FY2011 Court RelatedMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT PROPOSED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2010 -2011 June 25, 2010 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Organization Chart 2 Duties and Functions 3 COURT RELATED OPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON 4 COURT RELATED DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS Jury Management 5 -7 Circuit Criminal 8 -10 Circuit Civil 11 -13 Circuit Family 14 -16 Circuit Juvenile 17 -19 Circuit Probate 20 -22 County Criminal 23 -25 County Civil 26 -28 County Traffic 29 -31 Administration 32 -34 Records Management 35 -37 Branch Office Supervision 38 -39 CALCULATION OF OVERHEAD PERCENTAGES 40 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORGANIZATION CHART I CITIZENS I CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Internal Audits Tourist Development Tax Audits AD S ,VE I I CLERK O I I CIRCUIT SUPPORT BOCC COURT I I COURT Administration Administration Criminal Criminal Jury Management Finance Civil Civil Records Value Management Adjustment Family Traffic Board Recording Juvenile Information Systems Probate 2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS The Clerk of the Circuit Court is an elected office established by the Florida Constitution. The duties of the office are provided by the Constitution, by acts of the Florida Legislature, and by order of the Court. The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be: Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the County Court, County Comptroller/Treasurer, County Auditor, County Recorder, and Secretary/Ex- officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. Organization Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, pursuant to Article VIII, Section (1), Constitution of the State of Florida. It is guided by an elected Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) which is governed by State Statutes. In addition to the members of the BOCC, there are five elected constitutional officers: The Tax Collector, Property Appraiser, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sheriff, and the Supervisor of Elections. Revision 7 to Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida, HB113A of 2003 and SB2962 of 2004 requires that the budget of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for court- related functions must be supported by fines, fees and service charges. The statutes also delineate court- related costs, which are the responsibility of the County, costs that must be supported by fines, fees and service charges, and create a mechanism for funding Clerks of Court who project a deficit in funding necessary to support court- related functions. Funding for the budgets of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as ex- officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Management Information Systems, Records Management and court- related costs that remain the responsibility of the County is budgeted in the General Revenue of the County. The budgets of the Clerk of the Circuit and County courts for court- related functions are contained in the Clerk's Special Revenue Court Related Fund. 3 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COURT RELATED OPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON 2010 -2011 Revenues Intergovernmental: Federal Child Support Grant State Awarded October -June Estimated July- September Monroe County Total Revenues Expenditures Direct Costs Jury Management Circuit Criminal Circuit Civil Circuit Family Circuit Juvenile Circuit Probate County Criminal County Civil County Traffic Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs Administration Records Management Total Indirect Costs Other Financing Uses Excess Fees Contingency Total Other Financing Uses Total Court Related Clerk Expenditures 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Proposed Proposed Budget Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) $ 125,000$ 119,000$ 6,000 2,519,203 2,519,204 (1) 839,734 839,734 0 801,128 754,989 46,139 $ 4,285,065 $ 4,232,927 $ 52,138 $ 175,625$ 114,527 $ 61,098 725,613 793,263 (67,650) 494,302 469,912 24,390 127,047 134,318 (7,271) 118,230 116,034 2,196 92,451 93,671 (1,220) 547,864 557,626 (9,762) 256,368 192,856 63,512 624,504 643,761 (19,257) 3,162,004 3,115,968 46,036 290,500 281,673 8,827 352,976 331,541 21,435 643,476 613,214 30,262 444,180 400,188 43,992 35,405 103,557 (68,152) 479,585 503,745 (24,160) $ 4,285,065 $ 4,232,927 $ 52,138 4 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT JURY MANAGEMENT BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Jury Management department is responsible for the juror selection process for Circuit and County Court, the Grand Jury and the State Grand Jury. Three separate jury pools are necessary, one for each location (Key West, Marathon and Plantation Key). The staff determines the number of jurors needed and requests a computer generated list of prospective jurors, prepares and mails summons notices, prepares the list of jurors to be excused or postponed for approval by the judge, takes roll call to qualify the jurors, distributes the jurors to assigned panels, tracks attendance for payroll information, prepares the payroll and prepares monthly reports to the State of Florida. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. 