror less than seven months. The I Jtility has four rates classifications: i) Residential: ii) General Service; iii) Private Lift SUltion; and Reclaimed Water. The residential customer classification includes single-family homes, mobile homes and individually metered multi-family housing, such as condominiums and apartments. The Utility's existing rates for wastewater service are as follows: A. Residential (per dwelling unit): Flat .."te per month ofS34.56 B. General Service: Meter Size Bas. FaclUty Cltart!.. Per .Mont!! 5/8" x ~-:." $26.29 )" S63.92 2" $196.35 3" $388.93 4" $605.62 Charge per 1000 gallons of metered water use $2.92 C. Private Lift Station Meter Size Due Facility Chart!.. Per Month 518"" Yo" S27.81 )" $63.92 2" $196.35 Charge per 1000 gallons of metered water use S2.35 D. Reclaimed Water $0.40 per 1000 gallons ofrecla;me<l water delivered 3. With respect to historical wastewater tlOVl'S, the average monthly flow for existing customers has ranged between 202 and 254 gallons per average annUal customer per day. With respect to the service provided to additional customers, it was assumed that such customers would have flow requirements of 205 gallons per day, based on estimates included jll the Master Plan. In order to meet the service area growth potential, a major capital investment in sewer collection system facilities will be required by the owners of the Utility. For purposes of the financial evaluation, it is assumed that the Utility will Wldertake a comprehellSive approach to expanding the sewer collection system facU itics in order to provide centrdl sewer service throughout much of Stock Island. as contemplated in the Utility's Masier Plan. The cost estimates used to reflect this investment are based 011 developing a vacuum collection system, which represents the lowest cost alternative to provide central sewer service throughout most l._"~"'''~... tIllIdll"""r~,1Oo Mr. Rogcr Braun rlorida Keys Aqueduct Authority April 26,2000 Page 6 of Stock. Island Rased on cost estimates and information tram the lJtility Master Plan for Phase I and Phase 111 of the collection system expansion, which the Utility owners indicate are the most economically feasible of the three phases designed to serve Stock Island as described in the Master Plan, the capital investment assumcd in this analysis is summarized as follows: Capital Improvement Amount Assumed Year llf Expenditure ~.-- -- Phase I - Vacuum System Expansion Phase III Vacuum System Expansion Tutat Recogni:a:t.l Inveslment $ 1.7.\0,356 I,084,lJ5 $ 2,834.491 2001 through 2003 2002 through 2004 4. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the cost of thc connection of thc property to thc wastewater mains (tap) and any on-sitc cost to remove existing septic systems and sewer treatment facilities, such as package plants, would be paid directly by the customt:f. 5. In addition to revenues derived from the application of the monthly rate for service. other revenues and sources of funds (cash) were rccogni7..ed in the analysis. These sources included i) capacity fees based on the new connections recognized in tbe forecast and the current c;opacity charge of $2,700; ii) miscellaneous service charge revenues (tum-on/of'f charges and other miscellaneous income) which were also recognized; iii) revenues from sales for reclaimed water to the Key West Golf Club were based on the terms of the Wastewatcr Reuse Agreement, expected reclaimed water available from the treatment process, and the amount of reclaimed water required by the development purchased at a rate of $0.40 per ] ,000 gallons; and iv) interest income on working capital balances allowed by the FPSC under general rate-making principles were also included in the financial analysis. 6. With respect to the projected cost of operation.. and maintenance, several adjustments were made to the operating expenses reported in the ] 999 Annual Report to rdlect operations under public ownership, rather than private ownership. The adjustments recognized in the financial projections include the following: A. Contract management fees associated with Utility administration and contract accounting fees were each reduced by $10,000 in the 1999 base year to reflect administrative savings anticipated under public o....nership. H. To account for unfnreseen expenses and extraondinary maintenance, which may occur periodically, a contingency allowance has been recognized in the present value/cash income and debt capacity calculations. Specifically, a 5% contingency ailowance applied to the adjusted operating expenses has been recognized. The contingency allowance serves as a reduction in the net revenue available to the !Jttlity. 11oj:"'T.I,;..dt.k."",~"lW'J~ Mr. Roger Braun florida Keys Aqueduct Authority April 26, 2000 Page 7 C. With respecl to state and federal income taxes, property taxes, and regulatory assessment fees, such amounts were nol recognized. Such amounts represent expenditures recovered from rates solely for those utilities that are privately o.....'Iled and regulated by the FrSc. Publicly ov.ncd utility systems do not incW' such costs and, as such, these expenses have not been recognized in the financial projections used to develop thc present value/income analysis ane! the debt capacity llI1alysis. D. Included as a cost of the system reported in the 1999 Annual Report is depreciation expense on the used and useful ulility plant investment of K.W. Resort Utilities. Such amounls are a non-cash expense and are generally nol rccogni7.ed as a cost to be recovered from me rates of a public utility. As such, this expense was not recognized in the net revenue projections. E. The adjusted operating expenses for the Utility were subsequently escalated for the [arecast perioe!, recognizing several escalation parameters. Although no overall cost inflation adjustment was recognized in the analysis, certain expenses were escalated to recognize lhe effect of me Utility system's anticipaled customer growth. Specifically, expenses thaI were considered 10 be variable (now) relaled, such as chemicals and electric power, were escalated in accordance with the increased customer growth and flow requirements. Expenses Illat were related to the numbL'f of customer served (e.g., the customer accounting component of the contact operations COSts bad debt expense) were increased based on the growth in customers served by the l.:tility. Other expenses were adjusted, as de~-mcd appropriate, recognizing the lack of inflation indexing assumed in the analysis. 3. In addition to the cost of operations and maintenance, an allowance for the funding of a renewal and replacement fund (R&R Fund) was recognized. The pwpose of an R&R Fund is. to accrue money to provide funds for the renewal, replacement, upgrade, and hencnnent of the Utility plant over time. For public utilities which utilize utility revenue bonds to finance capital improvements (which includes me Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority), the aUlhorizing bond resolution for such bonds generally requires that a utility fund and maintain an R&R Fund. Gcnernlly, the deposits to such fund arc expressed as a percentage of gross revenue, with the most common funding percentage being equal to five percent (5%). For the financial evaluation, which assumes public ownership, deposits to an R&R Fund equal to 5% of the previous year's gross revenues has been assumed in each year. This funding deposit (i.e., a revenue requirement from rates) would be in addition to any repair and maintenance cxpenses included as a component oflhe daily operations of the Utility. PRESENT VALUE I CASH I:'I'COME ANALYSIS Based on i) the assumptions recognized in the financial evaluation, as di"us~ above; ii) information provided by the Utility; and iii) data presented in the Annual Reports, as submitted by the Utility to the FPSC; the estimate of the present value of the future ea.,h flows generaled for system operations is summarized below. In order to determine the present value of ("'~Jl'.".'" i~""'Ko'::pI<'l Jll~ Mr. Roger Brawl Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority April 26, 2000 Page 8 the future cash flows generated by the Ctility operations, a discount factor of 6.0% was used to convert the Utility's projectcd cash flow under public ownership over a thirty-year period to present value. This discount factor was deemed \0 be reasonable by PRMG for the purposes of the present value/cash income analysis and is consistent with assumptions about the cost of new debt utili7.ed in the debt capacity analysis. "I1,e detailed analysis of the present value of the future casb flow for the Utility is induded on Table I at the end of this reporL Des:ription -Net AYdilable Re\lenues . System OperatlOIl$ Net Pre,ent Value. Plant Capacity Charge, (lmpact Fee,) Net