Resolution 277-2016RESOLUTION NO. 277 - 2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIRECTING STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD WITH SIX (6) ADDITIONAL CANAL WATER QUALITY RESTORATION PROJECTS, INCLUDING FOUR (4) AERATION PROJECTS IN KEY LARGO THAT WILL PROCEED PROVIDED A LONGTERM FUNDING FORMULA FOR CANAL RESTORATION PROJECTS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners has previously approved restoration work totaling approximately $7 million to improve the water quality on seven (7) canals in Key Largo, Rock Harbor, Big Pine Key, and Geiger Key, as part of a pilot program to test the efficacy of various technologies; and WHEREAS, the objective of the pilot program was to test the efficacy of four different types of technologies (or combinations thereof) on the canals (backfilling, organic removal, air curtains, and culverts) and use the improved canals as a predictor for the cost and water quality gains to be achieved; and WHEREAS, the property owners on the canals where work was performed ( "Subject Properties ") have already and will continue to realize benefits as a result of the restoration work, including but not limited to gains in overall appearance of their property, increase in property values, and improved use of the canals for fishing, swimming and other recreational uses; and WHEREAS, canal restoration is a component of overall water quality and environmental protection in the Florida Keys, complementing the Million investment by local taxpayers and the state to implement centralized wastewater treatment to protect and restore water quality; and WHEREAS, additional demonstration projects will allow the County to continue to evaluate the same technologies used in the six original demonstration canals as well additional technologies in order to gauge the efficacy of the technologies and make cost predictions for the future; and WHEREAS, additional demonstration projects will also allow testing of alternate technologies to determine if they are successful in restoring impaired canals at lower costs than the traditional technologies; and WHEREAS, in addition, additional demonstration projects will allow the County to determine how best to meet the requirements set forth in the Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Document (FKRAD) and thus avoid the imposition of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) program; and WHEREAS, staff has recommended and the Board of County Commissioners finds that it is desirable to continue the demonstration project to include the following six (6) canals, Page 1 of 2 identified in the Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan: canal 75 or 76 (Key Largo, backfilling); canals 48, 59, 79 and 80 (Key Largo, augmented aeration); and canal 83 (Key Largo, organic removal, backfill, and air curtain); and WHEREAS, staff estimates that the cost of construction for these six additional demonstration projects will be approximately $2 million, not including funds previously approved by the BOCC. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners hereby directs staff to move forward with the above - listed six demonstration projects, using up to $2 million in RESTORE and Stewardship funds in FY 17, including the four (4) aeration projects that will proceed provided a long -term funding formula for canal restoration projects has long -term been established. 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of November, 2016. Mayor Heather Carruthers Yes Mayor Pro Tem George Neugent Yes Commissioner Danny Kolhage Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy No Debutv Clerk w 0 CL_ U t - r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M - - E C OUN � By Mayor NIONRGE COUNTY ATTORNEY APOVE AS TO YI HIP L. HALL ASSISTAN rr'UI`JT`( ATTORNEY Date _1 �- ,. c 4/ Page 2 of 2