Resolution 207-1986 .~ Louis LaTorre, Executive Director Social Services Department RESOLUTION NO. 207 -1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIR- ~~N OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN CON- TRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY (CCE) LEAD AGENCY FOR MONROE COUNTY, AND FLORIDA HEALTH NURSING SERVICES, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) Lead Agency for Monroe County, and Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11th day of July, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~;;t;.VED AS TO FORM AUL SUFFICIENCY.' BY_~ Attorney's Office - .' CC~TRACT THIS CONTRACT entered into on this first day of July 1986, between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County as the governing body of the County exercising supervision and control over Monroe County In-Horne Services, the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) Lead Agency for Monroe County, hereinafter referred to as the Lead Agency, and Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Florida Health, for the provision of nursing services to qualified individuals within Monroe County in accordance with the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) program guidelines and Local Service Program (LSP) guidelines promulgated by the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The Parties agree: I. Florida Health will do the following: A. Make home visits to CCE clients for initial and follow-up review as assigned by the Lead Agency. Such visits shall be made by and the services provided hereunder shall be rendered by a Registered Nurse in accordance with HRS manual 140-4, Community Care for the Elderly Program. B. Complete a CCE Care Plan and/or a CCE Re-Evaluation Form as indicated by the Lead Agency for each client visit made. C. Deliver to the Lead Agency office those forms completed for client visits as designated by the Lead Agency, no later than the 15th and 30th day of each month. D. Complete accurate monthly mileage reimbursement request forms for submission to the Lead Agency, no later than the last work day of the month. E. Comply with all Federal and State Laws, rules and regulations including, but not limited to, the following: 1) All applicable standards, criteria, and guidelines of the Community Care for the Elderly Program, the Local Services Program, and any other applicable guidelines or criteria established by the .. ~ , . . Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, State of Florida or any other applicable Federal or State Agency. 2) All applicable statutes, rules, regula- tions, guidelines and Executive Orders pertaining to civil rights and equal employment opportunity. It is expressly understood that upon receipt of substantial evidence of any violation of these laws, rules, and regulations, the Lead Agency shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately. F. Provide insurance. Florida Health shall maintain Professional Liability Insurance or make adequate provision for coverage through an approved insurance program. Florida Health shall provide the Lead Agency with written proof of insurance coverage prior to the commencement of this agreement. G. Provide indemnification. Florida Health shall be liable and shall hold the Lead Agency harmless from any and all liability of any type, nature, or kind for any negligent acts or inactions taken or that should have been taken in the performance of the nursing services hereunder, including, but not limited to, all claims, suits, judgments, damages, court costs, and attorney fees. Florida Health agrees to fully indemnify the Lead Agency for any and all claims, suits, judgments, damages, court costs, and attorney fees. H. Safeguard information. Florida Health shall not use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of services under this contract for any purpose not in conformity with Federal and State laws or regulations except on written consent of the re- cipient or his responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law. I. Maintain records in accordance with standard and accepted audit procedures adequate for proper audit or program act- ivities and to make the same available to the Lead Agency or its duly authorized representatives. 