Emergency Directive 20-08 3rd Amendment ;(q.,;; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County o{'f Monroe Mayor Heather Carruthc.s,District 3 The Florida Keys • Mayo P TmMicheii Celdiroa.District 2 y Craig Cates,District I 1 David Rice,District 4 Sylvia 1. Murphy,y District 5 MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT THIRD AMENDMENT TO EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 20-08 RESCINDING EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 20-08,AS AMENDED June 4,2020 SUBJECT: MONROE COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 20-139 (PHASE 2: SAFE, SMART, STEP-BY-STEP PLAN FOR RECOVERY) RESCINDING EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 20-08,AS AMENDED. WHEREAS,on March 1,2020,the Governor of Florida issued Executive OrderNumber 20- 51,directing the State Health Officer and Surgeon General to declare aPublic Health Emergency due to the discovery of CO VID-19'novel Coronavirus in Florida; and WHEREAS, on March 9,2020,the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20- 52, declaring a State of Emergency for the state of Florida related to COVID-19/novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the spread of COVID-19 to be a global pandemic; and, on March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national emergency concerning COVID-19; and WHEREAS, COVIDI9 poses a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of residents and visitors to the Florida Keys and Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Section 252.38(3)(a), Florida Statutes, gives political subdivisions the authority to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a period of up to seven days, thereby waiving the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law; and WHEREAS,on March 15,2020, the County Mayor declared a State of Emergency in order for the County to take actions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community due to the _--novel coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, that declaration and Section 11-3 of the Monroe County Code vest the Emergency Management Director with the authority to issue emergency directives; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in her via chapter 252, Florida Statutes and chapter 11 of the Monroe County Code, the Emergency Management issued Emergency Directive 20-08, effective May 4, 2020, which implemented phase one of the Governor's recovery plan as outlined in Executive Order 20-112 in Monroe County; and Doc H 2268421 Bk#3025 Pg#1529 Recorded 6/5'2020 I I:35 AM Page 1 of 2 Filed and Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY KEVIN MADOK.CPA WHEREAS, on May 9, 2020, the Emergency Management Director issued a first amendment to Emergency Directive 20-08 to update that directive in light of second part of phase one of the Governor's recovery plan as outlined in Executive Order 20-120(Expanding Phase 1); and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2020, the Emergency Management Director issued a second amendment to Emergency Directive 20-08 to update that directive in light of an expansion of the Governor's recovery plan as outlined in Executive Order 20-123; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2020, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-139, entitled (Phase 2: Safe. Smart. Step-by-step. Plan for Florida's Recovery); which: a) further relaxed prior restrictions set forth in Executive Orders 20-112, as modified by 20-120, 20-122,20-123, b) extended 20-80 and 20-82 c) superseded 20-86, 20-91, and 20-92, and portions of 20-112, and 20-123, d) modified 20-71, and e) extended 20-69; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend Emergency Directive 20-08 to in order to conform that directive with Executive Order 20-139. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED THAT: I. Monroe County Emergency Directive 20-08, as amended(twice), is rescinded in its entirety. 2. Emergency Directive 20-09 shall remain in effect unless modified or superseded. 3. Nothing herein shall prohibit a municipality within Monroe County from adopting or maintaining more restrictive emergency directives. 4. This order shall take effect upon filing with the Clerk as provided for in F.S. 252.46(2). Dated this day 4th of June, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Signed: Shannon Weiner, Emergency Management Director Approved as to form and legal sufficiency by: RobertfS. Sltii.U.ieuger. Jr. Robert B. Shillinger Monroe County Attorney