Payment and Performance Bond Dtw#2381146 Bk#3181 Pg#219 Rmorded&23 2022 2:11)I'M Page I of 9 Filed and Recorded in Official Records of MONROECOUNI'Y KENINMAD0K.CPA TM 2010 Document A312 R md H,,, 107 554 081 Performance Bond CONTRACTOR: SURETY: (Nallic, lrpd Mims and addr(",=,v) (Nome", lcs oislolpls CharBey [oppino& S(ms, kvn (sf busimms) U", I lighway 1, Mm H 5, 1 mvok m (,,'IsUMty FMId ,"iUmly Cu'rp,'My Rojak Rockkind Key, Key West, FL 33040 of orw,Fowcfl 8 W11(h OWNER I iam tf(.)f(1, C"J" Dj 183 (Mllfw, legulstatliv and whi?("'s) Monroe County Boci�d of Cowity CoWrMSSnMlOrs Any t6�iwWh wfo!WVA'nRl 1,100 S)imonton St , Key Wu,,t, Fl. 33040 c;ontracur,,Iurety,(),�vnw or nfl,wl pwty OmlC h c(xlskhm,0 pPm4 where appl;CM'4n CONSTRUCT[ON CONTRAC F AIAA)ocumantA312 2WO two Amount:$490,000 00 Flayrv[00 bol)d,iWo ono farm V Ns,i%wA rl slnqlo COMUM,d Desca iphow ,rfonnwry (Aloine ondlocaii(m) I.)ojjohfion, Rcmov�,,nl and D sposaf for thc',, onummflty I)u�vek)prmMt Wnr* Gmnt I)isaste� Rocovety (ODBO.1,W) Vukmtany H(ow"', HaIycmt Pmgrwn (Vi MFI) BOND June, 15, 2022 (Not eadier than f Ammmt:$49(000,00 Mmfificmions to fllds Bond n N6 CONI RACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY (Ccupovaee CwnpaIny: (Cotporclic scal Chadey 'I'op ii o&,$vfns,, Iona:;. 1'ravc4ers C',,,asuaKy smd r,npxa y of Amuk,s ,me" 4AA) i,q a I ne Mh-wi L, Fl,,mker 'Ind'Vitle: 2nd'j'Wc: Atlewney til I nct&R. W;S A(Wvlt (Any appe,a�r (m I& lostpape o 'this J'e0,WmWKT 14011d) (F0R IMF(WAMON()Nl,)' Mame, u Afivv evid tch,'phl me) MIENT or BROKFFt: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE� or other pv ty') 91M 8 Daddawl Blvd, ,",uot 400 Wiirni,,11.331Y� MA,VnrmnvntA3Q'l' 0 W'0 Ad 1h nnll_ § he Antinwmd Sw My§10N and s ovum IQ, hind themseWCOMM== wh"hOMN,Mwouzura mid RsMgns to the(Knu for to pmRunmwv of&(AvAtuok a(hub MCV Aich is New I ormed I nch'by IuRlcnm. §2 HK be CmvAtnwtion Colltkaa"'t' and tile, I have,no oblij,,e'ation uwltu this Bond, vxcept vVilen applicable to JIM66g;:LIWirl it COrkfemwx as plovide'l hN'Section 3, §3 It so tonikk the CAnhwAn MmHmK� nher A the 0%vner first pi ovides,notice to the(No amdor and thn Sunly AM tH An=k candIA ng cdee°darrny n 0 M i uWr I wNuT Such i n 0 ce sha I I Ad ca&whed wr the.0%vnc� is I('quest im"a c(:'m 66 ence ari)to Ig Te Own;AM moor and FKAy to die,:aru Me Anowwrl po P"mumeIf`he C boor TaN not request Confeleirce, the,sruety inay, withhi Ave(5)bashess lays mHer w0pt of the Or, nerl uot& reqnstsud;n cm&www HTm Sudy a Lawidimc,dw Owncr shaH attend, 11iduss the Owner agwes atherwinq my cm1rence requested under thts Section 12 shall 1>n hold rvithin tc,n 00)hulnegs days of the Suiety's reuv4s of the OwncCs tusk,Vhm Uwnq We Coon=mW To Saul agw% It:Cumaym daill k UHMMd