2 I 2. The Lead Agency agrees to do the following: A. Pay Florida Health on a "fee for service" basis the sum of $15.00 for each initial or annual client visit and $10.00 for each 60 day follow-up visit, during which services are provided to said client, as assigned by the Lead Agency. No fee will be paid in the event that a client is not available when Florida Health visits the home. Payment will be made on a twice monthly basis on the 15th and the last day of each month and upon validation of the statement of service on a from prescribed by the Lead Agency. B. Provide the appropriate CCE forms to be completed by Florida Health. C. Provide a weekly assignment sheet listing the clients to be visited. D. Reimburse Florida Health for reasonable mileage traveled in making client visits on the basis of 20C per mile. Mile- age reimbursement will be included the the second monthly payment. No payment for mileage will be made in the event a client is not available when Florida Health visits the home. 3. Florida Health together with the Lead Agency jointly agree as follows: A. This contract shall commence on July 1, 1986, and shall terminate on June 30th, 1987. B. The total number of clients to be served under this agreement shall not exceed 336 CCE elderly and LSP disabled clients. The total number of visits to be made by Florida Health pursuant to this agreement shall not exceed 168 per month. The total amount of money payable hereunder shall not exceed $1,890.00 per month. C. The contract provisions herein may be terminated for the following causes: 1 . Suspension for Reasonable Cause. The Lead Agency for any reasonable cause, including but not limited to, failure to comply with the reporting requirements provided herein, temporarily suspend Florida Health pending corrective action or pending decision to ter- minate this contract. Said Florida Health will not be entitled to 3 payment of any fee for service until it fully complies with all re- quirements including the reporting requirements provided herein. The Lead Agency may, for reasonable cause, prohibi~ Florida Health from receiving further assignments and from incurring additional obligation of payments pending corrective action or pending a dec- ision to terminate this contract. In order to terminate or suspend this contract, the Lead Agency must notify Florida Health in writing of the action to be taken, the reasons for such action, and the conditions of the sus- pension or termination. Said notice shall be afforded 10 days prior to any action being taken pursuant to this provision. The notification will also indicate what corrective act- ions are necessary to remove the suspension and will stipulate a reasonable time period to correct those actions. 2. Termination/Reduction Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable or are reduced, the Lead Agency may reduce or terminate the contract upon no less than 24 hours notice in writing to Florida Health. The final determination as to the availability of funds is to be made exclusive- ly by the Lead Agency. 3. Termination for Breach. The Lead Agency and Florida Health agree that this contract may be terminated upon evidence of any violation of this agreement, including but not limited to, viol- ation of any Federal or State law, rule or regulation. Such Termin- ation shall be effective immediately upon written notice delivered to Florida Health. A waiver of breach under any provision of this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the contract. 4. Florida Health may give termination of this contract upon thirty days written notice to Monroe County project director of the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) and Community Care for Dis- abled Adults (CCDA) project. 4 D. In the event of the termination of this contract for any reason, Florida Health shall furnish to the to Lead Agency such reports, records, files and audit materials as may be requested based upon work completed under the provisions of the contract. E. Clients shall be accepted for provision of services only by the Lead Agency. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed by the undersigned. FLORIDA HEALTH NURSING SERVICES, INC. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: NAME: Typed Name DATE: DATE: Attest: BY: Director DATE: Attest: 5 ATTACHMENT: I WaR K PRO G RAM The Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. will provide the in-home services of Registered Nurses to Monroe County In-Home Services. Nurses will be provided on an assigned basis in the Lower Keys through the Key West office and the Key West Case Manager, and in the Middle Keys through the Marathon office and the Marathon Case Manager, and in the Upper Keys through the Plantation office and the Plantation Case Manager. The nurses will provide in-home assessment of personal care and homemaker services needs of clients on an initial visit upon the client's entry into the pro- gram. Thereafter, the nurse will provide 60 day update visits for assess- ment and supervision of service needs. The Registered Nurse will assess whether activities in the case plan are being carried out properly; attend or provide in-service training; review reports and records; have telephone and personal conferences; and assist in performance evaluations. The Regis- tered Nurse may also meet with the personal care aide to provide instructions and demonstrations of care needs,.may make referrals to other public and private agencies as he/she deems necessary, and may coordinate total care for a client receiving multiple services. 1) Client assignment sheets may be delivered or mailed to each clinic site by the area Case Manager on a bi-monthly basis. 2) The nurse returns the assignment sheet to the clinic nurse responsible who will in turn return them to the area Case Manager as assignments are completed. All assignments are to be completed within a two week period after receipt. 3) Client information sheets will be provided to the clinics by the Case Manager to be retained and updated by the field nurse. 4) On the initial visits, a care plan will be done. One copy is to be affix- ed to the client's refrigerator, one copy sent to the Case Manager, and one copy retained by the nurse. 5) 60 day process notes will be completed in duplicate-one copy to be re- tained by the nurse and one copy for the Case Manager. 6) All paper work, as completed, may be returned to the Case Manager on a bi-monthly basis. 7) All mileage is also to be submitted on a bi-monthly basis. Mileage and -70- WORK PROGRAM (continued) visit sheets must be verified by the lead nurse in each clinic before being sent to the Case Manager for approval. After the Case Manager's approval, the Project Director and Executive Director must approve the statement before it is forwarded to the Fiscal Department for payment. The following forms will be used to facilitate the organization of this system: FORM 1: Tickler file form to be maintained by Case Managers for use in tracking R.N. client visits. FORM 2: R.N. assessment-sheet to be completed at the time of the R.N. 's initial visit for use as a tool in planning and providing direct services - to be updated annually. FORM 3: R.~ follow-up form to be completed by R.N. during all subsequent visits for use as a supervision and evaluation tool. FORM 4: Medicaid Waiver letter to be completed by R.N. 's upon request from Case Managers as mandated by HRS. FORM 5: Monroe County audit slip used as the face sheet for forms 6 - 8 when requesting R.N. payment for services. FORM 6: Memo from Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. to In-Home Services requesting payment. FORM 7: Client assessment sheet on which Case Managers list clients and deliver to R.N. Supervisors. Upon completion of client visits the form is first submitted to Case Managers for approval and then attached in the payment statement. FORM: 8: Voucher reimbursement of traveling expenses to be completed by each visiting nurse and submitted in the payment statement. -71- ( ( ( ( c- " . FOR.'I 1 CLn:~rr 's NA.'1E: ADDRESS: Services: HM PC RS Chore NOTES: It.-,~. . Initiation Date: Initiation Date: -72- PHONE: Termination Date: Termination Date: .!iURSING VISITS: Initial: By: - Next Actual Revie.... Date Revie.... Date Bv: . .a .................._. ...... .. -----.-........-.~. '. { 8 ti ::;: en U'l ~ U'l U "'" H U'l :> U'l c:: ~ w U'l E ~ w .... 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DE?ART~~~T OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES Hm1E AND CmL'IUNITY-Bi\SED SERVICE t-lAIVER PROJECT DATE: SUBJECT: Services Required by (Present Location) (Telephone) TO: Case Hanager Address Telephone I have reviewed the HRS-AA Form 3003 for the above referenced client and I understand that the Case Manager recommends that the client will remain in the co~~unity and receive the following services: Direct Ser'.rices CCE Title XX POS r [ Chore q Escort LJ Homemaker CJ Homemaker [ [ Personal Care r 1 Respite Care 0 Case Management I ] Case Manager::ent Counceling Health Support Placement Services for Adults Transportation Homemaker Homemanagement Escort Since the client meets at least the following level of care criteria for Intermediate II, described on the back of this fo~, and except for the provision of the above checked services in the ccr.munity setting, would he at risk of nursing home placement, o I CONCUR :HTH TP.E RECO:'!!1END;"TIC~ ,~ I DO rlOT CO::CUR :HT!l TilE r-r:CO:'::.I8-lD,',TIml Please return this form to Date ....... ..,,"~.