Declaration 10-07-2022 C BOARD017C NTH"C"OMI&IOU yCountyoMonroe Mayor David Rim District 4 The Florida Keys Mayor I an"1em Craig Caigns,District t uctaerrc rCColdtimn,District 2 Doc#2393539 Bk#3196 Pg#15 � e n r Dusty ,�� s K.sc �ltw Recorded 11M6�2022 r.tr,.w8 Page 1 ask_ 11o1ay Mcr i1a Raschein.T.Nstrlct. Filed and Recorded.in Otficiaa Records of MOOT ROE COUNTY K,,CPA I' O ROE COUNTY DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY a bjert't Hur ricaTn WHEREAS the (:3n crn r has,d. clarcd a state of ernerge'ncy throughout the state due to Hurricane Ian; and WHEREAS. previously declared a state of�ocal emergency on Friday, Seplernbcr 23,202 for Monroe Countydare to the storm;and WHEREAS,the storm caused wind, ffivd,and Other darn age when it impacted Monroe County;and WHEREAS.Monroe County is now in the clean up and recover phase following the storm- and WHEREAS,the threat of danger,to the populace inhabiting Monroe County fmm time subject storm may require expedient actuary in Order t0 protect the health, safety and welfare Of°the community; and WHEREAS, F.S. 252.38 states that safeguarding the life and pro�perty of its citi7ens is an innate responsibility of the governing body of each political subdivision of the state., and WHEREAS, F.S. : . 8(3)(a)5. and Section 1 l-1 of the Monroe County Code authorizes the County Mayor,Mayor pro Tern, Or Sheriff,to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a pcnod of tap to seven ) days, which may then be extended in seven (7)day increments if"necessary, after consultation with the Director of Emergency Management,, and WHEREAS,during a declared state of emergency, the County shall have the power and authority: appropriate and expend funds,,, rna .e cnntnicts, obtain and distral'utc equipment,materials,arnd supplies fix- crnergimc.y lnnarnagc.nne nt purposes, provide for the health and safety of persons and pr¢nfncrty, including enncrgeney assista'nrncc to the ,ict.it ns of aar•1y enner'gencya and direct and coordinate the dcvclopmctnt rri enncrgcncy rna.lna.gerne'rnt plans and prograrns in accordance with the policies and plans set by,the federal and state emergency n°nar'nagcnient agencies, 2. 'To appoint, cnnploy, 'rernove,, rear,. pr w,widc, with or without conrp ensaticrn, coordinators. rescue teamis. fire and police perso nrr 1, and anther cnncrgcrncy managernent workers. 3. 1°`ra establish,, as neeessar'y, a primary and one or in ore secondary errnergcncy operating centers t0 provide continuity ofgo errninent and direction and control of etnergency operations. . To assign and snake available 'liar• deity, the offices and agencies f' the 'px)ht.ical su dieisican, including the en plwtyees, property. or, equipment thereof' relating to firefighting, erng'in.t r'ing, rescue, health. medical mind related services,,police.transportation.construction.and similar items or services fbr emergency operation purposes,, as the primary emergency management lorces of the political subdivision for employrnent within or outside the political limits of the mitidivision 5. Iwo request state msistance or invoke,erriergenicy-related MUtUal-aid assistance by declaring a state of local eniergency in the event of"an ernergency afl,"ecting only one political subdivision. The duration ofeach state of entergency declared locally is limited to 7 days: it Yna), be exterided, as necessary, in 7-day incrernients. 6. To waive the prucedures and farviAlides athenkise tequired ofthe patilical subdivisiort by law plertaining to: a. Perf6r,mance of public wor.k and taking whatever prudent action is fICCCSSarV to enSLIre the health. safc�Iy. and welfiam ofthe C0111"ItInity. b. Entering into contracts subject to lifflihtfiOIIS set forth in Sectitin 11-3 of die(11ounq, Code and after meeting the requircrnents of the Monroe Cowity Purchasing Policy and mquirements of any- fedca-al meal slate pro rants and graint my din age°ncies, C. IncurTing obligations, & Eniployment of permanent and ternporary workers. e. Utilization of volunteer workers, f. Rental ofequipinent g. Acquisition and distflbution, with or NvithOUt COMpellSatiort, fsupplies, niaterials,and facilities, h. Appropriation and expenditure of public funds. 7 "I"o implement and exercise, the authority set forth in Sections I I I tfi[rougtt 11-4 of the (:'ounty Code, 8. Notwithstanding the forgoing, nothing in this declaration waives sovereign, iminiunity or the restrictions iniposed by the emergency contracting and purchasing provisions of Monroc County's, currently applicable purchasing policy, NOW"rHEREFORE,pursuant to consultation with the Dircetor of Emergency,Management and as Mayor of Monroe County, I hereby declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for all of Monroe, County, including municipalities, for a period of seven(7)days, which shall begin at 4:30 p.m. on October 07, 2022. Pursuant to this Dcclaration,all procedures and forrnalities othicnvise required of Monroe County, as listed ablove, am hereby waived, The Director of Emergency Management is hereby ordered to take whatever actions are nccesw., y to protect the health, safety and welf4re of this community, Emergency Mirectives, signed by the Mkyor, Mayor Pro Tem, Sheriff, or, Emergericy, Management Direclor during the State of Emergency, shall have the full force oflaw as specified, in Monroe,County Code Section I I- 3(b)(4)a. signed", ctober Time: i Tr 2022 Vt P.Rux, May" proved as to Form- Robert B.Shiffinger.County A Y