is waywame low to PmRwa Tu ommuckm(Nmact, N9 mwh an utgummid sheR rant vnivc 1hu Own&s:WM, dwdate,as Contnt(loi �2 the Owner deciarns as(%=Mr%Wq lumbialus thee 0mmh udion Kmv ad and notHOR to Awk Hnd J rare,Owner his rqpred in Vay IS BaNnen of the f NuOmd h in in aww&nm mTh he ams d1je (AsUrt0%Omhacl to the Only rw to a"wwwwr wkwd M Pmomn M"Awmmlhm(%%W §4 Nfure on Me pint of the Owner in couqqy%Ydh the nonce pc:quircow in Sedion 3.1 shnH not onnAirte a Milute to onqAy With as mortmon Pf'(x(jent k"ific,Surety's obNg,w&ons'or leleaso tfrr't "mvt'y how ik emTp to the extent the Surety dewonstratesactoal pre"Judice, 5 Whm do(Wor has ss%ed the co=knm of Smdo" "am smely OlaiG wgi M010 Sinoty's(kXpvrn"e take one,(if,thV f'Omyint"'actions: &I Atumpp Rn the;(Nornw,with he comma of dw C)w"im,to pwArtm am!comjAetn Ow(Am Pact timi Cwdmu� §&2 1 i;R9 Mko to Vw&mn mW"nV1W Ow CmMwc&n C AiNna itsoij Ommgh hs NTnm or halWidnit S3(Hadn bits or mycHiMed In-up mats,k Awn quaNed conl,,nctov acceplablee Co the Om nci fi)r as("ontrwA f,01 perAumame and uHqdHQ nfdw Omskskm (Wow,,'ravmp'e I'm a c'cmhaut to h(".'pmpmcd for enxwioll 11Y"flea Owmw mA a ainndar qtAorted with Me Owmes emmut"arejo be smured whh paRmnmum and pqnuV Wwds exacumd dry a qudDed smog cq&Mwit to tire borods 5suvI on the Cmirtwo,0on("witract,and pay to thf,Osvne'a the antount ofdarnap,es a<,, ckmcdbed in SeVon 7 hi mcco of% RMane of to AM=Pike humied I,the Owner m, a rc aflt of,the Contractor Default,(al §14 WaNe W xWo w peaRmu md compkK arrwge Mi wnVethn or Kin as nvw cmumowr and w1h n2mmok; promptness under She chcurnMances: J Aftei invesfigation, domm-une the annount Pm whidi R may be Hablu,C(,)the Owrxr'md,,a4 soon n prac&atAe aftek the airiount k detennivwd,makc jmynimd to the 0mon;ur .2 1 Mny HaWHW in whWe or A p:art and notify fho(hivnor,oitiiir„tho rcu*m,for 6 Wthe Smoty&ms mR poceed as pro&&O K Sunkm 5 wNh wcammmhle(atomptnein, Uah S'urety'Jiall he deemed to be in dermIt on dais Bond seven days after receipt uf wr additiconal wriaen notire hmn dw(dew wr h;to Somy dvfjrrludiwag that tht,Surety Polurn Us obHgaHons undei this Poond,tan d flm Owncr w,fiaH 1w enfWcd to f°rlfsucv ziny renledy available to Me ownec HAM smeo'prmstods as puwkId in Senthi 11 md th DmwT mikes A pmynserit or to SmMy bas Kill WhWty, in Hole m in poN,Mkow Awher nMAw th Awwr KH hc erahbd u)midee any amay anihbk M the Uwm, Alki)onkame nt 1641 Old TO WAS&W 1 ....... 