Resolution 013-1960 v RESOLUTION NO. 13-1960 WHEREAS, the Board of County Comfaissioners. of Monroe County, Flor- ida, has authorized the Florida State Road.Department to construct boat launching ramps in various locations in Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, said Board desires to construct one of said boat launching ramps at the foot of Koehn's Avenue as shown in flat of Koehn's Subdivision re- corded in Plat Book 3, page 83, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Flor- ida, and as shown on the sketch attached hereto, and WHEREAS, said land upon which said boat launching ramp is to be con- structed is bay bottom land, and WHEREAS, said Board desires to have the Florida State.Road Depart- ment acquire said land from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida to be used by Monroe County, Florida, for public purposes, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Florida State Road Department be and it is hereby authorized to acquire on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida the land ad- jacent to Koehn's Avenue as shown on Plat of Koehn's Subdivision as recorded in flat Book 3, page 83, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and also as shown on the attached sketch showing bay bottom lands to be acquired, which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this Resolu- tion to the Florida State Road Department for appropriate action. Dated March 1st, 1960.