Present Value a Additional Company Investments Total System Net Present Value Amount S 5,789,367 2,936,443 <2.514.637> S 6211.173 As can be seen in the summary above, tbe estimated net present value of the Utility is approximately $6,211,173. Based on the assumptio", utilized in the financial evaluation herein, the present value of future cash flows can be considered as a method to estimate the opporlunity cost of the owners for the future revenue stream of the Utility system. DEBT CAPACITY ANALYSIS A major financial consideration tbat should be addressed deals with whether the acquired system can financially support itself based on revenues derived from existing rates in relation to the acquisition price paid by the FKAA. In order to address this issue, it is heneficial to have an understanding of the debt capacity of the Utility. Debt capacity is defined as the amount of debr that can be funded from the net revenue contribution that is available to pay principal and interest payments on revenue bonds assumed to be used to fUlllnCe the acquisition of the 1.:tility by the FKAA. The primary issue addressed in this analysis is whether the existing cuslOmers of the tJrility are affected from a ratemaking standpoint as a result of the acquisition cost and subsequent capital requiremenls to expand the system. Table II included at the end of this report, summarizes the debt capacity analysi~ of K.W. Resort Utilities' wastewater system for each year over the next five (5) calendar year:\ beginning with 2000. With respect to the amounts available to fund tbe acquisition of the Utility recognized in the analysis, the criteria includes tbe debr service capacity based on the projected revenues and operating expenses adjusted for public ownership and the c.pital improvement requirements as discussed herein. As can be seen on Table" at the end of this repon, the amount available for utility acquisition based on tbe estimated debt capacity for the K.W. Resort Utilities is approximately $1,32 J .059 in the year 2000 growing to approximately $4,974,686 by the year 2004. The growth in debt capacity assumes completion of the collection system expansion and hookup of 1,306 additional ERUs phased in over the same time period, application of existing rates and plant capacity charges and projected operations for fiscal years 2000 through 2004. as discussed herein. This amount reflects the net principal amount of oond.s tbat could be issued depending on the timing and structuring of the transaction for the acquisition of the Utility and is I""'~''''~.<do......",,""o.:k Mr. Roger Braun Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority April 26, 2000 Page 9 based on the following financing assumptions in addition to the othcr assumptions discussed hcrein. . 1. In the development of the debt capacity analysis. we have assumed a 10% covel""<Ige requirement in order to meel the rate covenant requirement of the FKAN s governing Bond Resolution. By providing a 10% coverage allowance as a revenue requiremenl in conjunction with renewal and replacement funding requirement' recognizes the financial obligations to produce opemling margins in detennining the amount available to pay for debt service related to the acquisition cost. 2. In calculating estimated debt capacity, the financing assumptions include an allowance for the cost of the bond issuance at 2.8% with an additional 0.15% to purchase a surety contract to fund cash reserve requirements and acquisition Itransaction costs of S150,000. 3. In the development of the estimates of projected debt capacity. the analysis assumcs that debt capacity is defined as the principal amount of utility tax-exempt revenue bonds that would be issued to finance tbe acquisition of the Utility. To alleulste debt capadty, the financing tenus assumed included i) payment terms of 30 years; it) average annual interest rate of 60%; and iii) no capitaliz.ed inlerest payment from bond proceeds. 4. In addition to the financing assumptions. the debt capacity analysis also considers the cash flow implications. or net funding requirements, if any, associated with capital recovery from plant capacity requiremems versus collection system expansion costs. Since the analysis assumeli no additional plant capacity requirements, it was asswned that all of the plant capacity recs would be available to fund the cost of expansion of the collection system. We appreciatc the opportunity to provide this financial evaluation of the wastewater system of the Key West Resort Utilities to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and hope that it proves beneficial during the negotiation for the potential purchase price and terms of the Ctility acquisition. This analysis should not be considered as an appraisal of thc utility .ystem but is an financial evaluation prepared solely for the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority to provide assistance in the negotiation of the potential purchase offer for the Utility. If you should have any questions with regard to the assumptions used, or the r~ults of the financial evaluation as containcd in this report, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Very truly yours, Public Resources ~lanagemeDt Group. Inc. Robert I Ori l'residcnt Dce: I~~'.;""~_''''''''''!.u ...... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: AUI! 2. 2006 - MarathoD Division: DOCC Bulk Item: Yes No ---1L... Department . DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: DoDDaHanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discunion of the intent of the Sept 6, 2005, ILA between the FKAA and Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: I. ST4 TF.:vIf.~T Of J~"'F.ST: ., his agreement ~hall set forth com.:niunc:1ls "r the: partie, to work together 10 llChlc:~e the ~O 1 0 mandale 10 ;,(v.cr the ~ Imida Ke).~, The pllflies ,hall "'wit togcther to Qb:<lin I'u:ldnl! for \IOi&$:e....lIter \realmenl facilities from ,laic an.! feue:-,.! suurces. nw panles shall cooperate wilb each ether illld lIi:l i;l II limel)' mar.nc:r !o IICqU;~, desip, const;UCI. lInd opcrarc wa.~tcwater trca~.cnt S) stems thm~ghoul the aoincarrO/ated areas I\f "'unroe CounIY. excepl ror Ihe area co,.red hy t~ ,",cy Largo Wasrewater District, whkh ha!l .Is -epllr&te author:~ alll! respons:bi:i". for ""weling that area, The ?lII"lies funht:r inlend Ihat the s"\IOcr-r.g uf the Flclida Ke)'s ,haJ: X. d~mc at a reasul1Bhlc ~n"t lu u~rs. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDA nONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: c;LeV\.V\. PClttoV\. COMMISSIONER GLENN PATTON DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #i!..L INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered int" pursuant to Sec. 163.0], F.S.. by and between ~onroe Comuy, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (County). and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. Inc., an independent special district. (FKAA). WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has identified the Florida Keys as an area of critical state concern. and ha.~ authorized actions by the County and FKA..... to provide adequate wastewater treatment to protect the environment and the health, safety and welfare oflandowners and persons inhabiting the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the COWlty is authorized by Sec. ]25.0](1), FS, to provide, assist in providing and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS. Chap, 99-395, Sec. 6, Laws of Florida, and the County's Comprehensive Plan require that certain wastewater treatment levels be achieved by 2010, levels which can best be achieved by central wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA is authorized by Chap. 76-441, Laws of Florida. as amended, to design, construct, and operate, wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA and the COUllty have entered into previous interlocal agreements establishing and confirming their ongoing relationship in providing wastewater facilities in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County, by adopted resolutions, has provided funding to the FKAA for W'8Stewater projects and shall provide additional funds to the FKAA for the administration, planning and construction of future wastewater projects in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the County has deeded to the FKAA parcels of land on Conch Key, thc Sadd]ebunch Keys and Grassy Key; and WHEREAS, the County has demonstrated its commitment to sewering the Keys by transferring, at no cost, to FKAA the Grassy" Key parcel. for which ad valorem taxes were expended at fair market value and the parcel is to be used by FKAA to serve the City of Marathon, and has committed a maximum of $20,000,000 to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District; and WHEREAS. the