2 §7 V Ple Swdy uSts to ao umhOcWmi 51,52 ta 5A, Out Ke ronspWANtian of To Sniwy M he Ow nut shall nol bo Own alosc,or ow C Ammon"whor 11a f Um"ninthm Wonq and tic r"pmoHQWRN W tu(hatut W th(CY Swely III im be yVemer Owl those orthe(kner under Ow(Woudim(09W.S#Nct M the conunhiamt ig die, Wows up my So AWT W Ow(Nornt VAn Hm Smoy is NOipatcd,ivinlow ?jHcWK A A we MqWMINNS VHO(Ammon, G N)rredinn of A*M%Work no U"Pokm Who (AMMM&cinmw; ,2 nditional hqyd,A%Qrr pn%skam!nnd AQ nwll Wlm nun Hoo Wdw=4 IOWA nd r"WAq Own dw wSms nr 1001"m to no orse o"Ky truds scoria j; wn(l A 1"Wdmod thumgmi,m Wrio HqM&Wd dwwgo me qnAhd 1 t1w(Ash x0m (Vdm" uOY daoimges Va"011 by ddayed PerRannswe on DM"P"6WMPM*of&C(Wuh-Wot §8 Wthe Mnly elvis to ad under WOW Q 13 or 11 Ow Wols Why, is IhOwd ki Ow anDma of Wk Wnd. 0 AM 1 gmm of Ae(Ninnvw 9M am wndad W Meflee SUMI m (omwasyn Ummut wW dm JMWocc of Mu(Nnuaw PrK shHU ime her,noduced or seat oirun acauunt of any sw uwcbWd obligyHmm 11;ijht WOW WO accrue on this Bond to any jr'-'lson or cntity A�Vr than thin Owner or its hChs,executops,4(hildmWW"owmOms MW awwis 10 The Smej hemby"Kvq notke of any change,ddwbg dmqn nf Inc W aw(ANWAxt f 4=3 nr W Inowd syxmsmos,Pm Chase UAIS Hnd o1h, mlymbis 11 Any pmcudin%RgM w eq0tidn Unba Bond 11l"'Y l:W in ally Cowl of'VompVnew, in dw WOW in which thu wmk ta pm: clOw wwk N Wted W W A Whined"W& two yems aK a rhAmMinm o(Coatradw Dvfault or WhhW➢two yous ahei die(SOW owmA wmkhg w WhK two Imam AS thn Aluty Wmes(r Ws to pohnurt is oWWaHonsamdolhib Bond,whichcvcr(nxtw 1[1w pmvinJous of Hri�; Ptmigmph are void or proMbRed by law,the rninimurn ehod of Wnqmhu nnkhh;0 sm(Acs as as daRnmo art ViefuhWholk;of all snit shall lie apjflicali c U%fice to die SurQq the IN= oz tim(Wrmun SME he WaHe'd or 11oliv(arcd to the nddt skoxn (,n Or"pnr ,',n On Which §13 Wn dds Horld Iwo been fbiripidiml U)cuuWly wRh a stawy cu rather byw! tuprPopivA in the WIR Woo the corlsoucition Nvas to be pmfp)p-lrCd,carry PlOyNhon in ths Wd CorHmog Wsh FMNI SMIUN"Y(W legm Yquirmilent WH Ire durned ddewd hwramr;awl poyhdons canUmby to mush Makikiry or vaher kyal taqWnent shA he dunped heaMotowd WK. AMen so PuRNA, to hout is Mat IS 11nul W Wwnumd n a WOW%NQ Uld W as as enunman Ww bond, 14 Defin1flons §W SaWnix of Me CwWad F96m Ile hool amcroml payaWe by this Syriv to Nw WwwUn umher One(Airlmmeti(xi (Axinuct aRm A poput Qrslnwons We boven:undo, Wordhig Olowance W the(Wimlo; nFany announts iecdved Warr to be icedved by f1w 0"ner in nOtIcinent 14hinnance w obw Shm bw drunn"s up Web dw NubwAm is entitled, rodnced Uy i0 Valid and prop et payinervis inde U)or on hmidf ofTie Coo&mla madw Ow UmMmd% Qntmcl, 112 Cart ulAW CoMmeL 11tv ngnemnsit ho"Ter,the(Wwr mW Wilondm WrilinhM on Ow mwer pipge, incluNng A WOW DmwnmN and chmps mWe to the agmenwnt and IS Chnguuq I Sonnneris. U3 CaNdw OWL Fhhue(I Tv Cw&nwq which han no,hVen rcnwdvd or Wabr" to PMAMM fu OW&W to W114)kY With a mnieriu rCypn of,the UolistjjOt(m Conht v'-A W Owner OWL Wme of he(Nme,"WhT has owl heen nenudied or waked,Up pay the Owntrndiw nq requvirml