~--:'-~ . . - Case Manager -75- · Address ..~-.~~:...... _...._--.~_/ ~ " ( Vendor: MONROE: COUNTY BOARD OF COUNfY COM~rSSrorIERS I\UfJlf SLIP Monroe County In-Home Services De p t1 r r.,ii,,-'1-' -~Llrn';- - - .-- - ---- Account Number AmnlJnt Purch~s~ Order No. ( $ $ - -.- ---- --- ----------- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ --------- - -------.--- Date: Approved: Dept. Head or Authorized Rep. FINANCE USE ONLY Vendor No. PO No. Voucher No. Date In Date Due Receiver Vendor Invoice No. --- Memo Amount $ Disc Dollors $ Check No. Ace 0 U rH N U M B E R ~- $ $ $ +/- --- AMOU~I r A C C 0 U ~lT ~ 0 . MlO/JrI T +/- +/- $ ----- -- ------ $ . ---- - $ $ . ----- --- $ $ ~-....._ ...l ~.:;'.~t'..~ .0_. --- $___-_ -76- . - '.- ~ . - . -. .' . . ,. . ,_. ._.............................:..:..~:-..fio....~.~#._~.C-__ ...._1...1 - ~I _. . MEMORANDUM TO: GWEN RODRIGUEZ, PROJECT DIRECTOR MONROE COUNTY IN-HOME SERVICES PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING WING III - STOCK ISLAND KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 FROM: MARY JANE QUINN, DIRECTOR OF NURSING FLORIDA HEALTH NURSING SERVICES, INC. 1111 12th STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 RE: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT - CONTRACTURAL NURSING SERVICES DATE: The attached listing of services rendered and mileage accrued represents a true and accurate accounting of the assessment services provided to Monroe County In-Home Services by Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. nursing staff during the period to Please forward payment to: Jobyna Okell, Executive Director Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. 1510 Venera Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Submitted by: Mary Jane Quinn, Director of Nursing Attachments Approved by: Gwen Rodriguez, Project Director Monroe County In-Home Services Account Number Louis LaTorre, Executive Director Monroe County Social Services -77- MEMORANDUM TO: GWEN RODRIGUEZ, PROJECT DIRECTOR MONROE COUNTY IN-HOME SERVICES PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING WING III - STOCK ISLAND KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 FROM: NORMA JEAN MURPHY, DIRECTOR OF NURSING FLORIDA HEALTH NURSING SERVICES, INC. ISLAMORADA SUB UNIT ISLAMORADA, FLORIDA 33036 RE: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT - CONTRACTURAL NURSING SERVICES DATE: The attached listing of services rendered and mileage accrued represents a true and accurate accounting of the assessment services provided to Monroe County In-Home Services by Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. nursing staff during the period to Please forward payment to: Jobyna Okell, Executive Director Florida Health Nursing Services, Inc. 1510 Venera Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Submitted by: Norma Jean Murphy, Director of Nursing Attachments Approved by: Gwen Rodriguez, Project Director Account Number Louis LaTorre, Executive Director Monroe County Social Services -78-- ( Q >- ~ :: == 0 I- ::l ~ .., U < '- CJ &.:.J ~ '" c:: ...JC- ~ <0 c:: -c: < u c.. c.. 0 c.. w '" < 0 ( ( '" .u '" - c:: - w 0 ~O <: ::l wu w 0 ~ > <::: ~ < w ~ Q. U m \1 8 I I . :l. >- ... - ~ 4 . : ; -= c:. - . :~ C' " E <: :>..", - => ~ :~ ;: E .~ ~ 3 >-u ..'" I I e~~ ~ ..:: ~a , I i >- '" (; c:. 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'. ., ( ATTACIDIENT II - Responsiblities of R.N.' s and Case Hanagers Assessme~t of the need for personal care services must be made by the Case Manager who writes a case plan detailing the frequency and duration of service formulated with the Registered Nurse, prior to the delivery of service. The plan will be revised by the Case Manager with input from the Registered Nurse, as needed. If a physician orders personal care, a written statement of the orders should be provided to the lead agency for the client's file. ( ( , { C - . _- .... f:> '_: . ..--............ ..'If.,.___.-...~ _ ~.:.~...;...iI&_.._...~ -80- ..., .." "'--":' ......-.. ~_._. , . - "':.,, ..'" ":-,,';"" ft.=;..,- - . .,:-, , .::-.....,;.~ .L"'~~~ - ..~""""~~''''~''#o'''oolt'''~ '. . .. '. .........P~,.~,...-'~