5 Jury Management Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Current New Total Amount Jury Clerk 1.00 0.00 1.00 $54,734 Clerk 1 0.25 0.00 0.25 8,453 Allocation of Branch Office Management 0.02 0.00 0.02 1,000 Overtime 100 Subtotal 64,287 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 64,287 Fringe Benefits 12,202 Life, Health & Workers' Comp. 12,436 Total 1.27 0.00 1.27 $88,925 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $0 Jury Manaaement Budget Summary: Calendar Year Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 Jurors; Summoned 27,110 30,934 32,453 30,479 Jurors Served 4,862 4,207 4,706 4,485 Number of Checks Issued $114,527 $61,098 1 53.35% to Jurors 2,346 2,237 2,468 2,374 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $88,925 $87,027 $1,898 Operating Expenses 86,700 27,500 59,200 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $175,625 $114,527 $61,098 1 53.35% MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT CRIMINAL BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Circuit Court Criminal department processes all felony cases. The staff prepares motion court calendars, attends court hearings and trials, records and maintains court evidence, processes County to Circuit Court appeals and prepares appeals to the District Court. The department also processes all payments made pursuant to Court Orders for fines, court costs, restitution and any other payments ordered by the Court. GOALS The department will continue to monitor internal systems and the method of processing information in order to improve efficiency of operations. The staff of this department will also monitor the use of the Clerk of the Court's website and respond to changes in the nature and extent of public records requests based upon the use of the website. Circuit Criminal Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Current New Total Amount Criminal Division Supervisor 0.89 0.00 0.89 $50,604 Clerk IV 1.00 0.00 1.00 45,020 Clerk III 1.00 0.00 1.00 44,899 Clerk II 4.25 0.00 4.25 158,541 Clerk 1 4.40 0.00 4.40 151,054 Allocation of Branch Office Management 0.60 0.00 0.60 29,676 Overtime 2,000 Subtotal 481,794 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 481,794 Fringe Benefits 91,445 Life, Health & Workers' Com . 118,374 Total 12.14 0.00 12.14 $691,613 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $0 Budget Summary: Mir vM Calendar Year Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 Case Filings - All 1,300 1,411 1,695 1,504 Cases Reopened 441 328 613 601 Probation Hearings 578 259 74 215 Bond Hearings 175 93 73 39 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $691,613 $747,263 ($55,650) Operating Expenses 34,000 46,000 (12,000) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 Total 1 $725,6131 $793,263 ($67,650) -8.53% 10 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT CIVIL BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Circuit Court Civil Department processes all civil actions over $15,000, foreclosure actions, dissolutions of marriage, petitions, and all other circuit civil filings. The staff prepares motion court calendars, attends court hearings and trials, records and maintains court evidence, processes Circuit Court appeals, and prepares appeals to the District Court. GOALS The department will continue to monitor internal systems and the method of processing information in order to improve efficiency of operations. The staff of this department will also monitor the use of the Clerk of the Court's website and respond to changes in the nature and extent of public records requests based upon the use of the website. 11 Circuit Civil Position Classification: Positions Budget Amount Current New Total Assistant Supervisor Clerk II Clerk 1 Allocation of Branch Office Management Overtime 0.29 0.00 0.29 3.00 0.00 3.00 4.90 0.00 4.90 0.61 0.00 0.61 $11,609 113,515 158,513 31,281 10,000 324,918 0 Subtotal COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 324,918 Salaries 61,669 85,715 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Comp. Total 8.80 0.00 8.80 $472,302 Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 Ii VA Mrrnit cavil Budget Summary: Calendar Year Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 Case filings: 27,000 (5,000) Capital Outlay Other Civil 1,478 2,190 2,535 1,695 Other Civil Reopened 83 146 312 706 Domestic Relations 1,418 1,459 1,237 1,235 Domestic Relations Reopened 303 287 259 287 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $472,302 $442,912 $29,390 Operating Expenses 22,000 27,000 (5,000) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $494,302 $469,912 $24,390 1 5.19% 13 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT FAMILY BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Circuit Court Family Department is the central depository for receiving, recording, reporting, monitoring, and disbursing alimony, spousal support, maintenance, and child support payments pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 61.181. Additionally, the Uniform Support Program processes liens for nonpayment of support. The staff also attends all family - related court hearings and processes all related paperwork. This department is also responsible for injunctions for protection, which require significant processing time. This is accomplished by having one deputy clerk at Key West, Marathon, and Plantation Key on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This responsibility is rotated among clerk deputies that work in Circuit Court Civil and Circuit Court Family Departments. GOALS The department acts as a reference point and liaison for our residents for the purpose of providing case information, troubleshooting and tracking the progress of child support payments made through the State Depository Unit. Also, some child support payments are still processed locally. We will continue to assist child support payers and custodial parents with their transactions with the State Depository Unit and the Clerk's office. 