umkr Me(Inmmolon Arritmet or to perArn und coinpkw;oi coaMply kylls the odwr rnnwrird loins of thc� Cbrumiethom MA CoMmd Dnm=M&A H Um dwww"s Mm cmqnhe Te Hweepnoml k1ween the(Ancr and Uiwimloo 15 If thN Bond is is IS an iqpcvnwnt be"veen a Chmadur mid md"WwOoq this twin(WruNn in Th Owd SMU Q&mmA M he Sullwonlh=n nd Ons to Owur 10 W huncri ter w CmAwnw, AM Umummt AMM-Mlk&nNMMwn MANN,MAKWO, 3 §16 Mod4kohns w thk Kid are as Mow (',�pcdcq, iv plovicicd bckovja r ockli'llioned vigno?ftrrs ofudliecIparliov, Whor 1116?1 CONTRACTOR AS PRMAPAL SURETY Wnpany: (Co�porflte Yeod Company hqwvM SMI) Mguwtc: S I I I ggnafivc: Name and Me.: Namo and Me: Ad I ns MOSS Will imo, 4 WAIA Do(;titiioritiA5312 "m ..--. 2010 RMdMI DUM081 Ailment 13cn7c/ COMHOTOW SUFAVY, (Vatnv, lq,,wl sh afvs and wi(h (Alempe, commy I qqhn& SOM, I rl(., ofbleones�) US Highway -1, Min &5 "Fiavc-lers CaswaRy ;Nid Musly Conpoy 'FW;duunumA Im,unpm kid Wp RocMand Koy, K(,y West, R 33040 W Am e Qi rM00jWMM1 MMKOW WAh One1 omar Squkv(,,, k(w('.nwa�ded w!h OMM HaNknQ Cl 0 6183 (Nanve, lqrrhk fvr aneloddrcss) MOM'0(� CMfflty Board sat County 110S ' 4 Any�Iny.fla refwenro Poimonton A., Key West, FT 3M0 Or or hor prdv CONSTRUGPON CONTRACT AAMmwMAM2 M10 Lmdown Wo OTMA6 i yow"WCO MMA no A Tnount:$490,0H 1 M t PaywwR,Bond,Into nnn kxrn DOCIOMM: A nqw WMW Wd Yapnc and localion) iind Pkty'nog;��1'md ( DerlohUon, Ronywal mid 11sposal floats s fm tho (Amamunky Devakpment Hkx* Mmt Disaster Recovery (GDBG DR)Muntmy Wwo Huymd Wqram (TH01) BONE) (Mol carlier dho d Cenafrvc,tion Cej?ar��,wl I h,*,,) Anmun $49RO0100 MoAfkathim to ods"my: FFNMC >(SM smam IF, CONTRACTOR AS PMNCWAL SURETY Qnnpany: �1(j,,0MMWW SWU CoHyaly. OAPMWO owl) �oaaiE4yTqx no pRoWns, hic Travelers Casuafty and Smc,,tyCcqTp,3ny of Amonr;a SiguawjL: aine Name, N, V/0harnL arhrs alld'f'kh t and'110C. Atlowf,,ry 6n f wA& F1 Res Agent (Any a(kUtional signatures appear on(he lust page qffhis P(�vnenf Hond,l (l,'(,,)R INP'e,'M AM 770M(MIL Y Mmw, tad dres,s AGENT or BROKM OWNER'S RFPRFSFN1'ATfVF.-: (mIlilerf, h'ngillcev or Who par�v MsmWe ;600 S, Dmhflawl Blvd,Sljilk-Mo MW rl 33 M6 I Tk Wondwnd Sww;njQWQ and R=aQ hhul %min, and assQns to tad,Ownerk;pay Jbi D Nn,ontcrhls ond uquipbm Rm&hW Rn wn 0 Up,A umucWT u Const�twIfion Contiract'%Onch is ancoq nratcd dw e'in by ry erfme!'sW�jert to I he §2 If the,Corrhackwplml Ito,make payment of all wons due to ChAnanN,and&Anwh,hn Inc nikys am!J"?I, hat miss the Owrcr Rom WWWtoW,M or YdN pry any pmmm in cl by snkhp Imp nan a An ha) wq nmwi&r ('n cquipr,I ww fiwAsh".'d fhar u,,,t h Ow,pcifommnrc WW"ImAw"Oon Com'r act, thN Ito s was y2nd sm(Wntrw*", ShMl have no ohlit'cl6on rindcr this Boud 13 WUme k no DMI, I k1uh MW the CmM"w&m Unwt,Ow Tuols Aflatior W thu(Ancr