Baypoint (Saddle bunch Keys) and Conch Key projects, constructed by FKAA. are soon to be operational; and WHEREAS. the County and the FKAA intend to continue their cooperation widl Governor Bush, the State Cabinet, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Community Affairs to implement wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe COUllty by 2010; and Mon,oe CounlJ.FKAA Droft [LA Scp" 6.1005 WHEREAS, the parties desire to further define their commitment to work together and to answer concerns raised by the State Cabinet, at a meeting of August 23, 2005, concerning an agreement dated August 17,2005, between the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties have been in reliance upon expressions of commitment by the Florida Department of Community Affairs of $1 0,000,000 for wastewater projects for Iiscal year 2005. and $20,000.000 for fiscal year 2006, a.s identified in the Growth Management Plan attached to County Resolution No.039-2004, and the ability to obtain additional critical financial assistance from the State of Florida, the federal government and their agencies to achieve the purpose of Ibis agreement; now therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual consideration and premises set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF INTENT: This agreement shall set forth commitments of the parties to work together to achieve the 2010 mandate to sewer the Florida Keys. The parties shall work together to obtain funding for wastewater treatment facilities from state and federal sources. The parties shall cooperate with each other and act in a timely manner to acquire, design, construct, and operate wastewater treatment systems throughout the unincorporated areas of Monroe County, except for the area covered by the Key Largo Wastewater District, which has its separate authority and responsibility for sewering that area. The parties further intend that the sewering of the Florida Keys shall be done at a reasonable cost to users. 2, RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY: 2.01 The Countv shall o"'"!\ the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreemenWmd any amendments hereto, and shall le~e said assets to the FKAA as described in Section 3.08 below. 2.02 The County, in addition to funds obtained from state and federal sources, shall provide up 10 the limits of its bonding capacity of the infrastructure sales surtax and County's ability to levy special assessments, the funds necessary to complete all wastewater projects so that citizens do not have to pay in excess of $4,500 per EDU in non-ad valorem special assessments. The County shall provide $20,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, design, and construction of wastewater projects in the_Lower Keys. County conunits to full faith and diligence in working with the FKAA to provide funding to make costs of system development and connections tor the Big Coppin and all future projects reasonable to users. Countv shall ha,e the responsihility of levying !Ile special assessments for wastewater projects. Lo~er Keys projects included under this Agreement are Big Coppitt area, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf area, and Big Pine area. Other unincorporated County projects are Duck Key and Long Key. 2.03 The COWlty Administrator shall review all procurement documents drafted by, or on behalf of, FKAA for wastewater treatment systems in the unincorporated county. The County Administrator shall make suggestions for changes as he deems in the best interest of the general public. Monroe Counl}'ifKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 2 2.04 The County Administrator shall appoint two members of the evaluation comminee should any committee be established. 205 The County shall convey to FK.<\A such easements as are necessary for the installation of sewer lines. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FKAA: 3.01 The FKAA shall administer the procurement processes for the design and construction of wastewater systems in Wlincorporated Monroe COWlly. 3.02 The FKAA shall develop requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for qualifications (RFQ) for the procurement of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County, consistent with the procurement policies of the FKAA and applicable State statute(s). FKAA shall submit the drafts of RFP/RFQ to the County Administrator for review and input, give due consideration to any suggestions for changes, and shall advertise RFP!RFQs. 3.03 The FKAA shall accept the RFPIRFQ submissions. It is intended that contracts be awarded to the most responsive subminer, which shall not be required to be the lowest responsive bid., the most qualified responder, or other. The plll1ies recognize that the lowest bid may not be the most effective bid. Accordingly, an evaluation committee which ",ill comply with Sec. 286.011, F.S., may be established on an ad hoc basis for each procurement process. Should an evaluation committee be established, the Executive Director of the FKAA and the County Administrator shall each appoint two members. 3.04 The FKAA shall give due consideration to recommendations of the committee, if any, and the County Administrator. The FKAA shall award the contract. 3.05 The FKAA shall provide construction management of each project to insure its expeditious and ecoMmie completion. The FKAA authorizes the County Engineer anellor his designee to make site visits to any project under construction, and shall give due consideration to any suggestions of the County Engineer regarding an ongoing project. 3.06 The FKAA shall retain the f111ancing authority provided in its enabling legislation. 3.07 The FKAA shall aid the County in its effons to obtain funding by providing copies of such documents as the County needs to support its issuance of bonds or to seek Federal and Slate grants to assist in the funding of all said.wastewater projects. 3.08 The FKAA shall lease from the County the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreement and any anlendments hereto. The Lease shall he irrevocable and provide absolute and unconditional authority to the FKAA 10 establish system development fees, rates, budgets. and rules governing operations In such manner as to be consistent with Section 4.06 of this agreement. 'Ibe lease term shall he ninety- nine (99) years, _ .,,/\~ ...'llble .WI-.1lIt adeitional ninety-nillt (991 j'4'an. The fKAA shall be responsible for the maintenance and operations of the systems leased from the County. The :vIonroe Counry:FKAA Draft ItA Sep. 6, 2005 3 parties understand and agree that the lease to be entered by the parties shall contain covenants, warranties, auditing and monitoring provisions consistent with the provisions found in the Interlocal Agreement between the County and the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. 3.09 The FKAA, pursuant to requirements of their enabling act, shall ensure that at least two public hearings be held in the area affected before any system development fee, rate or any other user fee is established or increased. All revenues derived from the wastewater systems by the FKAA over and above maintenance. operations, customer service, billing, and any direct costs specitically incurred to provide these services shall be used solely for the purposes of the wastewater systems, such as the payment of debt service and retirement of bonds. 3.10 This Agreement shall not apply to wastewater assets currently owned by FKA.A or herC'<lfter acquired from any other utility. ~. COOPERATION IN CARRYING OUT AGREEMENT: 4.01 The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director shall meet as necessary to complete the tasks set forth in this agreement. The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director and their staffs shall only serve in their customary capacity of fact-finding, professional advice to, and other efforts to carry out the policies of, their respective boards. 4.02 All communications and dissemination of information regarding wastewater projects shall be through the Offices of the County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director. 4.03 The parties recognize an obligation of $80,000,000 of bond-financing to be secured by special assessments)n the unincorporated county. 4.04 The parties agree to enter into a lease consistent with this agreement in the most expeditious manner as possible. 4.05 The parties shall work together to secure sites for wastewater treatment plants in remaining lower k.eys no later than July 12, 2007. Attached hereto is Exhibit A setting forth a preliminary timetable for the projects. 