7th Task Order 01/24/2024 TASK ORDER SEVEN FOR DEMOLITION REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL SERVICES BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND CHARLEY TOPPINCI &SONS, INC.., FOR THE VOLUNTARY HOME BUYOUT PROGRAM FOR TASKS AND DELIVERABLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY SUB-RECIPIENT AGREEMENT 10092 In accordance with the contract for Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services made and entered on the 15"' day of June, 2022, by and between Monroe County hereinafter referred to as the "County" and Charley"Toppino&Sons, Inc.(CTS), hereinafter referred to as"Contractor"forthe Voluntary Home Buyout Program, All terms and conditions of the referenced Contract for Demolition Removal and Disposal Services shall apply to this Task Order,unless the Task Order modifies an Article of the Contract which will be specifically referenced in this Task Order and the amendment, addition or modification shall be precisely described. In accordance with the referenced contract,this Task Orders contains specific addresses and a description of the services that are requested for each address. Within ten 10 days of receipt of a f fly executed Task Order the Contractor must cam fete a site ins ectian and ravidgi a written response to the Count includin a oats ar the cast a the 'ab in accordance with the ricin and rates set arth in this a regiment and a schedule to begin and complete the job, This Task Order is effective on the 24th ,day of January _ 2024 1. The Contractor will perform demolition, removal and disposal services on five (5) parcels as described below in accordance with the VHBP Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services contract, attachment A,Scope of Work and Pricing(see Exhibit A). A. 31484&31486 Avenue F, Big Pine Key, 33043 i. Please review the vacancy inspections(see Exhibit B)for site specific considerations, ii. Per the VHBP Demolition, Removal and Disposal contract, the utilities on site shall be removed and/or capped to the limits of the site or at least two feet below finished grade and all utility meters within the property limits must be removed, Utility poles that provide service to nearby properties must remain. iii. Per Florida Department of Health (DOH) records, septic abandonment was completed and the permits were closed as follows: • 31484 Avenue F--DOH Permit 44-SK-1965470 closed 6/7/2019;and • 31486 Avenue F--DOH Permit 44-SK-1985978 closed 10/14/2019, iv, Please ensure compliance with the General and Specific conditions of the Tier 11 Environmental Review Record for the parcels (see Exhibit C)as applicable. B. 31543 &31551 Warner Street, Big Pine Key 33043 I. Please review the vacancy inspection(see Exhibit D)for site specific considerations, ii. Per the VHBP Demolition, Removal and Disposal contract, the utilities on site shall be removed and/or capped to the limits of the site or at least two feet below finished grade and all utility meters within the property limits must be removed. Utility poles that provide service to nearby properties must remain. III. FKAA provided a letter of coordination for 31.551. Warner Avenue for septic abandonment, DOFI issued septic abandonment permit 44-SI-2672982 which was closed on 4/18/2023 for 31543 Warner Street (see Exhibit E), Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services Task Order seven for the Monroe County Voluntary Home Buyout Program Page 1 of 5 iv. Please ensure compliance with the Genera! and Specific conditions of the Tier U Environmental Review Record for the parcel (see Exhibit F) asapplicable. V. Power poles providing service Wmneighboring parcels are not toberemoved. Poles that are disconnected/out mf service need toberemoved. vi. Demolition of the boat ramp and dock pile removal is required. The seawall is to be retained. • The Contractor is responsible for the complete permit process and responsible for all costs associated with the permit process from federal,state and local agencies. • If any structure to be demolished or removed is located on or over water or the project will require the use of watercraft,the CONTRACTOR is required to obtain the insurance described in Article Vill of the contract prior to the commencement of work on or over water. This Task Order modifies Article V||! of the Contract asfollows: If any structure to be demolished or removed is located on or over water orthe project will require the use of watercraft, prior to the commencement of such work, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain insurance to comply with the Jones Act and/or Longshoreman and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act with limits sufficient to respond to the applicable state and/or Federal statutes. In addition,watercraft liability insurance will be required. ]ones Act/Longshoreman Insurance coverage with minimum limits not less than those specified for Employer's Liability. This coverage is for contractors doing work located on or over the water. Watercraft Liability Insurance with minimum limits of$5OO,OOO Combined Single Limit. The remainder of terms and conditions of Article Vill remain unchanged and continue in full force and effect. C. 3168S Warner Street, Big Pine Key 33O43 i. Please review the vacancy inspection (see Exhibit G) for site specific considerations. Please take note of item 3,which details the presence ofpotential Household Hazardous VVaste(HHVV). Per the Scope of Work, HHVV must be handled and disposed ofproperly. ii. Per the VHBP Demolition, Removal and Disposal contract, the utilities on site shall be removed and/or capped to the limits of the site or at least two feet below finished grade and all utility meters within the property limits must be removed. Utility poles that provide service to nearby properties must remain, ii. Per DOH,there isno record of septic abandonment. DOH records show a shared aerobic treatment unity (ATU) that is shared with an adjacent parcel 31675 Warner Street. The owner of 31675 Warner confirmed with the County on 2/16/22 his parcel is hooked up to sewer and not on the shared ATU system. DOH confirmed on 2/16/22 that we can just abandon the portions of the ATU system on the subject parcel and that approval for one abandonment has been accepted by EH Manager, James Racha|. DOH would like both parcel numbers to be included on all correspondence including permit applications. Referenced communications are on file with the County. |ii. Please ensure compliance with the General and Specific conditions of the Tier || Environmental Review Record for the parcel (see Exhibit H) as applicable. Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services Task Order Seven for the Monroe County Voluntary Home Buyout Program Page 2of5 iv. The NESHAP Asbestos survey was already provided. The results of the bulk sampling and analysis indicate that the following materials sampled contain greater than 1✓asbestos. N A1Ar G S C a 'rR4 & �1 £ rC m TM "nMATEi LOCATION 7 F�fQUANTITY ack wn rcrr rnastc 5 ft OWhnovn m rrrrr rna0c E Roof Tar 5 C k v aP fe W' rs crc t r rtily twy r....... For asbestos removal, the Contractor will provide all necessary labor and equipment to complete the job including, vehicles, and personal protective equipment for proper handling of hazardous materials and will strictly adhere to all precautionary, and safety requirements. Contractors may need environmental hazard sub-contractors to identify hazardous materials, and conduct complete asbestos abatement, provide proper asbestos clearance (including air or visual clearance) and disposal of any hazardous materials. This shall include, but is not limited to EPA or State notifications, employee certifications,state licenses,and waste disposal notification/disposal logs.The Contractor must notify the County immediately of any situation which may cause a health or safety risk to the public. Per the Department of Economic Opportunity/Florida Commerce,the asbestos removal and disposal must be concluded prior to the demolition of the structure. Therefore, landfill receipts or manifests verifying the proper disposal of any asbestos-containing materials must be submitted to the County prior to commencement of the demolition. Staffing -the Project Manager shall be Michael t.abrada, CTS Contract Administrator. Pricin pricing shall be consistent with VHBP Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services contract, attachment A,Scope of Work and Pricing(see Exhibit A). 2. Prior to beginning the work, Individual or grouped requests for demolition, removal and disposal services on specific parcels will be subject to a Notice to Proceed issued via email from the County to the Contractor.The Notice to Proceed will be issued in accordance with this Task Carder. At no time shall the Contractor commence any work without receipt of the Notice to Proceed from the County. This Task Carder modifies the timelines described in the Article 11, Paragraph 2.1 Scope of Basic Services, Article VII, Paragraph 7.2.1.D, and Attachment A Scope of Work and Pricing as follows: Article II, Paragraph 2.1: CONTRACTOR's Scope of Basic Services consists of those described in Attachment A.The period of performance or date of completion,and performance requirements shall be included in Attachment A. In accordance with this contract, Task Orders will be issued containing a specific address or group of addresses,a description of the services to be performed at each address, the time period within which services must be performed ("Completion Date") and the estimated cost based upon the agreed upon rates for the services to be performed under this contract. The County will provide asbestos testing results and any conditions required by Florida Division of Historical Resources (SHPO) and/or the Monroe County Historic Preservation Commission (MCPHC)with the Task Order.Within ten(10)days of receipt of a fully executed Task Order, the CONTRACTOR must complete a site inspection and provide a written response to the COUNTY including a quote for the cost of the job in accordance with the pricing and rates set forth in this agreement, and a schedule to begin and complete the job. The Contractor's written response shall be incorporated into a written Notice to Proceed issued by the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall commence obtaining permits for the services provided for in this Agreement promptly upon receipt of a written Notice to Proceed from the COUNTY. Permitted field work must be commenced within 5 to 7 days of receiving issued permits.The Notice to Proceed will be Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services Task Order Seven for the Monroe County Voluntary Home Buyout Program Page 3 of 5 issued in accordance with the Task Order. At no time shall the CONTRACTOR commence work without written authority from the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR should expect that services must be completed no later than 45 calendar days of the commencement of permitted field work. Artic\eV|L Paragraph 7l1.K: Contractor shall complete all demolition activities within 45 days mf the commencement of permitted field work. The remainder of terms and conditions of Article VII, Paragraph 7.2.1.D. remain unchanged and continue in full force and effect. Attachment A,third paragraph: Task Orders will be issued containing a specific address or group of addresses,a description of the services to be performed at each address,the time period within which services must be performed ("Completion Date") and the estimated cost based upon the agreed upon rates for the services to be performed under this contract.The COUNTY will provide asbestos testing results and any conditions required by Florida Division of Historical Resources and/or the Monroe County Historic Preservation Commission with the Task Order.Within ten(10) days of receipt of a fully executed Task Order,the CONTRACTOR must complete a site inspection and provide a written response to the COUNTY including a quote for the cost of the job in accordance with the pricing and rates set forth in this agreement, and a schedule to begin and complete the job, The [ONTRA(]DR's written response shall be incorporated into m written Notice to Proceed issued by the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR ahm|| commence obtaining permits for the services provided for inthis Agreement promptly upon receipt of written Notice to Proceed from the COUNTY. Permitted field work must be commenced within 5 to 7 days of receiving issued permits.The Notice to Proceed will be issued in accordance with the Task Order. At no time shall the CONTRACTOR commence work without written authority from the COUNTY. Vendors should expect that services must be completed no later than 46 calendar days of commencement of permitted field work. The remainder of terms and conditions of Attachment A remain unchanged and continue in full force and effect. I This Task Order Seven shall be effective as of Jon o 24th 2034 and shall remain in effect until such services are no longer required or in accordance with section 9.5 of the contract, 4. All other Terms and Conditions of the Task Order shall remain in accordance with the Contract dated June 15,ZO22. Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services Task Order Seven for the Monroe County Voluntary Home Buyout Program Page 4of5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party caused the Task Order to be executed by its duly authorized representative. Charley oppi an,„ 7s, C. Witness: �w By By. Signat Signature Title: Title. MONROE COUNTY MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED AS TO FORM I)q"Ay q A b,Off, ry B .. Kelly Dugan f n K,Y, r y rt" !, "" " kJ(X C, t c4 grry k{IFypAn U fy Yt ap( US .....w. 01/24/2024 x, e a KELLY DUGAN County Administrator ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Title Date: 1/22/24 Demolition, Removal and Disposal Services Task Order Seven for the Monroe County Voluntary Nome Buyout Program Page 5 of 5