undut IN Wid A&!ake nflci the Mom hNs InonqNy WAd Ow(Nowsu md Me kwq Ot Mv adle"dc=jw"j &soction 13) ofcJaitns'demands,Hens or suRs agabmt the Owner of the OwnGO rMxy by ny pmum or mahy sukip pRpowA Ra Unq nwhak or wVdpnmt A"Womd An ne 5 Ow Pahmmane ofhe(NnAmokm(Ow mul Ondered rfcfn nr,c ofsw h uWuaq dwmmy 16m;w sWk to he(krarnk" am!Ow Sup, §4 WNw me(hua hn momod Owe amfAms W S"An n Ow Smoy sw pmqwy nd m im srqvV , hold hawrdrdes. � the Owner agahNI as thoy Inwemd Qwq dmwwc Jon or wit, §5 1w SWO111 ONWhum to as(Ilumd am dent this INHI WN arke n% To hAkwhy §51 UAMW KoWn ncl have a dked cxmimut%vhh the(110au'lor, havc,fbinished a'Wen nudee of nwypayuma to In I AMMA00NA&M w4h wowwwNl aauwvy Q OWMA OWN and Mu nwim of In pady h)whmn Om wn wk wwq mnyymd n, ",W,d supplied or fbrwhow Ac hQw mn Hmn 1w Pukmaml wAhk nimly(90)air s afor hnvhqi Wsr PwAnwd hka m IM W&W uwwrNk=Qmma hmwwd &ow(so, ,u(j ,2 have son!a(ion to he Awy(of the ndoms Cknewbul in WAN, I §U(Umm who arc OnIfloyed by cx rVjtjj thtt_ I '(I rcro a(lairn &o Jhc,Stwcty(al the wjrhe'm'S des(aiLied in se^qion 13), §6 ya nwice nrnnnTM"eM MQuHj Subm I L I is ytkn by Ow()mwr to tho(AnTaw, WO iq samp, safii"iV a(lnkmaw's ollhpa6or h ffiwkh a wdDn mKuwrwwpVmand WAY KAWn I K I §7 Whm a CNAnni has Us%the cmdknvi of SwAknx 5 1 or 51,whkkva k qTUN, jw smay Idi lwunq4Q;and at 1he SwOyW topmwe wou Tu RdkwhW noomy §11 Smd an umver a Ow(Uhmm,MT a aqW ho Hw chawo whIlin s xt.y (60)day afltar lccep�pt of Nv Ck fin' SftitfiT tile,UMOU10,1AIM dray WWNp"dahead 15 bmk Fn HiMN Unw wq wwwnN OM me jqm"4 rrardh §Z2 Ny cor anange Or pnyerenf of any undiTuted onumnis §13 nw SurcV%bHmv NANdwrKe its oblialions undw scc6on 7.f or bu dt'rnf.'d to constififle as kyniver of deAmwes the W05,or Omtrarkn may have m PrInh u an fo a usim,exec,w;u, nndynted uNmas fbr Wch the My wW CN&MO W mWed npvwwmL IC hmmwq Ow My Riloo dwoup ita obligations under'Sectim'L I M WOn A 1w&PROY W OrkmKI the OEM %r tho reasonable wmmy's On to CNOmm Wns thereaRer U;wwa a"swm Nwy w bw MW wo ow,t,0,Cwh,w I B TM SMOY4 MkOlwdbn W nN in"ed Ow nmoma m MN jkmt phm ow anm,a Orwammawn awonvy's Im pmW&d unK SmAkn 73,and tho mmmnt of this Isand shmi b(�UNN`Nfr'�.d friar away p�aYnr�los nl;idc'm pood hill by me §9 AmwwN owed by to Owm" tee be cwmwlw wom Uw(4MNWHw (A)MWI dan hu wwd Q Ow 1wonmaw orthe Con'struc,"fion(Whact and Ju SM&dMw Twwanhr any cmauumon pawnnmme howL By o, Co"Lae'tor ruudshhlm wd Ow Chwa auxTTqOhk IN4 they agree Ow all Awk nowill ow cmmwNw 4 m, parfoll1rance of Ow C(ewUncter-C,dedic'med to Satisfy �hv�'mAmO n �and Smvly uwJrr Oli." Bond,sut'oject to the Imma"P Wy M Ow fk AM Rw we mmNown Ate wwk MA DocwneM A312111 2011 rho Afficrican 110 The Sweosht I niq be thdAe to the Ownq CNhunk N odw is It nQy5mm