406 Neither party shall take any action or omit to take necessary action, including action pertaining to rate setting, that ....ill adversely affect the tax-exempt status of County and FKAA bonds. or the respective party's ability to issue bonds under this agreement. Each party will take sucb action as is reasonably requested by the other party in connection with the issuance of bonds so as to allow the other party to issue such bonds on a tax-exempt basis, including, but not limited to, executing tax certificates. 5. EST ABLlSHMENT OF CERTAIN PREREQUISITES FOR EACH PROJECT 5.01 The County and the FKAA shall work together to achieve the following goal: to establish fair and equitable connection fees and user fees to fund the operation and maintenance of wastewal~r Sj/stems. Mon'oe Counl),FKAA Draft ILA S.p. 6,2005 4 5.02 Projects constructed under this agreement shall confonn to the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan. 5.03 It is recognized that some outlying areas of the Keys which are 1I0t heavily populated may nOt be feasibly served by a centralized wastewater and sewage system, and that Alternative Wastewater Facilities may be required to be installed to meet the mandate for adequate wastewater treatment in the Florida Keys. All Alternative Wastewater Facilities that may hereafter be constructed and operated within the Service Area of the FKAA shall conform to good utility practices, adequate service to the public, ensure adequate Wastewater Service for the Florida Keys and its citizens. FKAA shall comply with all applicable laws and rules in issuing prior approval for the use, construction, installation, or operation of new or ex.panded Alternative Wastewater Facilities. The FKAA shall require and enforce the use of its own Wastewater Facilities and facilities leased from County whenever and wherever they are accessible. Any Alternative Wastewater Facility must provide adequate and sufficient service to the projected territory or development. 6, INSlIRANCE AND HOLD HARMLESS: 6.01 The parties to this agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable Public Liability, Vehicle Liability, and Workers' Compen.o;ation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activities governed by this agreement. 6.02 To the extent allowed by law, each party shall be responsible for any acts, or omissions, of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors and shall defend, indemnify and hold the other party, its officers and employees, agents and contractors. harmless from all claims demands, causes of action, losses, costs and ex.penses of whatever type - including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are aUributable to arising out of such actions or omissions. Ibe purchase of the insurance does not release or vitiate either party's obligations under this paragraph. 6.03 NotWithstanding the provisions of Sec. 768.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the County and the FKAA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self. insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of Iiabiliry coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by the County be required to contain any provi sion for waiver. 7. GOVER"IING LAW, VEN(;E, f:-lTERPRETATlO!'i, COSTS, AND FEES: 7.01 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State.o 7.02 In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and FKAA agree that venue will lie Monroe Counl)'.FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6. 2005 5 in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body in Monroe County. Florida. 7,03 The County and FKAA agree that, in the event of conflicting interpretations of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding. 7.04 The County and fKAA agree that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costS, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shall include attorney's fees, courts costs, investigative, and out.of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. 8. SEVERABILITY: If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof to any circwnstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term, covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of ~he remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent rhe accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and FKAA agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision ....ith a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 9. BINDING EFFECT: . The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKAA and their respective legal representatives. successors, and assigns. 10. AUTHORITY: Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and perfonnance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by a1l necessary County and Authority action, as required by law. It. CLAIMS FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID: FKAA and County agree that each shall be, and is, empowered to apply for. seek. and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement. Monroe County'FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6,2005 6 12. ~ON-DISClUMINATlON: FKAA and COUNTY agree that there \loill be no discrimination against any person, and it is expressly understood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any further action on the pan of any party, effective the date of the court order. FKAA and County agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: I) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88.352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended (20 USC s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps: 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 6101- 6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, 5S. 523 and 527 (42 use ss. 690dd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 USC s. et 5eq.J, as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe COWlty Code Ch. 13, An. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national otigin. ancestr)', sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age; and 11) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or stale statutes which may apply to the panies to, or the subject matter of. this Agreement. 13. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS: 13.01 County and FKAA agree that all disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the panies. If the issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the panies, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. 13 .02 In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either pany relating to the formation. execution, performance. or breach of this Agreement, County and FKAA agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings. hearings, processes. meetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and FKAA specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shall he required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement. 14. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST: County and FKAA covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest. which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this MolU'oe Counry;FKAA Drall ILA Scp. 6. 2005 7 Agreement. and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 15. CODE OF ETHICS: \5.01 County and the FKAA agre1: that officers and employees of the County recognize and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public officers and employees as delineated in Section 112.313. Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position. conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disclosure or use of certain information. 15.02 FKAA warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of ordinance No. 010- 1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. 16. NO SOLICIT A TIONIPA YMENT: The Count)" and FKAA each warrant that, in respect to itself, it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or finn. other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee. commission. percentage, gift, or other consideration conlingem upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 17. PUBLIC ACCESS: The County and FKAA shall each allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents. papers, letters or other materials in its possession or under its conuol subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the County and FKAA in conjunction with this Agreement. ~ 18. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES: All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws. ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensalion, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County and the FKAA, when performing their respective functions under this Agreement ",thin the territorial limits of the County and the FKAA, respectively, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the parties. Monroe CountyiFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 8 19. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Delegation of Constitutional or Statutory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating entity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating entity, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Further, this Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be constrUed as, authorizing the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County or the FKAA, except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law. :ZOo SO",.RELIANCE BY NON-PARTIES: 1'-:0 person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or allempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and the FKAA agree that neither the County nor the FKAA or any agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or emities, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the conununity in general. Nornithstanding the preceding language, the parties hereby designate the State of Florida as a third party with the ability to enforce against the two parties the provisions hereof, based upon the State Auditor conducting management and financial audits of all sewer programs. past, present, and future, in the Florida Keys. 21. ATTESTATIONS: FKAA and COUDty agree!! to execute such documents as the County or the FKAA may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity Crime Statement. an Ethics Statement, and a Drug- Free Workplace Statement. 22. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY: No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of either party in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or emplo)'ce of either party shall be liable pcrsonally on this Agreement or be subj eet to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. 23. EXECliTION IN COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute onc and the same instrument and anv of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. . Monroe CountylFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 200S 9 24. SECTION HEADINGS: Section headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such seetion headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of Ihis Agreement. 25. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION: This Agreement shall commence on September 6.2005. and continue for ninety-nine (99) years. or until such time as all leases entered pursuanl hereto are terminated, whichever shall first occw. The parties may elect to renew this agreemenl at the end of ils term. as set forth in the preceding sentence, for a period of ninety. nine (99) years. 26. ASSIGNMENT: Neither party may assign this Agreement or assign any of its obligations under this Agreement \\;thout the approval of Ihe other parry, which approval shall be in wriling and fully e"ecuted by both parties. All the obligations of this Agreement ",ill e"tend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns of FK.AA and the County. 27. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: This Agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United Stares and the State of Florida. whether in etIect on commencement of this Agreement or adopted after that dale. 28. CONSTRUCTION: '. This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by FKAA and the COUNTY. Therefore, this Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 29. l'OTICES. Notices in this Agreemenl, unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certified mail to the following: County: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 FKAA: Executive Director 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, FL 33040 30. FULL UNDERSTANDING: Monroe CountyiFKAA Draft ILA Sop. 6. 2005 10 This Agreement is the parties' final mutual understanding with respect to any projects constructed in the future. ]t replaces any earlier agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to any projects constructed in the future. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced except in a ",Titten amendment duly executed by both parties. 31. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement will take effect on the {,f2... day Of~r ,2005, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. (SEAL)A TrEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE ERK BY~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO:>lERSOF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1 By: j.';", 771. '~/MV' :' Mayor - .' (.0' . , By;!... ':/v~-t.A. I: ' Clerk i ..A.:' .' -',oJ" THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY BY:'~l.A-':I..~ Chairman~ (SEAL) ATTEST: Morno, County.'FKAA Draft [LA SOIl. 6,200S II ~@lJiIi)@~@[fl)~[Y]lJiIi) Commissioner George R. Neugent 25 Ships Way, Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 305-872-1678 August 1, 2006 TO: Connie Cyr, Executive Administrator County Administrator's Office FROM: Terri Marble for George R. Neugent County Commissioner RE: District 2 BOCC Agenda Items for August 16,2006 Enclosed find the BOCC District 2 (Commissioner George R. Neugent) agenda items for the August 16, 2006 Board of County Commissioners meeting: 1. Approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to appoint Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar as the Counties liaison to the Workforce Housing Task Force. 2. Approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to appoint Rick Casey to the Workforce Housing Task Force. The Unmet Needs for FY 07 for the Big Coppitt, Duck Key, and Cudjoe-Summerland Lower Keys Projects equals $10M. This scenario was presented by applying $10.962M from the DEP grant to Big Coppitt. Although the Big Coppitt project is funded through FY 07, a deficit in debt capacity exists for Cudjoe Summerland and Big Pine Key as shown below in red. Big Coppitt: The design of the collection system [Boyle Engineering] is 90% compiete. A Basis of Design Report was submitted [Brown and Caldwell] for the treatment plant and the initial DEP permitting meeting is scheduled. Sludge dewatering is anticipated at the Rockland Key site. Duck Key: The design of the collection system for Duck Key is underway [Matthews Consulting]. FKAA is evaluating what will be necessary to upgrade the existing Hawk's Cay plant to AWT. Cudjoe Summerland: LBFH has begun design of the collection system and Brown & Caldwell have been selected to design the treatment plant and sludge management for Cudjoe Key. Big Pine: The treatment plant site at Walgreens is feasible for construction of a wastewater treatment plant. Big Coppltt FY $M Available Funds Unmet Needs 06 5 5 0 07 20.5 20.5 0 08 7 6.65 0.35 Service Available: Seot 08 Pro eet Cost 325 Duck Key FY $M Available Funds Unmet Needs 06 0.5 0.5 0 07 5.5 5.5 0 08 5 1.467391304 4 09 1.5 0 1.5 Service Available: Seot 09 Pro eet Cost 125 Pro ect Cost: FY 07 08 09 10 11 $M 5 10 15 10 5 Available Funds o 7.28 o o o Unmet Needs 5 2.72 15 10 5 Service Available: Se t 11 Big Pine/Ramrod/Little Toretl FY $M Available Funds Unmet Needs 07 5 0 5 08 15 15.07 .0.07 09 15 0 15 10 20 0 20 11 15 0 15 Service Available: Sept 11 Pro eet Cost 70 Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Project costs Big Cop pitt Duck Key Collection System Hawk's Cay WWTP Upgrade Cudjoe/Summerland/Upper Sugarloaf Big Pine/Ramrod/Little Torch Lower Sugarloaf As shown below. the DEP grant split recommended [Key Largo (KL) - $6.038M, Big Coppill (BC) - $10.962, and Marathon - $1 M] will NOT result in UnMet Needs for the FY07 KL or BC projects. Mr. Fishburn and Mr. Waits of the KLWTD confirmed in telephone conversation that completion of the North Component projects was anticipated in 2007. Key Largo North Components Prolect Cost: 63.1 FY $M Available Funds Unmet Needs 06 3.8 3.8 0 07 30.7 30.70 0.00 08 28.6 16.00 12.60 Service Available: Sent 08 Pro ect Cost: FY 06 07 08 $M 5 20.5 7 Available Funds 5 20.5 6.65 Unmet Needs o o 0.35 Service Available: Se t 08 - tJ ';:: - II> a c: _ 0 c+:; G>.l!l E c: - G> :g E t=.~ Q. E ... G> - ~ :; .l!!C[ II> II> ~ G> Jg 0._ 01"" ... '" j"- >. G> :.:: f!? z w :!!: w a:: 5 (1 w a:: Cl z 5 z ;:j LL I- Z ~ Cl ..J ~ o l- LL o 52 en >- ..J <( Z <( .. -/ > -- i=~ ::J" 0 E><.c ::J Will o - ml '0",::. ! ~ 'u E...J .. -- LL Q. - 0:: .. an00 .. a:1 . .. :J .. a .. W ::: <t .. o Q Q ... - ,~ j/ 'OIL !io:: ILIIl 'ls j ~I g ~I .....0 ~ll ~ S'" " :, a W ri .. 'e- o. E .. " o '0 \ ~ '" q ~. <0 ~ ') "'- - ~ ';} o o ",' '" a. ...J '" ~ ...J '" . ~re~&l MVNC"') N~ o. 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'" .. .. .. .. l!! .. .. - !2 - " .. " .. > .. :c .. > e D- .5 E cv .. ::J .. " 11 '0 .. ~ .. .. .. :, C W " .. ;; ~ $ e 0> e .. '0 cv .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :, a w Iii ..... o z '" N ~ "t ., " '" ~ ~ ... ,," ~ '" '" ., ... N ~ '" ... ... "!. ~ M '" '" N ... ..j ., ~ '" .... '" '" ..; ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: AUI! 2. 