14 Circuit Family Position Classification: Positions Budget Amount Current New Total Assistant Supervisor Clerk II Clerk 1 Allocation of Branch Office Management Overtime 0.14 0.00 0.14 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.11 $5,804 34,796 34,796 6,005 2,000 83,401 0 Subtotal COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 83,401 Salaries 15,830 21,916 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Com . Total 2.25 0.00 2.25 $121,147 Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 W Workload Measures: Fiscal %.#IN y Year 2007 2008 2009 Estimated 2010 Collections: $1,329 Operating Expenses 5,900 State Disbursement Unit $4,002,418 $4,105,491 $3,948,387 $3,966,975 Clerk's Office $1,538,112 $1,288,829 $1,072,146 $895,631 Revenues: ($7,271)1 -5.41% Clerk Fees $15,758 $13,709 $8,452 $0 Federal Grant 119.890 115.835 135,683 137.329 Total $135,648 $129,544 $144,135 $137,329 Transactions 23,849 25,013 23,463 22,421 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $121,147 $119,818 $1,329 Operating Expenses 5,900 14,500 (8,600) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $127,0471 $134,318 ($7,271)1 -5.41% 16 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT JUVENILE BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Circuit Court Juvenile Department processes all juvenile cases. The staff prepares motion court calendars, attends court hearings and trials, records and maintains court evidence, and processes and prepares appeals to the District Court. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. 17 Circuit Juvenile Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Criminal Division Supervisor 0.11 0.00 0.11 $6,254 Clerk III 1.00 0.00 1.00 40,998 Clerk II 0.50 0.00 0.50 18,359 Clerk 1 0.25 0.00 0.25 8,025 Allocation of Branch Office Management 0.11 0.00 0.11 5,470 Overtime 500 Subtotal 79,606 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 79,606 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Comp. 15,109 19,215 Total 1.97 0.00 1.97 $113,930 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $ W-1 Budget Summary: vu bull %JUVVII1IV Calendar Year Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 4,300 7,200 (2,900) Capital Outlay Case Filings: 0 0 Total 1 Delinquency 465 297 362 241 Dependency 100 64 48 55 Cases Reopened 692 305 595 156 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $113,930 $108,834 $5,096 Operating Expenses 4,300 7,200 (2,900) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total 1 $118,2301 $116,0341 $2,196 1 1.89% 19 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT PROBATE BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Circuit Court Probate department processes all probate, mental health, and guardianship cases. The staff prepares motion court calendars, attends court hearings and trials, and records and maintains court evidence. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. 20 Circuit Probate Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 21 Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Assistant Supervisor Clerk 1 0.07 0.00 0.07 1.50 0.00 1.50 $2,902 53,264 Allocation of Branch Office Management Overtime 0.09 0.00 0.09 4,506 500 61,172 Subtotal COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 61,172 Salaries 11,610 16,169 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Com . Total 1.66 0.00 1.66 $88,951 Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 21 Workload Measures: %AHUUn rrVUaie Calendar Year 2007 2008 2009 Estimated 2010 $88,951 $90,271 ($1,320) Operating Expenses Case Filings 579 554 473 495 Cases Reopened 101 94 117 57 Budget Summary: Proposed 2010 -2011 Budget Approved 2009 -2010 Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $88,951 $90,271 ($1,320) Operating Expenses 3,500 3,400 100 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total 1 $92,4511 $93,671 ($1,220)1 -1.30% 22 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY CRIMINAL BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the County Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The County Court Criminal department processes all misdemeanor and criminal traffic cases. The staff prepares motion court calendars, attends court hearings and trials, records and maintains court evidence, and processes County to Circuit Court appeals. The staff also processes payments for misdemeanor and criminal traffic fines. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. The staff of this department will also monitor the use of the Clerk of the Court's website , and respond to changes in the nature and extent of public records requests based upon the use of the website. 