of ow own at a ocdmc MAdald 10 Ow(06hWinn(hynhaeLThe OWIWI Shell W Wdhibi hr Tv jnymeW jjHjy poN (" Chdnpulf,lmdcr this flont am! OWN have'"Wei % lynh,W OWIMAI n)rIwKopayrventww to,",)r givv w&co on hchalf 4 (UWMnN 0"dwnww hVy my O4rNp6n,W(AAMMS mom to J%d §11 The Sum,Imuby mysts Wkc of any*mg,4 QhWhq chuges of RK4 f" the KozalloviWMI Kwun;1 or to puro:hasv, ordel4r and other 12 No mot W nown MMU lic nynnium&Iq a (10now IM61 to ROO O&W He K a UMN uTNMWHCW plisdiciion in the maw in Whul Mv pivqmt Mm is Me Qed of ow QMT UVAK ( vuunwl is hAldni ea noel 10, expiration of"com;yism own tho hW(Q cm %Tidi the (Ummw sera R Chhu u, Mt sum,1mvW,,rIit ((w Sembn I I A oij,,wjwjcjj tile,!am whormsen AT W.PUPMMd Ewa MPMnM ow hm "rawkwWr =Tmenl 'WIC""QY"Ymm MAU 10 UmnocOm CwHiml whbqwvw o-&(1)sw(2) Hist ocomr; if jk� InovsKin of US junwQ am Vmd x PUNINd by h",Ow MAHMM Pubvi of K&K avaiNhE Us ramelks ns a deAmme in thejudSCHIM slow SMI OWN bu aRICAT", §1310dec ond Chaim(to the Sjmej,jhc()Wner Cu the KH he waikd oi d0kaud k;Tu adOns Gmn nu the julge im wh4l Hwh symum ippeary At hmf iccrtf olaw w cNwc h,m,, suffic"iel"t compHnnr c,ws of date reccived, §14 Mnwn Oki Hwd hm ban f,(n)NA Whh a QWy or other Cegk tf tJjca Yot�atioiu whr;ro ihe cow"truction veac 0 he PmEnQ any Plowinkm in Uds M amnUhT whh old womy tu kQ re"Hum WK he deemed de toofpwwwrw�fa„fsrwwtrc(wRMnK9&mwh hwhiv y m i0m kyaj ympcnw:d shnH I, dc'ettled horen V/h('n S""i VlImh',hed,Oct!: illk:W,is tlwa(06"'Bon"A IlMi Our owilAuwd uk n nM as a cmumm; Nee bond. §15 11pun requnt by mW pumm or wNy mppe0ing la 1K,a rxAmbd bmdkhq onwq wn[ Ow cmwwtu =1 ()Wner 01M I PnIngly RMAA a CWY of Own 11WHI 0V shau pMinot a CnPy to Im"M& Is DOMAIMS M C54M 1, %whwn Mmemcw by oic t:hjjo,nant incIrlding at a inluognwn� A t[hu,lomne'of the,Chwm,'mt� .2 sk Imnle(WOW Pwam in WIMI we hka WU dmw,W nVeIkk n"Yopma fowsani, .3 as CWy uf he ammnmut m1nirdwx mdu prmaig to wh&h hoon nnudak (n UYAPnrl mm� hmiskd Ir.vet v 5 fiw ,4 cwfthe,9rkhor,mwliafs or Cquipint"m ,5 t4 dtflc IM WhK Hm CNinwit NM ImPulmd NQ u; Irim 15%hal juaw;&jq on equipment 10 use ftt thfv rrfOrmaric% of fie Connn uction cojjrmj„ ,6 dic total 'aillouni earlwd by the CIMUM An bb" cWhos tw mplplwnt nKshni ns CPU Ve of Ow UMM-, thC,(011,11 'flnhnlld ouf PaQw;paynnids imcived #the cNonam, and Ole tutaf k"110UM 6W M&UPOW W On:ChhuM Ir labor masisk or uqu4nyvnj %Ashed nq g 1he dab OF%(1"n, 112 a i% w n hor equipnent Q m� wove Ow pnknninn ce of the:(Anmq tKljQ Gridrml, ICWUnnL An K&WH nranihfyhg onhact vVith 01c wvifVj le mt CPC's4r6hiv awkvie,agaiwtrt tht [Cid plojw (yup h�01�Lejt i a ,(L' W4 ,y sle , toPle("M0"W" MYWfddufcf VIORYdiatAsrOMYassw0 nclakiMet analkabW nwkUn wf he d� Boma�l be AwWde whhow Hwitmkm in Me