2006 - Marathon Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No ---1L... Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: DonnaHanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion or the intent or the Sept 6, 2005,ILA between the FKAA and Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: I. Sr"TF.MF.NT Of l:\if.ST: 'I his ag!'c:erllent shall set forth cOllL'nilme:1ts "f the pan!Cs to work together 10 achle-c the ~O 10 :nandslc 10 ;":",,r the ~lorida Kc}'s, The pllrlies ,haU "'''TIt together 10 ~lb:ain fu:!dng for "as~c"'atc:r lr<stmcnt facilities from ,tate anJ fede~..1 so~rces. The parlles shall cooperate "itb each ether I.lld a.:t i:l a lime!)' mar.ner :0 8cqu;rc, :.Iesigr.. CQnstru~l, a:ld operate W:l.llcwater trea:mcnt s~stems thr"~l!hout the unincorporated areas I\f \1onroe COUIlI)'. exccpl for Ihe arca cevcred hy I~ Io;.e.,. Largo Wastewater Districr, which has ,Is -eparare author:~ ami respon,:bi:i~ for sewering th.t area, The ?EU'ties fun!:"r intend Ilia! the s,,"crir.S of lbe FIends Ke:\.'s dutJ~ x d~mc at a rea."t()tl~hl(: ~Oit 1(1 USers. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDA nONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year AFPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBfPurchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: LiLeV\,V\, PiI!ttOv\' COMMISSIONER GLENN PA nON DOCUMENT A nON: Included ~ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # e.:L INTERLOCALAGR[EMENT ."1ONROE COUJliTY AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into pursuant 10 Sec. 163.0], FS., by and between :v1onroe County, a political subdivision oflhe State of Florida, (County), and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Inc., an independent special district. (FKAA). WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has identified the Florida Keys as an area uf critical state concern, and has authorized actions by the County and FKAA to provide adequate wastewater treatment to protect the environment and the health. safety and welfare oflando....l1ers and persons inhabiting the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County is authorized by Sec. 125.01( I), FS, to provide, assist cn providing and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, Chap, 99.395, Sec. 6, Laws 'lf Florida, and the C'lunty's Comprehensive Plan require that cenain wastewater treatment levels be achieved by 2010, levels which can best be achieved by cenrral wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA is authorized by Chap. 76.441, Laws of Florida. as amended, to design, construct, and operate, wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA and the County have entered int'l previous interl'lcal agreements establishing and c'lnfirming their ongoing relationship in providing wastewater facilities in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County, by adopted resolutions, has pr'lvided funding to the FKAA for wastewater projects and shall provide additional funds to the FKAA for the administration, planning and construction of future wastewater projects in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the County has deeded to the FKAA parcels of land on Conch Key, the Saddlebunch Keys and Grassy Key; and WHEREAS, the Coumy has demonstrated its commitment to sewering the Keys by transferring, at no cost, to FKAA the Grassy Key parcel, for which ad valorem ta.xes were expended at fair market value and the parcel is to be used by FKAA to serve lhe City of Marathon, and has commined a maximum of $20,000,000 to the Key Largo Wastewater T rearmenl District; and WHEREAS. the Saypoint (Saddlebunch Keys) and Conch Key projects, constructed by FKAA. are soon to be operational: and WHEREAS, the County and the FKJ\.A intend to continue their cooperation WiUl G'lycmor Bush, the State Cabinet, the Department 'lf Environmental Protection and the Department of Community AlTairs to implement wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County by 2010; and Monroo Counr:-..rFKAA Draft [LA Sep. 6. 200.5 WHEREAS, the parties desire to further define their commitment to work together and to answer concerns raised by the Srate Cabinet, at a meeting of August 23, 2005, concerning an agreement dated August 17, 2005, between the parties; and 'WHEREAS, the parties have been in reliance upon expressions of commitment by the Florida Department of Community Affairs oU10,000.000 for wastewater projects for liscaJ year 2005. and $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, as identified in the Growth Management Plan attached to County Resolution No.039.2004, and the ability to obtain additional critical fmandal assisrance from the State of Florida, the federal government and their agencies to acbieve the purpose of this agreement; now therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual consideration and premises set fonh below, the panies agree as follows: 1. ST A TEI\1ENT OF INTENT: This agreement shall set forth commitments of the parties to work rogetber to achieve the 2010 mandate to sewer the Florida Keys. The parties sball work together to obtain funding for wastewater treatment facilities from state and federal sources. The parties shall cooperate with each other and act in a timely manner to acquire, design, construct, and operate wastewater treatment systems throughout the unincorporated areas of Monroe County, cxcept for the area covered by the Ke)' Largo Wastewater DistIict, which has its separate authority and responsibility for sewering that area. The parties further intend that the sewering of the Florida Keys shall be done at a reasonable cost to users. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY, 2.01 The County shall o'wn the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreemenWmd any amendments hereto, and shall lease said assets to the FKAA as described in Section 3.08 below. 2.02 The County, in addition to funds obtained from state and federal sources, shall provide up to the limits of its bonding capacity of the infrastructure sales surtax and County's ability to levy ,-pecial assessments, tbe funds necessary to complete all wastewater projects so that citizens do not have to pay in excess of $4,500 per EDU in non-ad valorem special assessments. The County shall provide $20,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, design, and construction of wastewater projects in the_Lower Keys. County commits to full faith and diligence in working with the FKAA to provide funding to make costs of system development and connections for the Big Coppin and all future projects reasonable to userS. County shall have the responsibility of levying ll>e special assessments for wastewater projects. Lower Keys projects included under this Agreement are Big Coppin area, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf area, and Big Pine area. Other unincorporated Count)' projects are Duck Key and Long Key. 2.03 The County Administrator shall review all procurement docwnents drafted by, or on bchalf of, FKAA for wastewater treatment systems in the unincorporated county. The County Administrator shall make suggestions for changes as he deems in the best interest of the general public. Monroe County/FKAA Draft lL.>\ Sop. 6,2005 2 2.04 The Counl)' Administrator shall appoint two members of the evaluation committee should any committee be established. 2.05 The County shall convey to FKl\.A such easements as are necessary for the installation of sewer lines. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FKAA: 3.0 I The FKAA shall administer the procurement processes for the design and construction of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County. 3.02 The FKAA shall develop requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for qualifications (RFQ) for the procurement of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County. consistent with the procurement policies of the FKAA and applicable State statute(s). FKAA shall submit the drafts of RFP/RFQ to the County Administrator for review and input. give due consideration to any suggestions for changes, and shall advertise RFPIRFQs. 3.03 The FKAA sball accept the RFPIRFQ submissions. It is intended that contracts be awarded to the most responsive submitter, which shall not be required to be the lowest responsive bid, the most qualified responder, or other. The parties recognize that the lowest bid may not be the most effective bid. Accordingly, an evaluation committee which will comply with Sec. 286.011, F.S., may be established on an ad hoc basis for each procurement process. Should an evaluation comminee be established, the Executive Director of the FKAA and lhe County Administrator shall each appoint two members. 