Resolution 100-1960 * ' i( wI
WHEREAS, on June 14, 1960, this Hoard of County Commissioners
passed Resolution Number 38-1960, and
WHEREAS, the land description contains an error, in that the
last course in the metes and bounds description read: "South 68°
41' 40" West", but such course should properly read: "North 680
41' 40" kw", and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of The City of Key West has by
Resolution No. 1827, passed and adopted the 28th day of September,
1960, made the foregoing correction,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Resolution Number 38-1960
be, and it is hereby amended and corrected by deleting therefrom
the words: "South 68° 41' 40" West" and substituting therefor the
words: "North 68° 41' 40" West" .
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners,
Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting held the 6th day of
December,. , 1960.