lunm"Inhor,tnaterink of Cqi1iprr1fm1"that pad o"A waflca,pas,powrr, light, f caw,ofl, pasolille, ir epfionc sel Ace on ienml equiWnelo imed in We Omsu wAihn(5nowk suhNvowal and enginon&g sclvkcs rmluhrd Gv Mmmme M Ow wmk oaf dw(Ammumm mo des t owadol's subconvanknq mid au whVt i(CMS 1`61-Whie a I&MaY he ameacd in QP p0dktinn whme sw rknMWWCL §M ConsUnHan ConUacz Ile ageetim"! b0ween the Ownu aM Chmasn Wmtnsy bdudhg aH Conunt mid'All changea uimdi w thc nmd thu 0m(w,ia.G 7 16,40wnor fkfatflL I`aHwc,of'C I w, VIM Ch I Ms rM I Orn Imrwdicd 01,IYOk'cd'Po pay,Clan; under Ole Cws4urlkm'A=0 1 01 fn1w;PuMWW CMWMCCH unOyAh Ow Wrma%A mmq of We (Anywom f1mmt, 115 CuUnct Doeunwntc AH tile docwImnis nw;cunwdw to nmcaunt botvv('r!n L'Owau't trust CoWm(Gw. Mw 7 1 LOW!A Awd n an apemwa bNew;a om A W qw, we u nn Omuwkw hi IN Awd H heWIN dmmrd v;hc XuhiAnxu*w am sc MpaWmu(W ymH 4 dwmdM U3, §18 Modfficm4ms to dtk bmid�aw Iot f6flows: n under"J's Payment mUst SMIAn 255as(2f Fkw kW In ovWed bc10 w1bi ack'NiQlull (np CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY f I MqM;q: Wqmv� WaMy TqMkm Tfavehrs Casusoy And 1&MY Q m qmny apt Amqnmi hhunc and 714 lA MAN I Win am!711y AMWMA r Flo & n mlf�P�iMt Lj,�i �,J` Way fiv,! at 1� 8 "1" Addrcis foo�f' I 5("w 0 J6183 Key, Kf,�y VV(.,,I, H, 330-40 AM Ommoomum nM I_ Uavdirs Chistialty and Surety Company of America Travelers Ca%jalty and Surety Company TRAVELERSJ SL PaW FWe and Matine insurance Company P0W1-,J4CW A�I OPNI-'Y KNOW ALL MEN BY I HESE WSUM 8 MW ImMms GamwQt w NWWY I IM,Mq of Warn W;oq I WM"q5 kdm"l wd Smaty VWMPMZ ud A tlttM r 6 auvk MaIiiviio Nmaw"y tAMnMq an nq"amms IQ CYOMMA '"ka "W bmz 0 Ho w 10 ca 04 kw UMMI "&MANY UNA W WHianiL.Parknr of MIAPAI Fwwa W; tnw and MW Aflumey h I ad h) sqw, immidn nval wd ochow4whp, aoy orld all boil'k, tax,o(' conrlMnina[ awdwtnk4rrro dod othor wriwa4�, rjbN� PU";HW��' p"y in ow vamm" W Thrl"AT w"Wp 1wWvm A gMvMATnq 1%, homy CA FMMMM qU;aWdWvq Me ;Wdarnmay as (Wads mul (annong 01 qWvWhvHq bmd�' wid wq�Iiwfl ol pwrn4led vi 'cloy a0ons c" prorrndlnqs lfflowud by Van& RATA"yMFA"wry, 201T pap lm�ara CONN Py (.Ay of ia?Pord S I,oAwC (M TV Hw 3M Tq 0 Wnwj 2MT 50— nw j"MWWQ qpwad RoAPH I Rmmy WD w1nmodWA !moot 0 bv ow f ams Vwv pwvMq;f roj I rtiv(Aer" apW Suwy(�(4npwiy 0 Arnwwa, 1 nnvt'flia!va a,tpry y Uwnp'iNj WN 13 IT p I n; awl MMNV Av"Mxn(NmWo"""d Mat hn as mmhAwwarp a0miUm! sac., P, d" XOATA MW CamwMg nom"WA fix HW pmpo"� w t'tawd Ly I qtb on iwkdl of rhte cnttpouo!lofv; tyy ho war H cw a d(fly aupronzwJ officer Wkwm ynumg I IWIMPAO NW Iny Imm"wand WhO neal My vxp4es ttw 30M d,',ty of Ainio, 2021 *I-ctm)Lk)) 1honomn UrNuanyowarmAwAy MHHWHWMMnq 01 % by Su"Ay(&NwnVofA""Rx Dam"a (.eta am and SlaNy t"oinpany' 'av � foace and offe('t