3.04 The FKAA shall give due consideration to recommendations of the committee, if any, and thc County Administrator. The FKAA shall award the contract. 3.05 The FKAA ~hall provide construction management of each project to insure its expeditious and economic completion. Tbe FKAA authorizes the County Engineer and/or his designee to make site visits to any project under construction, and shall give due consideration to any suggestions of the County Engineer regarding an ongoing project. 3.06 The FKAA shall retain the fmancing authority provided in its enabling legislation. 3.07 The FK.AA shall aid the County in its efforts to ohtain funding by providing copies of such documents as the County needs to support its issuance of bonds or to seek Federal and Slate grants [0 assist in the funding of all said,wastewater projecls. 3.08 The FKAA shall lease from thc County lhe land and infrastruCture of the wastewater treaunent systems acquired or constructed under this agreement and any amendments hereto. The Lease shall be irrevocable and provide absolute and unconditional authority to the FKAA 10 establish system development fees, rates, budgets, and rules governing operations in such manner as 10 be consistent with Section 4.06 of this agreement. "lbe lease term shall be ninety- nine (99) years, .,..}~,fer-'1In additional ninety-niai (991Y~";-s. The FKAA shall be responsible for the maintenance and operations of the systems leased from the County. The ~onroc County.'FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 3 parties understand and agree that the lease to be entered by the panies shall contain covenants, warranties. auditing and monitoring provisions consistent with the provisions found in the lnterlocal Agreement between the County and the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. 3.09 The FKAA. pursuant to requirements of their enabling act, slmll ensure that at least tWO public hearings be held in the area affected before any system development fee. rale or any other user fee is established or increased. All revenues derived from the wastewater systems by the FKAA over and above maintenance. operations. customer service. billing, and any direct costs specitically incurred to provide these services shall be used solely for the purposes of the wastewater systems, such as the payment of debt seMce and retirement of bonds. 3.10 This Agreement shall not apply to wastewater assets currently owned by FKAA or hereafter acquired from any other utility. 4. COOP ERA TION IN CARRYING OUT AGREEMENT: 4.01 The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director shall meet as necessary to complete the tasks set forth in this agreement. The County Administrator and the FKA.... Executive Director and their staffs shall only serve in their custOITIlIT)' capacity of fact-finding, professional advice to, and other efforts to carry out the policies of, their respective boards. 4.02 All communications and dissemination of information regarding wastewater projects shall be through the Offices of the County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director. 4.03 The parties recognize an obligation of $80,000,000 of bond-financing to be secured by special assessments)n the unincorporated county. 4.04 The parties agree to enter into a lease consistent with this agreement in the most expeditious manner as possible. 4.05 The panies shall work together to secure sites for wastewater treatment plants in remaining lower keys no later than July 12,2007. Attached hereto is Exhibit A setting forth a preliminary timetable for the projects. 4.06 Neither party shall take any action or omit [0 take necessary action. including action pertaining to rate setting, that will adversely affect the tax-exempt status of County and FKAA bonds, or the respective party's ability to issue bonds under this agreement. Each party will take such action as is reasonably requested by the other party in connection with the issuance of bonds so a~ to allow the other party to issue such bonds on a tax-exempt basis, including, but not limited to. executing tax certificates. 5. EST ABLlSHMENT OF CERTAIN PREREQUISITES FOR EACH PROJECT 5.01 The County and the FKAA shall work together to achieve the following goal: tn establish fair and equitable connection fees and user fe.. to fund the operation and maintenance of wastewater systems. Monroe Coun.y'FKAA Draft ILA ,.p. 6.2005 4 5.02 ProjectS constructed under this agreement shall conform to the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan. 5.03 ]t is recognized that some outlying areas of the Keys which are not heavily populated ma)' nOt be feasibly served by a centralized wastewater and sewage system, and that Alternative Wastewatet Facilities may be required to be installed to meet the mandate for adequate "'astewater treatment in the Florida Keys. All Alternative Wastewater Facilities that may hereafter be constructed and operated ,,~thin the Service Area of the FKAA shall conform to good utility practices, adequate service to the public, ensure adequate Wastewater Service for Ihe Florida Keys and its citizens. FKAA shall comply with all applicable laws and rules in issuing prior approval for the use, construction, installation, or operalion of new or expanded Alternalive Waslewater Facilities. The FKAA shall require and enforce the use of ils own Wastewater Facilities and facilities leased from County whenever and wherever they are accessible. Any Alternative Wastewater Facility must provide adequate and sufficient service to the projected temtory or development. 6. INSVRANCE AND HOLD HARMLESS: 6.01 The parties to this agreement stipulale that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suilable Public Liability, Vehicle Liabilit)', and Workers' Compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amowlIs adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapler 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activities governed by this agreement. 6.02 To the extent allowed by law, each pany shall be responsible for any acts, or omissions, of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors and shall defend, indemnify and hold the other party, its officers and employees, agents and contractors, harmless from all claims demands, causes of action, losses, costs and expenses of whatever type - including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are allributable to arising out of such actions or omissions. The purchase of the insurance does not release or vitiate either party's obligations under this paragraph. 6.03 Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 768.28, Florida Statutes, Ihe participation of Ihe County and the fKAA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by the County be required to contain any provision for waiver. 7. GOVER'IlING LAW, VE;.iTE, I!'lTERPRETATlO!li, COSTS, MiD FEES: 7.0] This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Stale of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State. 7.02 ]n the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is inslituted for the enforcemenl or interpretation of this Agreement, the COWlty and FKAA agree that venue will lie Monroe County/FKAA Draft ILA Scp. 6. 2005 5 in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body in Monroe County, Florida. 7.03 The County and FKAA agree that, in the event ofconfllcting interpretations oftbe lenns or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding. 7.04 The County and fKAA agree that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. court COSts. investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party. and shall include attorney's fees. courts costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. Mediation proceedi ogs initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. 8. SEVERABILITY: If any term. covenant. condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof to any circwnstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants. conditions and provisions of this Agreement. shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term. covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants. conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and FKAA agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 9. BINDING EFFECT: . The tenns, covenants. conditions. and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKAA and their respective legal representatives. successors, and assigns. 10. AlJiHORlTY: Eacb party represents and warrants to the otber that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and Authority action, as required by law_ 11. CLAIMS FOR FIWERAL OR STATE AID: fKAA and County agree that each shall be. and is. empowered to apply for. seek. and obtain federal and state funds 10 further the purpose of this Agreement. Monroe CO'lJ1ty'FKAA Draft ILA Sop. 6. 