23 County Criminal Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Assistant Supervisor 0.50 0.00 0.50 $20,996 Clerk III 0.50 0.00 0.50 18,550 Clerk II 1.75 0.00 1.75 66,173 Clerk 1 6.65 0.00 6.65 216,546 Allocation of Branch Office Management Overtime 0.63 0.00 0.63 32,608 0 Subtotal 354,873 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 354,873 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Comp. 67,355 97,636 Total 10.03 0.00 10.03 $519,864 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $ 24 Workload Measures: ..LP %01111111141 Calendar Year 2007 2008 2009 Estimated 2010 Case Filings: 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change County Criminal 4,401 4,433 4,165 3,613 Criminal Traffic 1,456 1,281 1,169 957 25 Proposed Approved Proposed Budget Summary: 2010 -2011 Budget 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services Operating Expenses Capital Outlay $519,864 28,000 0 $526,126 31,500 0 ($6,262) ($3,500) 0 Total $547,8641 $557,626 ($9,762) �-1.75 25 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY CIVIL BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the County Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The County Court Civil department processes all civil actions under $15,000, processes landlord and tenant claims, and assists customers in filing small claims actions. The staff prepares court calendars, attends hearings and trials, records and maintains court evidence, and processes County to Circuit Court appeals. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. The staff of this department will also monitor the use of the Clerk of the Court's website and respond to changes in the nature and extent of public records requests based upon the use of the website. 26 County Civil Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Assistant Supervisor 0.21 0.00 0.21 $8,707 Clerk 1 4.40 0.00 4.40 143,235 Allocation of Branch Office Management 0.28 0.00 0.28 14,641 Overtime 1,500 Subtotal 168,083 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 168,083 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Com . 31,902 47,583 Total 4.89 0.00 4.89 $247,568 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $ 27 Workload Measures: vvullLy VIY11 Calendar Year 2007 2008 2009 Estimated 2010 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Case Filings: Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services Small Claims 971 1,021 742 639 Evictions 458 466 413 439 Other County Civil 415 483 656 606 Total 1,844 1,970 1,811 1,684 Cases Reopened 78 126 571 99 Proposed Approved Proposed 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $247,568 $179,456 $68,112 Operating Expenses 8,800 13,400 (4,600) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $256,368 $192,856 $63,512 1 32.93% MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY TRAFFIC BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the County Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The County Court Traffic department processes payments of traffic tickets and other miscellaneous fines, and suspends licenses of individuals who have not made payment. For traffic court, the staff sets dates for court hearings, subpoena officers, prepares court dockets and attends court hearings. The department also maintains a schedule of individuals who are required to attend traffic school, and suspends driver's licenses of those who do not attend in the required 90 days. GOALS During the next fiscal year, the department plans to continue to refine internal systems. This will facilitate the method of processing information and improve efficiency of operations. The staff of this department will also monitor the use of the Clerk of the Court's website and respond to changes in the nature and extent of public records requests based upon the use of the website. 29 County Traffic Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Current New Total Amount Assistant Supervisor 0.50 0.00 0.50 $20,996 Clerk III 0.50 0.00 0.50 18,550 Clerk II 2.50 0.00 2.50 91,037 Clerk 1 7.10 0.00 7.10 233,443 Allocation of Branch Office Management 0.84 0.00 0.84 43,045 Subtotal 407,071 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 407,071 Fringe Benefits 77,262 Life, Health & Workers' Com . 111,371 Total 11.44 0.00 11.44 $595,704 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $0 30 County Traffic Calendar Year Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 Case Filings - Infractions 37,478 28,575 29,868 27,858 31 Proposed Approved Proposed Budget Summary: 2010 -2011 Budget 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $595,704 $592,261 $3,443 Operating Expenses 28,800 51,500 - 22,700 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total 1 $624,6041 $643,761 ($19,257) -2.99% 31 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the County Court, County Comptroller/Treasurer, County Auditor, County Recorder, and Secretary/Ex- officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE Administration provides for the general management of all departments reporting to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Administration is responsible for long -range planning, and policies and procedures development. Administrative assistants provide clerical support. Administration staff maintains the accounting records for the receipt and disbursement of the Clerk of the Circuit and County Court activities in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles, and in compliance with statutory requirements. This includes preparing the Clerk's annual budget, monitoring and processing operating expenditures, and accounting for user fees charged by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and transferring these fees to the Board of County Commissioners, the State of Florida and other agencies. GOALS Administration will also continue to monitor internal processes and procedures, and make changes where necessary to improve the delivery of services to the public. 32 Administration Capital Outlay: Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Executive Salary 1.00 0.00 1.00 $108,599 Assistant to the Clerk 0.30 0.00 0.30 29,779 Administrative Assistant 0.60 0.00 0.60 32,374 Overtime 800 Subtotal 171,552 COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 0 Salaries 171,552 Fringe Benefits 46,556 Life, Health & Worker's Comp. 18,892 Total Personal Services 1.90 0.00 1.90 $237,000 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $0 33 w-2 --. 