wadinq"'i"a0nop�' RESOLVED, Nat fho Me any F'youAIvo Vwt- 0wock�nt ;v'y tcnv�� vn.' Pw"id(,O stray aura f"; wq Hownd VWv ismW& Uw 1"youp *q AmmWM ENTMah WwAy W ary A"NoM Quutmy study apQd AWamys of I w, amf AgmAs to aW N; and to NOW A Vve(Anpany and tnuy gm e swh amminwo ymh aw"Al W to M no oeuW[�'atc r f aWhof y rnay Inw;wlbo k InIn w0h dho Coala"iny's n"'fnw aW WW WE 11W CmpMqs wM hm&,mwyvmvvjmW=N of wo""voy,awi;qjm ww"p WMW"y h M, v,0,h,rf' or conr"NionW unrk;rjaIk¢daq, jjgf Qjpy art nad (bfir'b , ca Pv, H)xd of Dbw1nit, afl ,Iiny terse: ¢tourer I(vtov," ;mIny >�wh xid wvoko Rr,r povtor qIvon hh"n or her;and or k", FURTHER RESOLVEM beam, Uw myoumun ow pw=w? n" Vmv U&Mn, 01 Lmm"n V= ?QvWAwL nny Wimm W QN&ml m wq Vrtr r1w';W*tpr rinny dvh'�('pto aN or any pao CA UK,M""Aq wMN4 Uk ww m amm cWw, pmoAd INH"A"m h 0?,Ana t to wiri6nq and a copy ffieru(A v,Nod and rho sorb ea of C4tga;�,ayw.rc.2sary old at o FURIHER RESOLVLD, that as ,oy d()rld coWract 0 Indunsdty' (11 WnIvaq OhItIlaany w U;�� n'itnrc; of n bono, undcfl�44��j r0rai� te� vka" Pw�'Hwlt MW bhdmg UPM RM Gwymy fmn 0)Wvd "Y PW 14MMIT Sol Vu"Alm"Ma Xq I M%MNv VWp ho5han mq Qmnr y Vic�I Pwnkht�rit, any , econ�j Vice Pw'skh�nt the lrodSUNS, My /)'!�tw'lai't wfre �,cw�ary w ;wy A�,tdrAaW SMMMY MW WQ WMW MW MW WM 9w GwWwws wal by a0muratj or NOWW4 5"Wol W 01 Wdy upylov,(Moto new 0"Im",Iq Mw tv mme AMm"s W ma MW Age Purls, pmmmg W ow WMW pWKdWW " in r" Nn n"MCK, M Reeser ccrrkatw; of ,wOion v w by one or nwro CWnp,1inVuffiuq,,prnwwt fo aw(Ittorl dtla gnhon of wilhoWy,toud ir v FURTHER RESOLVER lkd Me sgnnhap(0 each ca tho toWWrig officott, PwCxhInq, arty f xoc(jtavK vc�� any %Y(.o Pro- otjont' ""wy V�cv Nmdud ,tray AnUmA Mw PmORT ary OmMmy aW AnMaM WMml mW Us my n"m twWaq rmy he aMmw lap wr&,W k, , I%,, f AHminj at In any cmhkah rNAM9 00010 MRWMNM WvdnM MW Pmw%&. lAvAlmd WKWA WwWms m AMmwp era FwA 4 Wqwms my codexo�'cfgtoq imd aqc'��nrj b(Hldo and ondwslkmq�� and Wi %w4mgs nhigo"y out tree! nwmu "MOM mW WN PO, itwer of AtHu", w vjnWhah, wnhg 'i"Ilt far airnito ntgn".daire fjo, racI*rtito goaf mmN % vmd Mid Nn%g 10M VM Umlwq mW ON �mh pees w so uwWwl wW cudiko Q two oiqnMuw ond faCIArnoe n"W'MaH" VaWl M"t"MA W Mw GO"qxuq al OKI WO VAM WtPm t 51"ny bond m w0wWndnq W WmA A m A"4 0 1, Kevin E Htighps,"ui undmmpwd, AmNsWiR %iMaly of 1mvoun jamm, md to", 4 0,,p , (Ampwq, MW A low hm aw 0AMW wwwwp bmwat" do Judy MaN OW HH' Wvw' and hmetPwq; v; as WHI wKi =0 ¢viv (q Rx- IT=of ARmnvy exenAved by sud umn"now wNd, h hM h,, Dated POI; 1h dayof AM(,, 2022 awe o h(Axart d v y 7b tWrW the authenhe4-v Wh&Aiwer of AfhvneV,plea)so e�j/j 1-800-42 1-38811 P"me re W M Hm abovo-i7aniod Atto"wy-in-f'act,?n,t1 the d4!t,-yjj.8 of the band to whhh the penvet is 'fitarlie'(1,