2005 6 U. ~ON-DISCRlMlNATlON: FKAA and COUNTY agree that there will be no discrimination against any person, and it is expressly Wlderstood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any funner action on the part of an)' party, effective the date of the court order. FKAA and County agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as applicable. relating 10 nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: I) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685- ] 686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended (20 use s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps: 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 6101.6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, ss. 523 and 527 (42 use 55. 690dd-3 and 290ee.3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title vm of the eivil Rights Act of 1968 (42 use s. ot seq,), as amended. relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans "ith Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch. 13. Art. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin. ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age; and ll) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. 13. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS: 13.01 County and FKAA agree that all disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties. If the issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right 10 seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. 13 .02 In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation. execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, COWlty and FKAA agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings. hearings, processes. meetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreemem. County and FKAA specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shall be required to enter into any aIbitr..tion proceedings related to this Agreement. 14. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST: County and FKAA covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest. which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Monroe County;FKAA Oraft ILA Scpo 6. 2005 7 Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 15, CODE OF ETHICS: l5.01 County and the FKAA agree that officers and employees of the County recognize and will be r"'luired to comply with the standards of conduct for public officers and employees as delineated in Section 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disclDsure or use of certain information. 15.02 FKAA warrants that it has nDt employed, retained or otherwise bad act Dn its hehalf any fDrmer County officer or employee subject to the prDhibition ofSecrloD 2 of ordinance No. 010- 1990 or any County officer or employee in viDlation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. 16. NOSOLlCrIATlONIPAYMENT: The County and FKAA each warrant that, in respect to itself, it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely fDr it, tD sDlicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporatiDn, individual, or fmn, Dther than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee, commissiDn, percentage, gift, or other consideratiDn contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 17. PUBLIC ACCESS: The County and FKAA shall each allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, papers, leners or other materials in its possession or under its control subject tD the provisions of Chapter 119. Florida Statutes, and made Dr received by the County and FKAA in conjunction with this Agreement. ~ 18. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES: All of the privileges and immunities from Hability, exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the Count) and the fK.....A, when performing their respective functions W1der this Agreement within the territorial limits of the County and the FKAA, respectively, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers, or employees outside the tenitoriallimits of the parties. ManNlC countylfKAA Dra~ ILA Sep. 6. 2005 8 19. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Delegation of ConstitUtional or Statutory Duties, This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be constrUed as, relieving any participating entity from any obligation or responsibihty imposed upon the entity by law except ro the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating entity, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility, Further, this Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be constrUed as, authorizing the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County or the FKAA. except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law, 20. ~ON".RELlANCE BY NON.PARTIES: Ko person or entitf shall be entitled to rely upon the tenus, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or altempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and the FKAA agree that neither the County nor the FKAA or any agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular indi\~dual or group of individuals, entity or entities, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the community in general. Not\llithstanding the preceding language, the parties hereby designate the State of Florida as a third party with the ability to enforce against the two parties the provisions hereof, based upon the State Auditor conducting management and financial audits of all sewer programs. past, present, and future, in the Florida Keys. 21. ATTESTATIONS: FKAA and County agre~ to execute such docwnents as the County or the FKAA may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity Crime Statement, an Ethics Statement, and a Drug- Free Workplace Statement, 22. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY: No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of either party in his or her individual capacity, and no member, Mficer. agent or employee of either party shall be liable pen;onally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. 23. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original. all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may' execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart, Monroe CountylFKAA Draft ILA Sep, 6, 2005 9 24. SECTION HEADINGS: Seetion headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a mattet of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 25. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION: This Agreement shall conunence on September 6. 200S, and continue for ninety-nine (99) years, or until such time as all leases entered pursuant hereto are terminated, whichever shall flrst occur. The parties may elect to renew this agreement at the end of its term. as set forth in the preceding sentence, for a period of ninety-nine (99) years. 26. ASSIGNMENT: Neither party may assign this Agreement or assign any of its obligations under this Agreement without the approval of the other patty, which approval shall be in writing and fully executed by both parties. All the obligations of this Agreement ....ill extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns ofFKAA and the Count)'. 27. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: This Agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United States and lhe State of Florida. whether in effect on commencement oflhis Agreement or adopted after that dale. 28. CONSTRUCTION: ~. This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by FKAA and the COUNTY. Therefore, this Agreement is nOt to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 29. :\OTICES. Notices in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certified mail 10 the following: County: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 FKAA: Executi,'e Director 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West. FL 33040 30. FULL UNDERSTANDING: Monroe CountyfFKAA Draft [LA S<p. 6.2005 \0 This Agreement is the parties' final mutual W1derstanding with respeet to any projects constructed in the future. It replaces any earlier agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to any projects constructed in the future. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced e><:cept in a written amendment duly executed by both parties. 31. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement will take effect on the {,72... day of!;",r , 2005. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. (SEAL)A TIEST: DANNY L. KOLHAG BY~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA J, / 1,7 -I.. , By: ""//0 ... I ,_<Jr /h?'L/ -/ .' Mayor ERK (SEAL) AITEST: (--, , , By:(. i~:/L',~-"'.ol ~' .-~~ ':)~ Clerk THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY By: . f)la.lN~ ':/:. ~ Chairman 11//rlcl4f/ ~ tt:z _ 'ftf/,f Monroe Counly!FKAA Draft [LA Scpo 6,2005 II