Resolution 039-1960 • • MCV2OE COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSsiCOUNCIL CD.4 �►pe��; SHERIFF'S OFFICE c„,�`"}�'�' R'' �4f COUNTY COURT HOUSE . KEY WEST, FLORIDA Telephone CYpress 62424 DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTORS JOHN M. SPOTTSWOOD ROGER B. NICKERSON Sheriff of Monroe County Reer Admiral,U.S.Nary(Ret.) RENE A.RAIOLE Lieutenant,Sheriff's Department County of Monroe, Florida CXARlES E. SMITH,JR. Board of County Commissioners RESOLUT I ON NO. 39-1960 WHEREAS, the political, economic, and cultural aspira- tions of the world powers are at hostile variance, and WHEREAS, a coalition of political entities opposed to the principles and policies espoused by the free nations of the world has embarked in open hostility upon a cam- paign to eliminate from political dogma such principles and policies, and WHEREAS, the United States of America occupies a position of prominence among the free nations of the world so threatened, and WHEREAS, subterfuge, deceit and maneuvering for political and economic advantages as daily practiced by our adversaries, may momentarily give way to violent force, and WHEREAS, our adversaries possess the means for inflicting extensive damage and suffering upon the Continental United States, for`- which no adequate block has yet been devised, and WHEREAS, recovery and survival of the nation is dependent upon comprehensive planning to preserve and sustain life, to perpetuate democratic government, and to restore order, and WHEREAS, the United States of America and the State of Florida have each promulgated laws and plans for the mobilization of civil forces, conservation of resources, and coordination of efforts to protect life and property, and WHEREAS, the Civil Defense Council of Monroe County has proposed an Operational Survival plan anticipating enemy attack, which plan is datedd-zyzu- r, 1960, and is in conformity with the Statutes of the State of Florida contemplating the adoption of such plans in all counties of the State, and also conforms to the South Florida Operational Area Plan, MOkEEtOE COUNTY CIVIL DEFEN9O000NCIL (1 SHERIFFS OFFICE �D t ,y qJ COUNTY COURT HOUSE I'CJ` KEY WEST, FLORIDA Telephone CYpress 6-2424 DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTORS JOHN M. SPOTTSWOOD Sheriff of Monroe County ROGER R. NICKERSO N Rear Admiral,U.S.Navy(Ref) RENE A.RAIOLE Lieutenant Sheriff's Department CHARLES E. SMITH,JR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, in regular session assembled, that the County of Monroe shall, and it does hereby confirm and adopt the said Operational Survival Plan dated c is 1960, a copy of which; identified by hii signature, shall be placed on file with the ounty Clerk. Passed and duly adopted this /9( ),,. e906 , 1960, A.D. Chairman Attest: ! ��_ ‘0-41 tle Clerk