0 Proposed r+unnmsuauun Proposed Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 Budget 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Estimated Workload Measures: 2007 2008 2009 2010 Clerk to the BOCC - Admin. 33 26 25 28 Meetings Held Pages of Minutes 315 275 293 294 Resolutions Adopted 569 515 466 516 Ordinances Adopted 47 30 38 38 Contracts Approved 433 550 547 510 0 Proposed Approved Proposed Budget Summary: 2010 -2011 Budget 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $237,000 $228,173 $8,827 Operating Expenses 53,500 53,500 0 Capital Outlay Subtotal Allocation to Court Related 0 0 0 290,500 281,673 8,827 Functions See Page 40 x 63.06% x 63.00% Total $183,181 $192,467 ($9,286) -4.82% 0 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT RECORDS MANAGEMENT BUDGET 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court is responsible for the maintenance and protection of a wide variety of public records. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE The Records Management department processes all official records, court records, and other miscellaneous records with imaging technology. Records are maintained until the retention period has been met. Once the retention period is met, the records are scanned and subsequently destroyed. Oversight of the central mail room rests with this department. In addition, the department provides services to other agencies such as the library and the District School Board, as requested, on a limited basis. GOALS All documents recorded in the Official Records are scanned at the time of recording. The images are available for public viewing in the Clerk's Offices in Key West, Marathon, and Plantation Key, as well as on the Clerk's website at clerk- of -the- court.com. We are currently scanning all past filings in our Recording, Circuit and County Court applications. Depending on the future status of the Modernization Trust Fund, it is our hope to implement a multi -year project to contract for the archival scanning of our closed court files. 35 Records Management Position Classification: Positions Budget Amount Current New Total Records Supervisor Records Technician II Records Technician 1 Overtime 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.75 0.00 2.75 $52,089 43,360 96,223 500 192,172 0 Subtotal COLA/Merit Pool 0.0% 192,172 Salaries 36,474 46,330 Fringe Benefits Life, Health & Workers' Comp. Total 4.75 0.00 4.75 $274,976 Capital Outlay: Quantity Budget Amount None Total $0 W Re cords Management 37 Fiscal Year 2007 2008 2009 Estimated Workload Measures: 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $274,976 Rolls 243 135 102 104 Pages Imaged 607,500 337,500 255,000 260,000 Image Copies * (Microfilm Rolls and CDs) 295 177 111 109 *CDs provided contain a comparable number of records. 37 Proposed Approved Proposed Budget Summary: 2010 -2011 Budget 2009 -2010 Budget Increase (Decrease) Percent Change Personal Services $274,976 $253,541 $21,435 Operating Expenses 78,000 78,000 0 Capital Outlay Subtotal 0 0 0 352,976 331,541 21,435 Allocation to Court Related Functions See Page 40 x 63.06% x 63.00% Total $222,577 $208,8711 $13,706 6.56% 37 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE SUPERVISION 2010 -2011 FUNCTION The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Court shall be Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Court. DESCRIPTION /OBJECTIVE Court Services, Recording and Records Management Administration are not separate departments. The personnel within this department are responsible for managing the functions of the Circuit Court, County Court, Jury Management, Recording and Records Management. These salaries are allocated to the departments managed based on the number of positions in each department. GOALS No specific goals are provided. The branch office staff is responsible for the goals of the individual departments they manage. 41.11 Branch Office Administration Allocation of Branch Administration Positions Budget Position Classification: Amount Current New Total Director of Adminstrative Svcs. 0.20 0.00 0.20 16,730 Branch Office Supervisors 2.00 0.00 2.00 124,217 Senior Accounting Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 55,134 Collections Clerk 1.00 0.00 1.00 37,000 Total 1.86 0.11 4.20 0.00 4.20 $233,081 Allocation of Branch Administration Positions Supervised Positions Allocated Budget Amount Recording 5.09 0.91 $64,849 Circuit Criminal 11.54 0.60 29,676 Circuit Civil 8.19 0.61 31,281 Circuit Family 2.14 0.11 6,005 Circuit Juvenile 1.86 0.11 5,470 Circuit Probate 1.57 0.09 4,506 County Criminal 9.40 0.63 32,608 County Civil 4.61 0.28 14,641 County Traffic 10.60 0.84 43,045 Jury Management 1.25 0.02 1,000 Total 56.251 4.20 $233,081 39 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CALCULATION OF OVERHEAD PERCENTAGES 2010 -2011 Court Related 54.45 63.06% Total Direct Service Employees 86.35 100.00% Direct Service Employees 86.35 89.02% Indirect Service Employees 10.65 10.98% Total Clerk Employees 97.00 100.00% all No. of Employees Non -Court Related Clerk to BOCC 21.90 Internal Audit 2.50 TDC Audit 1.50 Recording 6.00 Total Non -Court Related 31.90 36.94% Court Related 54.45 63.06% Total Direct Service Employees 86.35 100.00% Direct Service Employees 86.35 89.02% Indirect Service Employees 10.65 10.98% Total Clerk Employees 97.00 100.00% all