Resolution 016-1960 \► r/' RESOLUTION NO. 16-1960 WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida have dedicated bay bottoms adjacent to White Street in the City of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, by Dedication No. 22225-A Substitute, SRD No. 2-Revised, SECTION 90510-2154, White Street Extended, COUNTY Monroe, with plat and certified copy of the minutes of the meeting of said Trustees approving the dedication of said land, said lands being more parti- cularly described therein, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to accept and record said Dedication, plat and minutes that cover the hereinafter described lands in Monroe County, Florida, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described land in Monroe County, Florida, described as : That part of the submerged lands, sand bars, fills, islands and other lands over and on the Straits of Florida on the Southeaster- ly extension of White Street in the City of Key West; beginning at ---- - - --- the Southeasterly extension of the centerline of White Street at the intersection of the existing seawall, thence Southwesterly at right angles to the centerline of White Street extended along the seawall 35 feet, thence Southeasterly parallel to and 35 feet from the centerline of White Street extended 150 feet, thence South- westerly 15. 37 feet at an angle of 102937' along the existing sea- wall, thence Southeasterly parallel to and 50 feet from the center- ' line of White Street extended 674. 36 feet, thence Southwesterly at right angles to the centerline of White Street extended 138 feet, thence Southeasterly parallel to the centerline of White Street extended 196 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles to the centerline of White Street extended 238 feet, thence North- westerly parallel and 50 feet from the centerline of White Street extended 868 feet; thence Northwesterly 155 feet more or less to a point on the mean high water line, said point being 35 feet Northeasterly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of White Street extended thence Southwesterly along said mean high water line and the existing seawall to the POINT OF BE- GINNING; containing 0. 90 acre, more or less, being dedicated by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida for public highway purposes as and for right of way for a public State Road under supervision of the State Road Department of Florida, to control, manage, use, develop, police, protect and maintain the facility, be and the same ._. __ `10 �r is hereby accepted and approved, and the Chairman and the Clerk of said Board be and they are hereby authorised to execute the necessary acceptance on said Dedication, plat and certified copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, approving the dedica- tion of said land, and cause same to be recorded in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Dated March 1st, 1960.