Resolution 083-2016 RESOLUTION NO. 083 -2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING THE COUNTY'S SUPPORT OF THE ELEVATION OF THE ATHLETIC FILEDS AT BERNSTEIN PARK; AND ADVISING THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY THAT THE COUNTY HAS THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE THE LOCAL FUNDING SHARE NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE FLORIDA PREDISASTER MITIGATION PROGRAM IN WHICH THE COUNTY ELECTS TO PARTICIPATE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Monroe County's public parks serve the public needs of the communities within the State and Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has established an application submission cycle and will accept grant applications for the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the PDM application submission period is February 10, 2016 through May 3, 2016; and WHEREAS, eligible applicants are all local governments, incorporated municipalities of the State of Florida and other state entities within the Federal Government; and WHEREAS, PDM is a competitive grant program which provides financial assistance to local governmental entities for projects designed to mitigate for floods and other potential hazards that threaten communities, and WHEREAS, Bernstein Park has played a pivotal role in recovery efforts following major storm events as staging for disaster relief efforts, debris management and an emergency backup helipad, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is able to serve as a local sponsor and has the ability to provide the local funding share necessary to implement the PDM Program in which the County elects to participate; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County supports the Redevelopment of Bernstein Park project. Section 2: The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County supports the PDM Program, for which funding is requested from the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Florida Division of Emergency Management. 1 Section 3: The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County affirms its ability to serve as local sponsor for such projects and is able to provide the appropriate local funding share to implement land and water conservation fund program projects of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Section 4: This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board on the 23rd day of March, 2016. Mayor Heather Carruthers Yes Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent Yes Commissioner Danny Kolhage Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS t.',N '3+ `': 44 HEAVILIN, Clerk OF MONROE CO Y, F,ORIDA :: -,*---, Put. , / k. BY: . Itt.,.. ...,,.t: =� e=! Mayor Alir . • MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY • kP OVED AS TO FORM CHRIS AMBROSIO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date: 7— ig�( a N -n CD O �7.7 C� 2 rn. 0 +-)• N) -' o(-) ON c a n -- .c- c: r-- •• c cn P1.1 2